Practice Test

Q1) Consider the following statements-
1. With the help of Article 368 Parliament can amend the constitution
2. Every part of constitution can be amended by the Parliament except “basic structure” of the constitution as held by the Supreme Court
3. Any law which violates the basic structure of the constitution is declared unconstitutional & invalid by the court
Select the correct answer using the codes given below. Show Answer

Q2) Supreme Court was set up : Show Answer

Q3) Judges of the Supreme Court take an oath or affirmation before entering upon office conducted by Show Answer

Q4) To whom does a judge of the Supreme Court address his resignation ? Show Answer

Q5) Power of judicial review ensures : Show Answer

Q6) The right to seek advisory opinion of the Supreme Court on any question of law or fact belongs to : Show Answer

Q7) Constitution makes provides for independence of judges by NOT : Show Answer

Q8) A High Court consists of a Chief Justice and Show Answer

Q9) A judge of a High Court can be removed before the expiry of his time by : Show Answer

Q10) A judge of a High Court wanting to resign addresses his letter or resignation to : Show Answer

Q11) Salary of a High Court judge is charged to Show Answer

Q12) Power to change the jurisdiction of High Court is with Show Answer

Q13) Andaman & Nicobar Islands comes under ? Show Answer

Q14) Chandigarh comes under : Show Answer

Q15) Which is not a power of a High Court ? Show Answer

Q16) ____ does not have a High Court of its own ? Show Answer

Q17) Judicial review in India does not extend to : Show Answer

Q18) Oath to a High Court judge is administered by Show Answer

Q19) When the salaries of High Court judges reduced ? Show Answer

Q20) Public interest litigation applies to cases of public injury arising from: Show Answer

Q21) Decision of the Supreme Court in Golakh Nath case was that Show Answer

Q22) In Minerva Mills cases, the Supreme Court has further reaffirmed its decision in Show Answer

Q23) Public interest litigation started in : Show Answer

Q24) How many High Courts in India have jurisdiction over more than one State ( Union Territories not included ) ? Show Answer

Q25) District Judges are appointed by : Show Answer

Q26) The District and sessions Judge works directly under the control of : Show Answer

Q27) If any question arises as to the age of a judge of a High Court, the question shall be decided by the President after constitution with : Show Answer

Q28) The authority to restrict or extend the Jurisdiction of the State High Courts rests with Show Answer

Q29) The Chief Justice of the High Court is appointed by Show Answer

Q30) The Supreme Court of India tenders advice to the President on a matter of law of fact Show Answer

Q31) Which one of the following is directly related to the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India ? Show Answer

Q32) Who was the Chief Justice of India when public interest litigation (PIL) was introduced to the Indian judicial system ? Show Answer

Q33) Which one of the following pairs ( States / U.T. - High Court ) is not correctly matched ? Show Answer

Q34) The procedure for the Amendment of the Constitution of India is given under which one of the following Articles ? Show Answer

Q35) Which of the following statements is correct ? Show Answer

Q36) Who among the following appoints the Judges of a High Court ? Show Answer

Q37) What is the number of judges (including Chief Justice) in the Supreme Court of India as provided in the Constitution of India ? Show Answer

Q38) Which one among the following is enforceable in a Court of Law ? Show Answer

Q39) Which of the following is covered under the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court : Show Answer

Q40) Can there be a common High Court for two or more States ? Show Answer

Q41) The Right to Private Property in India today is : Show Answer

Q42) Justiciable means that a citizen can seek the assistance of the Show Answer

Q43) Regarding advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, which statements is/are NOT CORRECT ?
1. It is obligatory for the Supreme Court to give its opinion if it is sought.
2. The advice is not binding on the President.
3. President may ask the Court's opinion on treaties and agreements made before the Constitution was framed. Show Answer

Q44) Which of the following states were formed in 2000 ?
1. Chattisgarh
2. Pondicherry
3. Uttarakhand
4. Jharkhand
Which of the above is/are correct ?
Show Answer

Q45) Supreme Court is a court of record. This implies that :
1. It can punish for its contempt
2. its decisions' are admitted as evidence and cannot be questioned by any court
3. it has to keep a record of all the important cases in India
4. its decisions, once taken, are binding upon it.
Which of the following statements is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q46) Consider the following statements :
1. Supreme Court's decrees and orders are enforceable throughout India.
2. Supreme Court is not bound by its earlier decisions
3. In its power of judicial review the Supreme Court can declare a law unconstitutional on the basis of the objectives underlying the law
4. Constitution excludes nothing from judicial review.
Which of the following statements is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q47) _____ is/are the qualifications for a High Court judge ?
1. Citizenship of India
2. Must have held a judicial office for at least ten years
3. Must not be over 62 years of age
4. Must have been an advocate of a High Court for at least ten years or be an eminent jurist
Which of the following statements is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q48) Constitution places the High Courts under the control of the Union to make them free of regionalism. The Union exercises its control in :
1. transfer of judges from one High Court to another
2. by establishing a common High Court for two or more States
3. Determining disputes as to age of High Court judges
Which of the following statements is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q49) Chief Justice of a High Court is appointed by the President after consultation with
1. Chief Justice of India
2. Governor of the State
3. Chief Minister of the State
Which of the above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q50) Main sources of law in India are :
1. Constitution
2. Statutes
3. Customary law
4. Judicial decisions of superior courts
Which of the above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q51) In a criminal case, an appeal lies to the Supreme Court if the High Court
1. has convicted the accused and awarded him a death sentence
2. has on appeal reversed an order for acquittal of an accused and sentenced him to imprisonment of ten years or more
3. has withdrawn for trial be-fore itself any case from a subordinate court and has convicted the accused and sentenced him to death
Which of the following statements is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q52) Consider the following statement regarding the High Courts in India :
1. There are 18 High Courts in the country.
2. Three of them have jurisdiction over more than one state.
3. No Union Territory has a High Court of its own.
4. Judges of the High Court hold office till the age of 62.
Which of these statement is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q53) ____ has the power to decide an election petition ?
1. District Court
2. Supreme Court
3. High Court
4. Tribunals
Which of the above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q54) ____ High Courts has territorial jurisdictions extending beyond one state ?
1. Guwahati
2. Bombay
3. Kerala
4. Madras
Which of the above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q55) Consider the following statements :
1. A person who has held office as a permanent Judge of a High Court cannot plead or act in any court or before any authority in India except the Supreme Court.
2. A person is not qualified for appointment as a Judge of a High Court in India unless he has for at least five years held a judicial office in the territory of India.
Which of the statements given is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q56) Consider the following statements :
1. The Judges (Inquiry) Bill 2006 contemplates to establish a Judicial Council which will receive complains against Judges of the Supreme Court including the Chief Justice of India, High Court Chief Justices and Judges.
2. Under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, a woman can file a petition before a 1st Class Judicial Magistrate.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q57) Consider the following statements :
1.The mode of removal of a Judge of a High Court India is same as that of removal of a Judge of the Supreme Court.
2. After retirement from the office, a permanent Judge of a High Court cannot plead or act in any court or before any authority in India.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q58) Consider the following statements :
1. Justice V. R. Krishna Iyer was the Chief Justice of India
2. Justice V. R. Krishna Iyer is considered as one of the progenitors of public interest litigation (PIL) in the Indian judicial system.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q59) Which of the following statements are incorrect about the difference between the writ jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and high courts in India ?
1. The Supreme Court can issue writs not only for the purpose of enforcement of Fundamental Rights but also for any other purpose, whereas high courts can issue writs only for the purpose of enforcement of Fundamental Rights.
2. High Courts can issue the writ of Injunction, whereas the Supreme Court cannot issue the writ of Injunction.
3. The Supreme Court can issue writs only in the case of appeal, whereas high courts can issue writs only when the party directly approaches it.
4. High courts can issue writs not only for the purpose of enforcement of Fundamental Rights but also for any other purpose, whereas the Supreme Court can issue writs only for the purpose of enforcement of Fundamental Rights.
Which of the following statements is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q60) Consider the following statements 'A public interest petition can be accepted when it is moved by ...'
1. an individual when his interest is affected
2. a group when the interest of its members is affected
3. an individual or a group when the interest of the population in general is affected
4. an individual with the help of a group for the safeguard of that group's interest
Which of these statements is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q61) Consider the following statements regarding the advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court :
1. The reference for advice may be made to the Supreme Court on a question of law of fact by the President of India
2. Disputes arising out of pre-constitution treaties and agreements excluded from the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court may also be referred to it.
3. The advice given by the Supreme Court is binding on the government
4. One of the cases referred to the Supreme Court for its advice was the constitutionally of the Kerala education bill.
Which of these are correct ? Show Answer

Q62) In which of the following categories of cases the Supreme Court of India has the power of decide
1. Reference made by the President on a question of law or fact
2. A case involving interpretation of the constitution
3. A case involving substantial question of law of general importance
4. A case where the constitutionally of any law has been challenged
Which of the following statements is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q63) Which of the following are the main jurisdictions of the high courts of a state :
1 Original jurisdiction
2. Appellate jurisdiction
3. Supervisory jurisdiction
4. Advisory jurisdiction
Choose the correct answer from the codes given below : Show Answer

Q64) Which of the following characteristics are essential to federal government ?
1. A supreme and written constitution
2. Separation of powers and the system of checks and balances
3. Distribution of powers between the centre and states
4. Fundamental Rights guaranteed to citizens
Which of the following statements is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q65) Consider the following statements : High Courts and their territorial jurisdiction.
1. Allahabad - Uttar Pradesh
2. Madras - Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry
3. Kerala - Kerala and Lakshadweep
4. Bombay - Maharashtra, Goa and Gujarat
Which of the above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q66) Consider the following statements :
1. The Chief Justice of a High Court is appointed by the Governor of the state
2. Every Judge of a High Court including the Chief Justice holds office until he/she attains the age of 65 years.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q67) Assertion : Willful disobedience or non-compliance of Court orders and use of derogatory language relating to judicial behaviour is Contempt of Court.
Reason : Judicial activism cannot be practised without giving the judiciary punitive powers to punish contempt. Show Answer

Q68) Assertion : The independence of a High Court judge is ensured through provisions of the Constitution.
Reason : Salaries and allowances of High Court judges are charged to the Consolidated Fund of India.
Reason : Salaries and allowances of High Court judges are charged to the Consolidated Fund of India. Show Answer

Q69) Assertion : The writ jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and high courts in India is same.
Reason : Both, the Supreme Court and the High Court can issue the writs of Habeas Corpus, Mandamus, Prohibition, Certiorari and Quo warranto. Show Answer

Q70) Choose the correct statements regarding the composition of supreme Court of India
1. As originally enacted, the Constitution of India provided for a Supreme Court with a Chief Justice and nine other judges, leaving it to Parliament to increase he number.
2. Since independence, the composition of judges in Supreme Court has been increased almost five times.
3. As per 2008 Amendment the Strength of Supreme Court Judges has been increased to 31 including Chief Justice of India.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below Show Answer

Q71) Which of the following grounds can a Judge of the Supreme Court be impeached?
1. Violation of the Constitution
2. Proved misbehaviour
3. Incapacity to act as a Judge
Select the correct answer using the codes given below Show Answer

Q72) Assertion (A) Indian Constitution ensures independence of judiciary in our country.
Reason (R) Only Lower House has been authorised by the Constitution to initiate the process of removal of a Supreme Court Judge.
Codes Show Answer

Q73) Consider the following statements regarding Article 352

1) It is caused by war or External aggression or Armed rebellion.

2) The proclamation may enable the parliament to legislate on subjects of state list directly

3) The proclamation has to be approved within 1 month by parliament

4) It can be extended for 6 months after approval.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below Show Answer

Q74) Choose the correct statements from the following regarding power of the President during State Emergency

1) President can promulgate ordinances for the administration of the state when the houses of Parliament are not in session.

2) President can assume the power of the High Court of the State during emergency

3) President can declare that the powers of the legislature of the state shall be exercised by the parliament.

4) President can suspend the operation of any provision of the Constitution relating to the body or authority in the State if he feels it desirable to do so so for attaining the objectives of the Emergency.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below Show Answer

Q75) Under which of the following circumstance, can the President declare an emergency ?

1) External aggression

2) Internal disturbances.

3) Failure of the Constitutional machinery in states.

4) Financial Crisis

Select the correct answer using the codes given below

Show Answer

Q76) A national emergency remains in operation, with the approval of the parliament, for Show Answer

Q77) Assertion (A) Our Constitution can be amended by both formal as well as informal methods.

Reason (R) Judicial pronouncements and conventions work as informal methods to amend the Constitution. Show Answer

Q78) Consider the following statements regarding constitutional Amendements

1) The provision of joint sitting is not available.

2) They become operative from the date both Houses have passes the Bills.

3) The President's assent to a Constitution Amendment is obligatory.

4) Parliament may amend any part of the constitution according to the laid down procedure in Article 368.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below
Show Answer

Q79) If the procedure for the election of the president of India is sought to be modified, which of the following conditions are required ?

1) An Amendment of the constitution passed by simple majority in Lok Sabha.

2) A referendum

3) An Amendment of the constitution passed by two-third majority in both Houses of Parliament.

4) Ratification of the legislatures of at least half the number of states

Select the correct answer using the codes given below
Show Answer

Q80) When the name of the state is changed or a new state is created, the constitution of India is required to be amended by parliament by a Show Answer

Q81) Which of the following provision of the constitution in order to be amended, required special majority of parliament and consent of the states ?

1) Abolition or creation of legislative council of states.

2) Quorum in parliament

3) Any of the lists in the seventh schedule.

4) Supreme court and High Courts.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below
Show Answer

Q82) Consider the following statements

1) An amendment to the constitution of India can be initiated by an introduced of a bill in the Lok Sabha only

2) If such an amendment seeks to make changes in the federal character of the constitution, the amendment also requires to be ratifed by the Legislature of all the states of India.

Which of the following statements given above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q83) Which of the following parts of the constitution cannot be amended by simple majority ? Show Answer

Q84) Point out the difference between the local government in India before and after the constitutional Amendments in 1992.

1) It has becomes mandatory to hold regular election to the local government bodies.

2) 1/3rd positions are reserved for women.

3) Elected officials exercise supreme power in the government.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below
Show Answer

Q85) Which one among the following is not a salient feature of the Companies Bill as amended in the year 2012?

Show Answer

Q86) Which one of the following is the correct sequence in the discending order of precedence in the
warrant of precedence? Show Answer

Q87) Consider the following statements regarding Judicial Review
1) Article 13 provides power of Judicial Review to the courts.
2) Article 326 provides judicial power to Supreme Court and Article 32 provides
judicial power to High Courts.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? Show Answer

Q88) In which of the following cases Supreme Court has held that the Preamble forms part of the Constitution? Show Answer

In which of the following cases, Supreme Court held that "Fundamental Rights enable a man to chalk
out his own life in the manner he likes best? Show Answer

Q90) Assertion (A) Though Directive Principle are non - justiciable but they help the court in examining and determining the constitutionality of any law.
Reason (R) Directive principle have been inserted in constitution to bring socio-economic development in our Country. Show Answer

Q91) Identify the merits of the Parliamentary System of Government
1) Stable government
2) Harmony between legislature and executive
3) Prevents despotism
4) Definiteness in policies
Select the correct answer using the codes given below Show Answer

The Comptroller and Auditor for General of India has been described as the friend, philosoper and guide of Show Answer

Q93) Which of the following are included in the original Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court?
1) A dispute between the Government of India and one or more States.
2) A dispute regarding elections to either House of the Parliament or that or that of Legislature of a state.
3) A dispute between the Government of India and a Union Territory.
4) A dispute between two or more States.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below Show Answer

Q94) Consider the following statements
1) The highest criminal court of the district-is the Court of District and Session Judge.
2) The District Judges are appointed by the Governor in consultation with the High Courts.
3) A person to be eligible for appointment as a District Judge should be an advocate or a pleader of seven
year' standing or more, or an officer in judicial service of the Union or the State
4) When the Sessions Judge awards death sentence, it must be confirmed by the High Court before it is carried out.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Show Answer

Q95) Which of the following statements regarding the advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court are correct?
1) It is blinding on the Supreme Court to give its opinion on any matter refered to it by the President.
2) The full bench of the Supreme Court hears any reference made to it under its power of advisory jurisdiction.
3) The opinion give by the Supreme Court on a reference under advisory jurisdiction is not binding on the
4) Not more than one reference at a time can be made to the supreme court under its power of advisory
Select the correct answer using the codes given below Show Answer

Q96) Which of the following statements regarding the Supreme Court of India are correct?
1) It acts as the guradian of the liberties of the people of India.
2) It acts as the guardian of the Constitution.
3) It acts as the protector of the Directive Principle of State Policy.
4) It has final power to investigation dispute regarding election of the President and the Vice President of
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Show Answer

Q97) Consider the following statements regarding the High Court in India
1) There are 18 High Courts in the country
2) Three of them have jurisdiction over more than one state.
3) No Union Territory has High Court of its own.
4) Judges of the High court hold office till the age of 62.
Which of these statement(s) is/are correct? Show Answer

Assertion (A) Judicial review is a process to restrain the executive or the legislature from exercising power
which may not be sanctioned by the Constitution.
Reason (R) The Source of the lower of Judicial review in India is Article 12(c) of the Constitution. Show Answer

Power, Organisation and jurisdiction of Supreme Court and dealt in Show Answer

Q100) Choose the correct statement(s) regarding the composition of Supreme Court of India
1) As originally enacted, the Constitution of India provided for a Supreme Court with a Chief
Justice and seven other Judges, leaving it to Parliament to increase the number.
2) Since independence, the composition of judges in supreme court has been increased 5 times.
3) As per 2008 amendment, the strength of Supreme Court judges has been increased to 31 including chief justice
of india
Select the correct answer using the codes given below Show Answer

Q101) The chief Justice of India can appoint a Judge of High Court as an ad hoc judge of the Supreme Court for a
temporary period. He can do so only after consultation with? Show Answer

Q102) The power of the supreme court of India to decide dispute between the Centre and the States falls under its: Show Answer

Q103) Which one of the following subjects comes under the common jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and high court? Show Answer

Q104) Adhoc Judges are appointed in the Supreme Court of India if Show Answer

Q105) The constitution (98th Amendment) Act is related to Show Answer

Q106) Which of the following combinations are correctly matched?
1) Writ of Prohibition available against autonomous bodies only
2) Writ of Certiorari available against subordinate courts only
3) Writ of Quo Warranto available against state only
4) Writ of Habeas Corpus available against private individual as well
Select the correct correct answer using the codes given below Show Answer

Q107) Which of the these are qualifications for appointment as a Judge of a High Court?
1) He must be a citizen of India
2) Must have held judicial office in the territory of India for at least five year.
3) Must have been an advocates of a High court or two or more such courts in sucession for at least ten years.
Which of the statements given above is/are true? Show Answer

Q108) Consider the following statements
1) The mode of removal of a judge of a High court in India is same as that of removal
of a judge of the supreme court.
2) After retirement from the office, a permanent judge of a high court can not plead or act in any court or
before any authority in India
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Show Answer

Q109) To which one of the following funds are salary and allowances of the Judges of High Court of a state charged? Show Answer

Q110) The office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India was created Show Answer

Q111) Which one of the following duties is not performed by Comptrolled and Auditor General of India? Show Answer

Q112) Which of the following statements is incorrect? Show Answer

Q113) Recently, 'Cabotage law' was in news. Consider the following statement in regard to it:
1. It states that only Indian flagged vessels can handle coastal cargo.
2. Government recently tightened the cabotage law in order to reduce the illegal movement of cargo through coastal waters.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Show Answer

Q114) Recently the justice Verma Committee, which was constituted to review the law for sexual crimes, ehich of the following are the features of the report submitted by the committee?
1. The committee suggested for capital punishment in the case of gang rape and chemival castration in case of rape with minor.
2. The committee suggested that punishment for rape that leads to death should be given 20 tears of rigorous imprisonment.
3. The committee, recommended that the khap panchayats should be declared legal.
Select the correct answer using the codes: Show Answer

Q115) what is the provision to safeguard the autonomy of the Supreme Court of India?
1. While appointing the Supreme Court judges, the president of India has to consult the chif justice of India.
2. The Supreme Court judges can be removed by the Chief Justice of India.
3. The salaries of the judges are charged on the consolidated Fund of India.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Show Answer

Q116) Recently (September, 2013), Supreme Court of India asked Election Commission to provide NOTA button on Electronic Voting Machines and Ballot papers. What does NOTA stands for? Show Answer

Q117) The President shall appoint a person who is qualified to be appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court to be Attorney-General for India under – Show Answer

Q118) All except one since convicted, have lost their Parliament membership under Representation of People's Act. Who among the following is not included ?
Show Answer

Q119) In which of the following cases the Supreme Court directed the Election commission to introduce 'None of the above' option on EVMs and ballot papers so that people could choose to register a negative vote too in election? Show Answer

Q120) The famous Aruna Shanbaug Case was a Case of Show Answer

Q121) In which of the following cases Parliament was prevented from taking away individual rights? Show Answer

Q122) Which of the following cases became the trigger that led to the imposition of emergency in 1975 Show Answer

Q123) Minerva Mills v Union of India – 1980 was related to the question of Show Answer

Q124) Constitutional validity of individual rights upheld Show Answer

Q125) Maintenance lawsuit that set precedence in 1985 was related to Show Answer

Q126) Power of President's Rule curtailed in Show Answer

Q127) Which Constitutional amendment took away the powers of the High Courts to determine the validity of the central laws and put various conditions on their powers of judging the validity of the State laws? Show Answer

Q128) Consider the following statements with regard to subjects enumerated in List I in the Seventh Schedule -
1. the matters with respect to which Parliament has exclusive power to make laws
2. the exercise of its powers conferred by any treaty or agreement
3. A state has exclusive executive power over matters included in List II
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Show Answer

Q129) As provider of Authority to the Indian Constitution:
1. In Re Berubari the Supreme Court held that the Preamble was not a part of the constitution and therefore it could not be regarded as a source of any substantive power
2. In Kesavananda Bharati’s case, the Supreme Court too maintained and held the preamble is not a part of the constitution.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below Show Answer

Q130) The Indian Courts do not exercise the right of judicial review over criminal laws. That was the view taken by the Indian Supreme Court in the famous case of Show Answer

Q131) Consider the following statements with regard to Attorney General -
Assertion-Attorney General is selected by the Government and acts as its advocate, and hence is not a neutral person
Reason-it is a constitutional authority, and his or her opinions are subject to public scrutiny
Select the correct answer using the codes given below. Show Answer

Q132) It is the duty of the Attorney-General to
1. give advice to the Government of India upon such legal other provisions as to Ministers.
2. perform such other duties of a legal character, as may from time to time be referred or assigned to him by the President
3. discharge the functions conferred on him by or under this Constitution or any other law for the time being in force
Select the correct answer using the codes given below. Show Answer

Q133) Consider the following statements-
1. The Attorney General has the right of audience in all Courts in India as well as the right to participate in the proceedings of the Parliament, though not to vote
2. The Attorney General is necessary for giving advice to the Government of India in legal matters referred to him
3. The Attorney General appears on behalf of Government of India in all cases (including suits, appeals and other proceedings) in the Supreme Court in which Government of India is concerned
Select the correct answer using the codes given below. Show Answer

Q134) Consider the following matching pairs (Provision - Article)
1. The Governor appoints the Advocate General for the State - (Article 165).
2. All executive actions ,of the Governor of a State shall be expressed to be taken in the name of Governor - (Article 166).
3. The Governor shall from time to time summon and prorogue the House and dissolve the Legislative Assembly - (Article 174).
4. Special Address to the House by the Governor - (Article 176).
5. The Governor assents, withholds assent or reserves for the consideration of the Bill passed by the Legislative Assembly - (Article 200).
Select the correct answer using the codes given below-
Show Answer

Q135) The plenary territorial jurisdiction of Parliament is subject to some special provisions of the Constitution. Consider the following statements in this regard-
1. as regards some of the union territories, such as the Andaman and Lakshadweep group of islands, regulations may be made by the president to have the same force as acts of parliament and such regulations may repeal or amend a law made by parliament in relation to such territory
2. the application of acts of parliament to any scheduled area may be barred or modified by notifications made by the governor
3. besides, the governor of Assam may, by public notification, direct that any other act of parliament shall not apply to an autonomous district or an autonomous region in the state of Assam Or shall apply to such district or region or part thereof subject to such exceptions or modifications
Select the correct answer using the codes given below. Show Answer

Q136) The Supreme Court has special advisory jurisdiction in matters which may specifically be referred to it by the President of India under- Show Answer

Q137) Which of the following Controversial section of the Information Technology Act has been struck down by the Supreme Court? Show Answer

Q138) Consider the following statements-
1. The High Court can control the subordinate courts in the State
2. It is to be consulted by the Governor in the matter of appointing, posting and promoting district judges
3. The High Court plays an important role in the appointment, promotion, of the staff of the subordinate courts including the District Court
Select the correct answer using the codes given below Show Answer

Q139) Consider the following statements-
1. If the Legislatures of two or more States resolve that it shall be lawful for Parliament to make laws with respect to any matters included in the State list relating to those States, Parliament shall have such power as regards such States
2. It shall be open to any other State to adopt such Union legislation in relation to itself by a resolution passed in that behalf in the Legislature of the State
3. this is an extension of the jurisdiction of Parliament by consent of the State Legislatures
Select the correct answer using the codes given below. Show Answer

Q140) Consider the following statements with regard to Parliament law making role-
1. Parliament has the power to legislate with respect to any subject for the purpose of implementing treaties or international agreements and conventions
2. the normal distribution of powers does not stand in the way of Parliament to enact legislation for carrying out its international obligations, even though such legislation may be necessary in relation to a State subject
Select the correct answer using the codes given below Show Answer

Q141) Consider the following statements with law making by Legislature -
1. In order to determine whether a particular enactment falls under one Entry or the other, it is the ‘pith and substance’ of such enactment and not its legislative label that is taken account of
2. If the enactment substantially falls under an Entry over which the Legislature has jurisdiction, an incidental encroachment upon another Entry over which it had no competence will not invalidate the law
3. where a Legislature has no power to legislate with respect to a matter, the Courts does not permit such Legislature to transgress its own powers or to encroach upon those of another Legislature by resorting to any device or ‘colourable legislation
Select the correct answer using the codes given below. Show Answer

Q142) Consider the following statements-
Assertion-The fact that there has been a phenomenal increase in the number of disputes in which administrative authorities are involved has to be recognized
Reason- If all these disputes go to the ordinary judicial system where there is provision for appeals to successive higher courts one after another, there will be no speedy settlement of such disputes and they might linger for years or decades
Select the answer using codes given below Show Answer

Q143) Consider the following statements-
1. administrative tribunals exercise jurisdiction only in relation to the service matters of the litigants covered by the act
2. administrative tribunals are not an original invention of the Indian political system
3. the objective of the tribunal is to provide for speedy and inexpensive justice to the litigants
Select the correct answer using the codes given below- Show Answer

Q144) Consider the following statements-
1. The judiciary is neither a branch of the executive nor in any way subordinate to it
2. The judicial administration in India is organized and run in accordance with the rules and orders of the Supreme Court
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Q145) Consider the following statements-
1. the courts of law in India can initiate and enforce action for securing any significant public or general interest which is being adversely affected or is likely to be so by the action of any agency, public or private
2. any citizen or a group or a voluntary organization, or even a court herself, can bring to notice any case demanding action for protecting and satisfying a public interest
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Q146) Identify the act which vastly increased the powers of Indian legislature, with the system of election being introduced for the very first time Show Answer

Q147) Kesavananda Bharati case has created history. For the first time, a bench of 13 judges assembled and sat in its original jurisdiction hearing the writ petition. To the extent necessary for the purpose of the Preamble, it can be safely concluded that the majority in Kesavananda Bharati case leans in favor of holding,that
1. the Preamble to the Constitution of India is a part of the Constitution
2. the Preamble is not a source of power or a source of limitations or prohibition
3. the Preamble has a significant role to play in the interpretation of statutes and also in the interpretation of provisions of the Constitution
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Q148) Consider the following statements with reference to synthesis of Parliamentary Sovereignty and Judicial Supremacy
1. Indian Constitution envisages for a synthesis of Parliamentary sovereignty and Judicial Supremacy
2. Supreme Court can declare parliamentary laws as unconstitutional (by judicial review)
3. Parliament can amend the major portion of the Constitution (by constitutional Amendment)
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Q149) With reference to Powers and Jurisdiction of Supreme Court of India Consider the following statements-
1. The law declared by Supreme Court is binding on all courts within the territory of India
2. All authorities, civil & judicial, in the territory of India, are required to act in aid of the Supreme Court
3. Exclusive power to Chief Justice of India in the matter of appointment of officers and servants of the Court
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Q150) The Supreme court has exclusive original jurisdiction over-
1. dispute between the government of India and one or more states
2. dispute between the government of India and any state or states on one side and one or more states on the other
3. between two or more states, if the dispute involves any question on which the existence or extent of a legal right depends
4. extensive original jurisdiction to the supreme court in regard to enforcement of fundamental rights
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Q151) Naz Foundation v Govt of NCT of Delhi - July 2009 is case related to the IPC Section Show Answer

Q152) Appeals lie to the Supreme Court in civil matters if the High Court concerned certifies -
1. the case involves a substantial question of law of general importance, and in High Court’s opinion, it needs to be decided by the Supreme Court
2. if the High Court has reversed an order of acquittal of an accused on appeal and sentenced him to death or life-imprisonment for more than 10 years as withdrawn any case for trial from any subordinate Court and has convicted the accused and sentenced him to death or life-imprisonment for more than 10 years
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Q153) Consider the following statements with regard to the powers and functions of the High Court-
1. Original jurisdiction in relation to high court refers to the authority of the high court to hear and decide cases for the first time
2. All matters relating to revenues are included in the original jurisdiction of the High court
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Q154) Consider the following reports is submitted by Comptroller and Auditor General of India
1. Audit Report on the Appropriation Accounts,
2. Audit Report on the Finance Accounts
3. Audit Report on the Commercial and Public Sector Enterprises and revenue receipts on Union and State governments.
4. Audit Report on the Budgetary Accounts,
Which of the above reports is submitted by Comptroller and Auditor General of India Show Answer

Q155) Read the following statements and choose the CORRECT answer :
(i) Under the constitution by virtue of Article 226, every High Court has the power to issue directions or orders or writs including writs in the nature of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, Quo warranto and Certiorari.
(ii) High Courts of each state (or group of state) have appellate, civil and criminal jurisdiction over lower courts.
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Q156) In November, 2019 a five-judge constitution bench headed by Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi upheld the 2010 Delhi High Court verdict and brought which constitutional office under the ambit of Right to Information Act (RTI)? Show Answer

Q157) As per the Constitution of India, which of the following statements with reference to High Court is INCORRECT ? Show Answer

Q158) Identify the CORRECT meaning of the term 'frustration of contract' under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. Show Answer

Q159) The right to move to the Supreme Court by appropriate proceedings for the enforcement of the Fundamental rights is guaranteed under which article of the Constitution of India? Show Answer

Q160) As per the Supreme Court (Number of Judges) Amendment Act 2019, the total number of other Judges in the Supreme Court other than the Chief Justice of India cannot be more than: Show Answer