On April 01,2004 the debit balance of the machinery account of A Ltd.was Rs.5,67,000. the machine was purchased on April 01 , 2002.The company charged depreciation at the rate of 10 % p.a under diminishing balance method .On October 01,2004 , the company acquired a new machine at a cost of Rs.60,000 and incurred Rs.6,000 for the installation of the new machine. The company decided to change the system of providing depreciation from the diminishing balance method to the SLM with retrospective effect from April 01, 2002.The rate of depreciation will remain the same. The company decided to make necessary adjustment in respect of depreciation due to the change in the method in the year 2004-2005.The balance outstanding to the debit of machinery account as on March 31,2005 after effecting the above changes was
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