Tag Archives: distress

Passionate Enthusiasm

The real secret of Success is Ethusiasm   – Walter chryster


After years of working in Rome on life size sculpture, Michelangelo went to Floremce, where a large block of splendid white Carrara marble had been obtained for a colossal statue. Within weeks, he had signed an agreement to complete a rendition of David for the cathedral. Contract in hand, he started in at once, working with a furious energy so great that he often slept in his clothes resenting the time with it look to take them off and put them on again.

He faultlessly examined and precisely measured the marble to see what pose it could accommodate. He made sketches of possible attitudes and careful, detailed drawings from models. He tested his ideas in wax on a small scale When he was finally satisfied with his design, only then did he pick up a chisel and mallet.

Michelangelo approached painting the ceiling of Sistine Chapel with the same intensity. He took only a month to develop the theme, then launched with a fury into the final design – building scaffolding and hiring helpers. Lying at uncomfortable angles on hard boards, breathing the suffocating air just under the vault – plaster dust inflaming his eyes and irritating his skin – he spent much of the next four years literally sweating in physical distress as he worked.

May you do your work with the same Passionate Enthusiasm!