Practice Test

Chapter NameAvailable Questions
Accounting for Special Transactions - Consignment (Old Syllabus) 30/165
Accounts from Incomplete Records (New Syllabus) 30/70
Partnership Accounts - Dissolution of patnership firm (New Syllabus) 30/45
Company Accounts - Issue of Debentures (Old & New) 30/235
Company Accounts - Issue, Forfeiture and Re-Issue of Shares (Old & New) 30/290
Company Accounts - Introduction to Company Accounts (Old & New) 30/228
Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations (Old & New) 30/98
Partnership Accounts - Death of a Partner (Old & New) 30/62
Partnership Accounts - Retirement of a Partner (Old & New) 30/116
Partnership Accounts - Admission of a New Partner (Old & New) 30/174
Partnership Accounts - Treatment of Goodwill in Partnership Accounts (Old & New) 30/88
Partnership Accounts - Partnership Final Accounts (Old & New) 30/137
Partnership Accounts - Introduction to Partnership Accounts & LPP (Old & New) 30/216
Preparation of Final Accounts of Sole Proprietors - Final Accounts of Manufacturing Entities (Old & New) 30/50
Preparation of Final Accounts of Sole Proprietors - Final Accounts of Non-Manufacturing Entities (Old & New) 30/118
Accounting for Special Transactions - Joint Ventures (Old Syllabus) 30/152
Theoretical Framework - Meaning and Scope of Accounting (Old & New) 30/366
Accounting for Special Transactions - Sale of Goods on Approval or Return Basis (Old Syllabus) 30/60
Accounting for Special Transactions - Bill Of Exchange and Promissory Notes (Old & New) 30/237
Concept and Accounting of Depreciation (Old & New) 30/353
Inventories (Old & New) 30/139
Bank Reconciliation Statement (Old & New) 30/316
Accounting Process - Rectification of Errors (Old & New) 30/251
Accounting Process - Cash Book (Old & New) 30/71
Accounting Process - Subsidiary Books (Old & New) 30/145
Accounting Process - Trial Balance (Old & New) 30/43
Accounting Process - Ledgers (Old & New) 30/180
Accounting Process - Basic Accounting Procedures - Journal Entries (Old & New) 30/75
Theoretical Framework -Accounting Standards and Policies & Indian Accounting Standards (Old & New) 30/93
Theoretical Framework-Accounting as a Measurement Discipline Valuation Principles, Accounting Estima (Old & New) 30/49
Theoretical Framework -Capital & Revenue Expenditures & Receipts and Contingent Assets and Liabilities (Old & New) 30/173
Theoretical Framework - Accounting Concepts, Principles And Conventions (Old & New) 30/118