Practice Test

Chapter NameAvailable Questions
Orders of Magnitude 30/116
Direction Sense 30/52
English Language Comprehension Skills 30/185
Visual Reasoning 30/72
Syllogism 30/58
Blood Relation 30/63
Logical Venn Diagrams 30/114
General Comprehension 30/173
Critical Reasoning 30/108
Logical Deduction 30/76
Data Sufficiency 30/167
Data Interpretation 30/98
Introducing Charts & Graphs 30/42
Advance Math 30/138
Mensuration 30/85
Time and Work 30/197
Interpersonal & Communication Skills 30/199
Percentage 30/169
Numbers & Their Relations 30/247
Decision Making 30/129
Case Study 30/40
Selection Criteria 19/19
Administrative Courses of Action 30/47
Statement and Conclusions 30/43
Statement and Arguments 30/42
Statement and Assumptions 30/54
Word Formation 21/21
Ranking Test 30/77
Analogy 30/76
Coding - Decoding 30/84
Classification or Odd One Out 30/64
Series 30/81