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Q1) Statements (A) All cats are dogs.
(B) All dogs are brown.
Conclusion I. All cats are brown.
ii. All brown are dogs. Show Answer

Q2) Statement (A) All computers are pentiums.
(B)Some pentiums are machines.
Conclusion I. Some computers are machine.
II. Some machines are computers.
Show Answer

Q3) Statement (A) Some apple are fruit.
(B) Some fruit are sour.
Conclusion (I) Some apple are sour.
(II)Some sour are fruit. Show Answer

Q4) Statement (A) Some rods are sticks.
(B) Some scale are rods.
Conclusion (I) Some sticks are rods.
(II) Some scale are sticks. Show Answer

Q5) Statement: (A) Architects marry only fair girl.
(B) Bimla is very fair.
Conclusion: (I) Bimla was married to an Architect.
(II)Bimla was not married to Architect. Show Answer

Q6) Statement: (A) Sehwag is a good batsman.
(B) Batsman are physically powerful.
Conclusion: (I) All physically powerful are batsman.
(II) Sehwag is physically powerful. Show Answer

Q7) Statement: (A) Some cats are white.
(B) Milk is white.
Conclusion: (I) Some cat is milk.
(II) Some white is milk. Show Answer

Q8) Statement: (A) All pens are long.
(B) All pencil are long.
Conclusion: (I) All pens are pencils.
(II) Some pens are pencils. Show Answer

Q9) Statement: (A) All resort have scenery.
(B) Mahabaleshwar is a resort.
Conclusion: (I) Mahabaleshwar has scenery.
(II) Places other than resort don't have scenery. Show Answer

Q10) Statement: (A) All teenagers go to cinema.
(B) Raveesh doesn't go to cinema
Conclusion: (I) Raveesh is not a teenager.
(II) Going to cinema is not essential to be a teenager. Show Answer

Q11) Statement: (A) Some apples are fruits.
(B) All vegetables are fruits.
(C) All fruits are vegetables.
Conclusion: (I) Some apples are vegetable.
(II) All vegetables are fruits.
(III) All fruits are apples.
(IV) All vegetables are apples Show Answer

Q12) Statement: (A) Some cars are four wheeler.
(B) All four wheeler are vehicles.
(C) Some vehicles are SUVs.
Conclusion: (I) Some SUVs are four wheeler.
(II) Some vehicles are four wheeler.
(III) Some vehicles are cars.
(IV) Some SUVs are cars. Show Answer

Q13) Statement: (A) All principals are men.
(B) Some women are principals.
(C) All humans are women.
Conclusion: (I) All humans are men.
(II) Some humans are principals.
(III) Some men are principals.
(IV) All women are men. Show Answer

Q14) Statement: (A) Most architects are writers.
(B) No writer is driver.
(C) All driver are architects.
Conclusion: (I) Some writer are architects.
(II) All architects are driver.
(III) No driver is a writer.
(IV) Some driver is writers. Show Answer

Q15) Statement: (A) All registers are book.
(B) All books are written material.
(C) All written materials are novels.
Conclusion: (I) All books are novels.
(II) All written material register.
(III) All registers are novels.
(IV) All novels are books. Show Answer

Q16) Statement: (A) Some cats are animals.
(B) Some animals are mammals.
(C) Some mammals are earthlings.
Conclusion: (I) Some earthlings are cats.
(II) Some mammals are cats.
(III) Some earthlings are animals.
(IV) Some cats are earthlings. Show Answer

Q17) Statement: (A) No apple is mango.
(B) All mangoes are fruits.
(C) All fruit are vegetarians.
Conclusion: (I) No fruit is apple.
(II) No vegetarian is apple.
(III) Some vegetarians are mango.
(IV) Some vegetarians are apples. Show Answer

Q18) Statement: (A) All pen are pencils.
(B) Some pencils are markers.
(C) All markers are ball points.
Conclusion: (I) Some markers are pens.
(II) Some ball point are pencils.
(III) Some ball point are pens.
(IV) Some pencils are pen. Show Answer

Q19) Statement: (A) Some dogs are cats.
(B) Some cats are hounds.
(C) Some hounds are animals.
Conclusion: (I) Some animals are dogs.
(II) Some hounds are dogs.
(III) Some animals are cats.
(IV) No animals are cats. Show Answer

Q20) Statement: (A) All leaves are fruits.
(B) No fruit are vegetable.
(C) All vegetables are panthers.
Conclusion: (I) Some fruit are leaves.
(II) All fruit are leaves.
(III) Some panthers are vegetables.
(IV) All panthers are vegetables Show Answer

Q21) Statement: (A) Some panthers are cats.
(B) All cats are mammals.
(C) Some mammals are not panthers.
Conclusion: (I) Some mammals are panthers.
(II) All panthers are mammals.
(III) All cats are mammals.
(IV) All mammals are panthers. Show Answer

Q22) Statement: (A) Some young are boys.
(B) All boys are actors.
(C) Some actors are cars
Conclusion: (I) Some actors are young.
(II) Some cars are young.
(III) Some cars are boys.
(IV) Some boys are young. Show Answer

Q23) Statement: (A)All actors are male.
(B) Some artist are males.
(C) All singers are artists.
Conclusion: (I) Some artist are actors.
(II) Some singers are males.
(III) Some males are actors.
(IV) No singers are male. Show Answer

Q24) Statement: (A) All cats are drakes.
(B) No drake is mare.
(C) All mares are animals.
Conclusion: (I) No cat is mare.
(II) Some animals are mares.
(III) Some drakes is cats.
(IV) Some cats is mares. Show Answer

Q25) Statement: (A) Some cars are vehicles.
(B) Some vehicles are machine.
(C) Some machines are mechanics.
Conclusion: (I) Some mechanics are machine.
(II) Some vehicles are cars.
(III) Some machines are cars.
(IV) Some mechanics are vehicles. Show Answer

Q26) Statement: (A) All desks are boards.
(B) All boards are flat.
(C) All flats are white.
Conclusion: (I) All whites are desks.
(II) All boards are white.
(III) Some white are flat.
(IV) Some flats are desks. Show Answer

Q27) Statement: (A) Some opels are televisions.
(B) Some television are bulbs.
(C) All tubes are bulbs.
Conclusion: (I) Some opels are tubes.
(II) Some opels are bulbs.
(III) No tube is opel.
(IV) All bulbs are tubes.
Show Answer

Q28) Statement: (A) Some trains are cars.
(B) All cars are rivers.
(C) Some road are rivers.
Conclusion: (I) Some rivers are trains.
(II) Some roads are trains.
(III) Some roads are cars.
(IV) Some rivers are roads. Show Answer

Q29) Statement: (A) All cats are lions.
(B) Some lions are mice.
(C) All mice are giraffes.
Conclusion: (I) Some mice are cats.
(II) Some giraffes are lions.
(III) Some giraffes are cats.
(IV)Some giraffes are mice. Show Answer

Q30) Statement: (A) All pencils are pens.
(B) No pens are markers.
(C) All markers are drawings.
Conclusion: (I) No pencil is a marker.
(II) No pencil is drawing.
(III) Some drawings are pens.
(IV) Some markers are pencils. Show Answer

Q31) Statement: (A) Some apple are flowers.
(B) No flower is papayas.
(C) All papayas are baskets.
Conclusion: (I) Some apple are baskets.
(II) Some basket are papayas.
(III) Some baskets are apples.
(IV) Some flowers are apples. Show Answer

Q32) Statement: (A) Some cars are horses.
(B) All horses are guns.
(C) All guns are cows.
Conclusion: (I) Some cows are cars.
(II) Some cows are horses.
(III)Some cows are guns.
(IV) Some cars are guns Show Answer

Q33) Statement: (A) Some desks are apartments.
(B) All apartment are cars.
(C)Some cars trucks.
Conclusion: (I) Some desks are trucks.
(II) Some desks are cars.
(III) Some cars are apartment.
(IV) No truck is a desk. Show Answer

Q34) Statement: (A) All cats are cows.
(B) All horses are cows.
(C) Some cows are bulls.
Conclusion: (I) Some cats are horses.
(II) Some horses are bulls.
(III) Some bulls are cats.
(IV) All bulls are cows. Show Answer

Q35) Statement: (A) Some cats are elephants.
(B) No elephant is river.
(C) All rivers are roads.
Conclusion: (I) No cat is river.
(II) Some roads are rivers.
(III) Some elephants are cats.
(IV) Some cats are rivers. Show Answer

Q36) Statement: (A) All mirrors are phones.
(B) Some phone are gadgets.
(C) All gadgets are mirrors.
Conclusion: (I) Some gadget are phones.
(II) Some gadget are mirrors.
(III) Some gadget are not mirrors.
(V)Some mirrors are phones. Show Answer

Q37) Statement: (A) No proud is animals.
(B) Some ships are animals.
(C) All cats are ships.
Conclusion: (I) No cat is proud.
(II) Some cats are animals.
(III) No animal is cat.
(IV) Some proud are ships.
Show Answer

Q38) Statement: (A) All grapes are apples.
(B) All papayas are apples.
(C) Some apple are mangoes.
Conclusion: (I) No grape is mango.
(II) Some papayas are not mangoes.
(III) Some grapes are papayas.
(IV) All mangoes are grapes. Show Answer

Q39) Statement: (A) Some bats are rackets.
(B) Some rackets are bats.
(C) Some bats are balls.
Conclusion: (I) Some balls are bats.
(II) Some balls are not bats.
(III) No racket is ball.
(IV) No bat is ball.
Show Answer

Q40) Statement: (A) All stereos are cds.
(B) Some stereos are cassettes.
(C) Some cds is pens.
Conclusion: (I) Some pens are stereos
(II) Some cds is cassettes.
(III) Some pens are cassettes.
(IV) All stereos are pens. Show Answer

Q41) Statement: (A) Some sacks are backs.
(B) All backs are bones.
(C) No bones is muscle.
Conclusion: (I) Some sacks are not muscles.
(II) Some sacks are not bones.
(III) All sacks are bones.
(IV) No sacks is muscle. Show Answer

Q42) Statement: (A) All rackets are jackets.
(B) No cow is cat.
(C) Only cats are dogs.
Conclusion: (I) Some rackets are not cats.
(II) Some cats are jackets.
(III) Some rackets are cats.
(IV) No dog is a cow. Show Answer

Q43) Statement: (A) All stairs are lifts.
(B) No lifts is an escalator.
(C) Some escalators are helicopters.
Conclusion: (I) No stairs is an escalator.
(II) Some helicopters are not escalators.
(III) Some stairs are planes.
(IV) Some helicopters are escalators.
Show Answer

Q44) Statement: (A) All boxes are cartons.
(B) All cartons are packages.
(C) Some packages are letters.
(D) No box is a parcel.
Conclusion: (I) All boxes are packages.
(II) Some boxes are not cartons.
(III) All packages are letters.
(IV) Some packages are not letters. Show Answer

Q45) Statement: (A) Most bull are cows.
(B) No bull is horse.
(C) All horses are cows.
Conclusion: (I) Some cows are not horses.
(II) All cows are not horses.
(III) Some bulls are cows.
(IV) Some bulls are not horses. Show Answer

Q46) Statement: (A) Many perfumes are diamonds.
(B) All aspirins are powder.
(C) No perfumes is powder.
Conclusion: (I) Some diamonds are not powders.
(II) Some diamonds are powders.
(III) No aspirins are perfumes.
(IV) Some diamonds are not aspirins. Show Answer

Q47) Statement: (A) All bulls are bells.
(B) Some bulls are cows.
(C) Some bells are chairs.
Conclusion: (I) Some cows are chairs.
(II) Some bells are bulls.
(III) All bells are cow.
(IV) All bells are bulls. Show Answer

Q48) Statement: (A) Some cakes are bikes.
(B) Some bikes are hills.
(C) All laptops are bikes.
Conclusion: (I) All laptops are hills.
(II) Some laptops are cakes.
(III) Some cakes are hills.
(IV) Some laptops are not cakes. Show Answer

Q49) Statement: (A) Some pots are pans.
(B) Some pans are cookers.
(C) Some cookers are rafts.
Conclusion: (I) Some rafts are pans.
(II) Some cookers are pots.
(III) Some rafts are pans.
(IV) Some pots are cookers. Show Answer

Q50) Statement: (A) Most chairs are tables.
(B) No chairs are trolleys.
(C) All trolleys are tables.
Conclusion: (I) Some tables are not trolleys.
(II) All tables are not trolleys.
(III) Some chairs are tables.
(IV) Some chairs are not trolleys. Show Answer

Q51) (A) All Martians eat sausages.
(B) All those who eat sausages are not Martians.
(C) All those who eat sausages are Martians.
(D) All Martians are carnivorous.
(E) All those who eat sausages are carnivorous.
(F) Martians are herbivorous. Show Answer

Q52) (A) All lotuses have flowers.
(B) All lotuses have nectar.
(C) All plants with nectar have flowers.
(D) All shrubs have lotuses.
(E) All shrubs have nectar.
(F) Some lotuses have flowers. Show Answer

Q53) (A) No summer is a season.
(B) Some season are summers.
(C) Some season are winters.
(D) No season are winters.
(E) Some summer are not winters.
(F) All summers are winters. Show Answer

Q54) (A) All falcons fly high.
(B) All falcons are blind.
(C) All falcons are bird
(D) All birds are yellow.
(E) All birds are thirsty.
(F) All falcons are yellow. Show Answer

Q55) (A) No nails are wires.
(B) Some hooks are wires.
(C) All hooks are nails.
(D) Some wires are not nails.
(E) No wire is a hook.
(F) All nails are hooks.
Show Answer

Q56) (A) Some dabba are cobra.
(B) All dabba are chabi.
(C) All cobra are dabba.
(D) All cobra are not dabba.
(E) Some chabi are dabba.
(F)Some chabi are cobra. Show Answer

Q57) (A) No train is a claim.
(B) All heads are claims.
(C) No head are not trains.
(E) Some trains are heads.
(F) some claims are not trains. Show Answer

Q58) (A) All balls are Barbie.
(B) All bats are Barbie,.
(C) All bats are balls.
(D) Some bats are Barbie.
(E) Some Barbie are balls.
(F) No ball is Barbie. Show Answer

Q59) (A) Some apartments are not multistories.
(B) Some multistories are not apartment.
(C) No house is a skyscraper.
(D) All multistories are houses.
(E) Some multistories are apartments.
(F) Some houses are not apartments. Show Answer

Q60) (A) All bows are arrows.
(B) No arrow is casket.
(C) No bow is a casket.
(D) Some casket are arrows.
(E) Some casket are arrows.
(F) No casket is a bow. Show Answer

Q61) (A) Some soaps are not shampoos.
(B) Some shampoos are not soaps.
(C) No oil is shampoo.
(D) All shampoos are oils.
(E) Some shampoos are soaps.
(F)Some who are oil are not soaps. Show Answer

Q62) (A) Some humans are late.
(B) All humans are bad.
(C) All late things are humans.
(D) All late things are bad.
(E) Some bad things are humans.
(F) Some bad things are late. Show Answer

Q63) (A) All Shomes are bright.
(B) No bright are Bands.
(C) Some Shomes are Bands.
(D) Some Bands are bright.
(E) No Tom is a Band.
(F) No Band is a Shome. Show Answer

Q64) (A) All sorcerors are hasty.
(B) Some daredevils are hasty.
(C) All sorcerors are daredevils.
(D) All daredevils are hasty.
(E) Some hasty are daredevils.
(F) No sorceror is pasty. Show Answer

Q65) (A) No mango is lingo.
(B) All tangos are lingos.
(C) No tango is mango.
(D) Some tangos are not mangoes.
(E) Some mangoes are tangos.
(F) Some lingos are not mangoes. Show Answer

Q66) (A) Some irons are made of steel.
(B) All steel is made of copper.
(C) All copper is used for making irons.
(D) Some steel is copper.
(E) Some irons are used for steel.
(F) Some copper is used for steel. Show Answer

Q67) (A) No tiger is carnivorous.
(B) All animals are carnivorous.
(C) Cats are carnivorous.
(D) No cat is a tiger.
(E) No tiger is animal.
(F) All cats are animals. Show Answer

Q68) (A) No brother is a pro.
(B) Some pro's like to work.
(C) No Indian is rude.
(D)Some rude are pros.
(E) Some pro are Indians.
(F) All Indians like to work. Show Answer

Q69) (A) Apples are fruits.
(B) All apples are pears.
(C) Some fruit are pears.
(D) Some apples are pears.
(E) All fruits are sweet.
(F) Some pears are sweet. Show Answer

Q70) (A) Santros are RIMs.
(B) Santros are cars.
(C) RIms are cars.
(D) Fords are cars.
(E) RIMs are Fords.
(F) Fords are stable. Show Answer

Q71) I. Some Xs are Ps. Some Ps are Ys. Some Xs are Ys.
II. All Chandis are beautiful. Some beautiful are crazy. Some Chandis are crazy.
III. No belief is strong. Only strong have muscles. No belief has muscles.
IV. All orangutans are men. Some men are strong. Some orangutans are strong. Show Answer

Q72) I. Some bikes are mopeds. All mopeds are scooters. Some bikes are scooters.
II. All children are hairs. No hairs are red. No children are red.
III. No pencil is pen. Some pens are markers. Some pencils are markers.
IV. Every man a wife. All wives are devoted. No devoted has a husband. Show Answer

Q73) I No moon is not red. All stars are moon. All stars are red.
II. All doors are open. No open is outdoors. All doors are not outdoors.
III. No Japanese can fire. All Chinese are books. Japanese and Chinese can fight.
IV. No A is B. No B is C. No A is C. Show Answer

Q74) I. All envelopes are rectangle. All rectangles are rectangular. All envelops are rectangular.
II. Some thin are smart. Some smart things are tiny. Some thin are tiny.
III. Learneds are well read. Well read know. Learneds know.
IV. Dieting is good for health, Health foods are rare. Dieting is rare.
Show Answer

Q75) I. Shahrukh is an actor. Some actors are pretty. Shahrukh is pretty.
II. Some executives are soldiers. All soldiers are patriotic. Some executives are patriotic.
III. All cricketers are patriotic. Some executives are soldiers. Some executives are patriotic.
IV. All actors are pretty. Shahrukh is not an actor. Shahrukh is not pretty. Show Answer

Q76) (A) All tigers lay eggs.
(B) All cats lay eggs.
(C) Some cats can fly.
(D) All tiger cannot fly.
(E) All tigers are cats.
(F) All tigers cannot swim. Show Answer

Q77) (A) Some curtains are cloth.
(B) All cloth is wood.
(C) All that is wood is cloth.
(D) All cloth are curtains.
(E) All curtains are wood.
(F) Some curtains are wood. Show Answer

Q78) (A) All balls are talls.
(B) Some talls are dolls.
(C) Some dolls are balls.
(D) Some talls are not balls.
(E) All talls are dolls.
(F) No talls are dolls. Show Answer

Q79) (A) Some stone is bone.
(B) All slipper is bone.
(C) All bone is stone.
(D) No one is slipper.
(E) No bone is stone.
(F) Some bone is slipper. Show Answer

Q80) (A) No rice is a pest.
(B) All pest is lice.
(C) Some rice is lice.
(D) All rice is pest.
(E) All rice is lice.
(F) No rice is lice. Show Answer

Q81) Statement: a. Some cakes are bikes.
b. Some bikes are hills.
c. All laptops are bikes.
Conclusion: I. All laptops are hills.
II. Some laptops are cakes.
III. Some cakes are hills.
IV. Some laptops are not cakes. Show Answer

Q82) (A) No hyenas laugh. Some who laugh are lions. Some lions are not hyenas.
(B) All ghost are red. Some ghost do not dance. Some dancers are not red.
(C) Australians indulge in swearing. Those who swear are fined. Some who are fined are not Australians.
(D) Some European are Spanish. All Europeans are British. Some British are Spanish. Show Answer

Q83) (A) All Pakistanis are brave. All baskets are Pakistanis: All brave are baskets.
(B) No golfers are Asian. All golfer are athletic. Some Asian are pros.
(C) All burgers are chips. Some refreshments are burgers. Some refreshment are chips.
(D) Some bowlers are fast. All bowlers are spinners. Some spinners are fast.
Show Answer

Q84) Statement: Ahmedabad has a lower a population and hence is a safer place to live.
Conclusion: I. A city which has less population is a better place to live.
II. Ahmedabad has lower number of crimes than Bombay. Show Answer

Q85) Statement: All students of my class have a bright chance in their examination.
Conclusion: I. I teach them the whole syllabus thoroughly.
II. All the students are intelligent. Show Answer

Q86) Statement: Anyone who manages an engineering organisation like Tata Motors can only be successful if he has the knowledge of the professional work that is carried on in the organisation.
I. If you want to run any company, it is essential that you should know the professional work associated with it.
II. In order to manage an engineering organisation like Tata Motors, it is essential to have an engineering education background. Show Answer

Q87) Statement:
According to Baba Ramdev " Values, integrity and peace of mind are essential for a beautiful life."
I. Baba Ramdev believes that each of values, integrity and peace of mind are essential for a beautiful life.
II. Baba Ramdev believes that materialistic person can not a beautiful life. Show Answer

Q88) Statement: Indian won the second test match against Pakistan by one innings and two hundred and three runs. The greatest contribution was from the bowlers.
I. Most of the Indian players are bowlers.
II. It was India's biggest win against Pakistan. Show Answer

Q89) Statement:
A degree in a law is one of the most wanted degrees by youth in India.
I. A degree in law guarantees a good profession.
II. A degree in a law is the first choice for youth in India. Show Answer

Q90) Statement:
Protinex is beneficial for muscular body.
I. All athletes take protinex.
II. We should take protinex for muscular body.
Show Answer

Q91) Statement:
Most student of the LU BMS program are bright.
I. Many companies visit the LU BMS program for campus placement.
II. Some of the student of LU BMS are not bright. Show Answer

Q92) Statement:
India is the largest exporter of Lichi.
I. India only export Lichi.
II. China an Japan are most important customer of Lichi from India. Show Answer

Q93) Statement:
SRK is a famous film star. SRK earns handsome amounts every year through advertisement of products he endorses.
I. All famous film star earns handsome amount through advertisement.
II. SRK, being famous, endorses only famous brands. Show Answer

Q94) Statement:
Reputed management institutes focus on both quality and advertisement.
I. There are only two important factors for a reputed management institute: quality and advertising.
II. Small management institutes focus on only one of quality and advertisement. Show Answer

Q95) Statement:
The Australian Cricket team scored 300 runs out of which Andrew Symonds scored 151 runs.
I. Andrew Symonds was the highest run scorer of the match.
II. Symonds scored 66 runs in singles only. Show Answer

Q96) Statement:
Due to the onset of monsoon there is a sharp hike in the price of alphonso mangoes.
I. Alphonso mangoes are in demand at any price.
II. The onset of monsoon affects the market for alphonso mangoes. Show Answer

Q97) Statement:
What is an RDX explosive? From the outside it looks like a simple harmless object, but its real contents are so deadly that they are sufficient to blast off an entire compartment of a train or even a plane.
I. The RDX explosive can cause massive destruction by killing a number of person with a single explosive.
II. The RDX explosive is only used to blast planes/train as it is difficult to recognize in such setting. Show Answer

Q98) Statement:
Don't park here. If you violate this no parking sign, a penalty of Rs 5000 will be charged.
I. The same penalty is charged for every wrong parking offence.
II. This warning is written outside all non- parking zones. Show Answer

Q99) Statement:
Whenever there is a match between India and Pakistan, Mr. Sahai takes leave from his office. Mr. Sahai is in office today.
I. Today there is no match between India and Pakistan.
II. Mr. Sharma always goes to his office expect on India- Pakistan match days. Show Answer

Q100) Statement:
All the male members of my family are either software engineers or MBAs.
I. Mrs. Meena is a member of my family. She is either a software engineer or an MBA.
II. Mr.Prakash is a member of my family. He is either a software engineer or an MBA.
Show Answer

Q101) Statement:
All politicians are honest. Radha Devi is an honest lady.
I. She is a politician.
II. She is not interested in politics. Show Answer

Q102) Statement:
If the temperature remains constant the wind speeds will be below 100 Kmph. Wind speeds were above 100 Kmph.
I. Temperature was not constant.
II. Temperature was fluctuating. Show Answer

Q103) Statement:
Without abundant rains, there will be a decline in the water level beneath the earth. This year, the rains were deficient.
I. The water level must have declined.
II. Millions of people ere in trouble because of shortage of water? Show Answer

Q104) Statement:
Any student is caught red- handed using unfair means discredits his parents and teachers.
I. Such student try to show that their teachers don't teach properly in class.
II. Stringent actions must be taken against such students. Show Answer

Q105) Statement:
Laughter is the best medicine.
a. All medicine have Benzene enzymes.
b. Laughter is good for health.
c. All medicine that make you laugh are good.
d. Stand up comedy shows on television are a good source of laughter. Show Answer

Q106) Statement:
1. Private companies employees work for five working days with 9 workings hour everyday.
2. IOC's employees work for 6 working days a week and 8 working hours a day.
a. IOC's employees are better than private companies employees.
b. IOC's employees work more than Private companies employees.
c. Private companies employees work more than IOC's employees.
d. IOC's employees are more efficient than that of private companies. Show Answer

Q107) Statement:
1.All athletes in the Asian Athletics teams are talented.
2. All Indian athletes are now in the Asian athletics team.
a. Some Indian athletes are talented.
b. All Indian athletes are talented.
c. India does not have any athletics team.
d. India has more cricketers than athletics Show Answer

Q108) Statement:
1. Next year salary of all people working in the Bata Hindicom will increase by Rs 1 lac per year.
2. The current income difference between two employees of Bata Hindicom, Arun and Subhash is Rs 2 lacs.
a. Arun's salary would be higher after the increment in salary.
b. Subhash's salary will be higher than Arun's from the next year.
c. The difference between Arun and Subhash's salary will remain constant.
d. None conclusion follows. Show Answer

Q109) Bombay is more expensive than Delhi. Delhi is more expensive than Calcutta. Bombay is more expensive than Calcutta. Show Answer

Q110) Basket ball player are generally tall. Jeevan is the basket ball player. So Jeevan is tall. Show Answer

Q111) Statement:
1. Some actor are dancer.
2. All those who are dancer, are paid well.
Some actor are paid well.
Show Answer

Q112) Statement:
Teachers punish student when they do not complete their homework. Ravi ( a teacher) punished Soni in school today.
Soni did not do her homework.
Show Answer

Q113) Statement:
Smart managers are those who hire smart employees.
To be a smart manager, I just have to hire smart employees. Show Answer

1. Some European are Aryans
2. Some Asian are Aryans.
I. Every Aryan is either European or Asian
II. Some Aryans are European as well as Asian
III.No Aryans is Asian as well as European.
IV. Some Aryans are neither Asian nor European.
Show Answer

1. All fathers are sons.
2. All sons are brothers.
I. All fathers are brothers.
II. Some fathers are not brothers.
III. All sons are fathers.
IV. All brothers are sons. Show Answer

1. Some chocolates are biscuits.
2. All biscuits are nuts.
I. All nuts are biscuits.
II. Some chocolates are nuts.
III. Some chocolates are not nuts.
IV. All biscuits are chocolates.
Show Answer

1. Some children are mothers.
2. All mothers are females.
I. Only those mothers are children which are not females.
II. Some children are females.
III. Some children are not female.
IV. All females are mothers. Show Answer

1. Tony is taller than Binny but shorter than Hick.
2. Penny is taller than Ravi but shorter than Manu who is shorter than Binny.
I. Ravi is the shortest.
II. Tony is taller than Penny.
III. Manu is shorter than Hick.
IV. Penny is shorter than Binny. Show Answer

1. Bus is lighter than truck but heavier than scooter.
2. Car is lighter than moped but heavier than truck.
I. Scooter is the lightest.
II. Car is heavier than Bus.
III. Moped is heavier than truck.
IV. Bus is lighter than moped. Show Answer

1. Some flowers are fruits.
2. All fruits are vegetables.
I. Some flowers are vegetables.
II. Some vegetables are fruits.
III. Some flowers are not vegetables.
IV. Some fruits are flowers. Show Answer

1. All boys are heros.
2. All heros are blacks.
I. All boys are blacks
II. Some boys are not black.
III. Every hero is either boy or black.
IV. Some blacks are neither boys nor hero.
Show Answer

Footballers have more stamina than hockey players.
2. Swimmers have more stamina than footballers.
I. Swimmers have more stamina than hockey players.
II. Footballers have as much as swimmers.
III. Hockey players have more stamina than swimmers.
IV. Players have same stamina irrespective of the games they play. Show Answer

1. All airports are railways - stations
2. All bus - stops are airports.
I. All bus - stops are railway - stations.
II. Some railway - stations are not airports.
III. All airports are bus - stops.
IV. No railway stations is a bus - stop. Show Answer

1. Some teachers are doctors.
2. All engineers are doctors.
I. All doctors are engineers.
II. Some teachers are engineers.
III. No teachers is an engineer.
IV. Some doctors are not teachers. Show Answer

1. Some examinations are matches.
2. All matches are games.
I. Some examination are games.
II. No examinations is a game.
III. All games are match.
IV. Some matches are not games. Show Answer

1. Some lemons are green fruits.
2. Some lemons are yellow fruits.
I. Every lemon is either green or yellow fruit.
II. Some lemons are green fruits as well as yellow fruits.
III. The lemons which are green are not yellow.
IV. No lemon is red. Show Answer

1. All brother are mothers
2. All professionals are mothers.
I. All mothers are professionals.
II. Some brothers are not professionals.
III. Some mothers are professionals.
IV. Every mother is either professional or brother. Show Answer

1. All eggs are almonds.
2. All almonds are grapes.
I. All eggs are not grapes.
II. All eggs are grapes.
III. Some grapes are almonds.
IV. All almonds are grapes.
Show Answer

Some swimmers are athletes.
2. All athletes are authors.
I. Some swimmers are authors.
II. all authors are athletes.
III. Every athlete is either author or swimmer.
IV. No author is swimmer. Show Answer

1. Trees are bigger than butter but smaller yuan flowers.
2. Fruits are bigger than flowers but smaller than bread.
I. Butter is smaller than fruits.
II. Bread is bigger than fruits.
III. Trees are smaller than fruits.
IV. Flowers are between fruits and trees. Show Answer

1.Some books are cats.
2. Some cats are dogs.
I. Some dogs are birds.
II. Some books are dogs.
III. All dogs are cats.
IV. All books are dogs. Show Answer

1. All students are animals.
2. No bird is an animal.
I. No bird IS A STUDENT.
II. Some animals are birds.
III. All animals are student.
IV. Some students are birds.
Show Answer

1. All poems are song.
2. Some songs are comics.
I. Some poems are not songs.
II. Some songs are comics.
III. No comic is a poem.
IV. All songs are comic. Show Answer

Q134) A. All factories employ engineers.
B. TELCO employs engineers.
C. TELCO is an engineering company.
D. Some engineering companies employ engineers.
E.TELCO employs only engineers. Show Answer

Q135) A. Smoke increases pollution.
B. Increase in pollution is a danger to life.
C. Smoke is a danger to life.
D. Some type of smokes do not cause increase in pollution.
E. Some type of smokes are not a danger to life. Show Answer

Q136) A. Some politicians in India are corrupt.
B. All those who are corrupt should be hanged.
C. Mr. Mantri should be hanged.
D. Mr. Mantri is corrupt.
E. Some politicians in India should be hanged. Show Answer

Q137) A. No Indian is American.
B. Lata is not an American.
C. Lata is an Indian.
D. Lara is not an Indian.
E. Lara is an American. Show Answer

Q138) Whose statement can neither be classified as true nor as false? Show Answer

Q139) Who is/are truth-teller (s)? Show Answer

Q140) Who among the following always tells lies? Show Answer

Q141) All books are pages.
All pages are boxes. Show Answer

Q142) All pens are elephants.
Some elephants are cats. Show Answer

Q143) No train is a bus.
No bus is a truck. Show Answer

Q144) All shares are debentures.
No debentures are deposits. Show Answer

Q145) Many fathers are brothers.
All brothers are priests. Show Answer

Q146) All VCRs are VCPs.
Many VCRs are smuggled. Show Answer

Q147) Some cooks are crooks.
Some cooks are not spooks. Show Answer

Q148) Some Zens are Esteems.
Some Zens are powerful. Show Answer

Q149) Some pens are pencils.
All pencils are costly. Show Answer

Q150) Some watches are latches.
Some latches are not catches. Show Answer

Q151) No apple is an orange.
All bananas are oranges. Show Answer

Q152) Some forms are books.
All books are made of paper. Show Answer

Q153) Some books are not forms.
All books are made of paper. Show Answer

Q154) No elections are fair.
Some expensive things are fair. Show Answer

Q155) All toffees are chocolates.
Some toffees are not good for health. Show Answer

Q156) Some locks are clocks.
No dock is a clock. Show Answer

Q157) Some MAs are BAs.
All BAs are graduates. Show Answer

Q158) Some shirts are shorts.
No shorts are trousers. Show Answer

Q159) All shoes are socks.
Some shoes are not chappals. Show Answer

Q160) Some tubes are bulbs.
No bulbs are fans. Show Answer

Q161) Some candles are not sticks.
All pencils are sticks. Show Answer

Q162) Some robots are not taboos.
Some robots are babus. Show Answer

Q163) No trixie is a dixie.
Some dixies are prixies. Show Answer

Q164) Some glues are igloos.
All igloos are ugly. Show Answer

Q165) Some glues are not igloos.
All igloos are not ugly. Show Answer

Q166) No ball is a bat.
Some bats are stumps. Show Answer

Q167) Some caps are not taps.
All caps are laps. Show Answer

Q168) Some racks are packs.
No packs are sacks. Show Answer

Q169) No box is a bag.
Some bags are skybags. Show Answer

Q170) No box is a bag.
Some bags are not skybags. Show Answer

Q171) All blues are flues.
Some blues are not clues. Show Answer

Q172) Some books are not nooks.
All books are looks. Show Answer

Q173) No men are women.
All women are brutes. Show Answer

Q174) No men are good.
Some good people are saints. Show Answer

Q175) All ants wear pants.
All civilized people wear pants. Show Answer

Q176) All lions are tigers.
Some lions do not eat flesh. Show Answer

Q177) No monkeys are apes.
Some apes are chimpanzees. Show Answer

Q178) Some baboons are oragnutans. No orangutan is a man. Show Answer

Q179) No larks are sharks.
All sharks are parks. Show Answer

Q180) Some PCs are ACs.
All ACs are DCs. Show Answer