Practice Test

Q1) The term business cycle refers to- Show Answer

Q2) Expansion phase all but one of the following characteristics. Show Answer

Q3) Which one of the following is not the characteristic of business cycle? Show Answer

Q4) The turning points of the business cycle are Show Answer

Q5) . _____ refers to the top or the highest point of business cycle. Show Answer

Q6) Involuntary unemployment is almost zero in the _____ phase of business cycle. Show Answer

Q7) The economy is said to be overheated at the _____ phase of business cycle. Show Answer

Q8) There is large scale of involuntary unemployment in the _____ phase of business cycle. Show Answer

Q9) Fall in the level of investments, fall in production,fall in employment, fall stock prices, etc. are found during _____ phase of business cycle. Show Answer

Q10) All but one are the endogenous factors of business cycle Show Answer

Q11) ._____is the severe form of recession withlowest level of economic activity. Show Answer

Q12) Fall in the interest rates is a typical feature of _____. Show Answer

Q13) During depression _____ industry suffer from excess production capacity. Show Answer

Q14) The great depression of _____ caused enormous misery and human sufferings Show Answer

Q15) The lowest level of economic activity is called _____ Show Answer

Q16) There is end of pessimism and the beginning of optimism at _____ Show Answer

Q17) Which of the following is not the features of business cycle? Show Answer

Q18) The trough of a business cycle occur when _____ hits its lowest point. Show Answer

Q19) Industries that are most adversely affected by business cycles are the _____ Show Answer

Q20) . _____ indicators change before the economy itself changes. Show Answer

Q21) _____ indicators change after the economy as a whole changes. Show Answer

Q22) Changes in stock prices, profit margins and profits, manufacturing activity, etc. are examples of _____ indicator. Show Answer

Q23) A variable that moves later than aggregate economic activity is called _____ Show Answer

Q24) While _____ indicators forecast economic
fluctuation, _____indicators confirm the trends. Show Answer

Q25) A variable that occur simultaneously with the business cycle movements is _____ indicator. Show Answer

Q26) Coincident indicators show _____ Show Answer

Q27) At the time of Great Depression of 1930s, the global GDP fell by around _____ Show Answer

Q28) Which one of the following is not correct about business cycle? Show Answer

Q29) Which of the following describes best a typical trade cycle? Show Answer

Q30) Cost of living increases when business cycle is ---------- Show Answer

Q31) During upswing, the unemployment rate _____ and output _____ Show Answer

Q32) . Which of the following does not occur during expansion phase? Show Answer

Q33) When aggregate economic activity is declining,the economy is said to be in _____ Show Answer

Q34) Which one of the following is not an example of coincident indicator? Show Answer

Q35) Which one of the following is an example of lagging indicator? Show Answer

Q36) ._____ is of the view that fluctuations in economic activities are because of fluctuations in aggregate effect demand. Show Answer

Q37) High rate of investment brings _____ Show Answer

Q38) If any unemployment exists during expansion phase of business cycle, it is _____ unemployment. Show Answer

Q39) The most probable outcome of increase in aggregate demand is _____ Show Answer

Q40) According to _____, a trade cycles is a purely monetary phenomena Show Answer

Q41) Optimistic and pessimistic mood of the business community also affects the economic activities is the view of _____ Show Answer

Q42) According to _____ trade cycles occur due to onset of innovations Show Answer

Q43) Business cycles appear due to present fluctuations in prices affecting the output and employment in future is _____ Show Answer

Q44) Production of _____ goods fall during the war times. Show Answer

Q45) During war times most of the productive resources are diverted for the production of _____ Show Answer

Q46) Economic recession is characterized by all of the following except _____ Show Answer

Q47) Production of new and better goods and services using new technology results in _____ Show Answer

Q48) Understanding the business cycle is important for business managers because _____ Show Answer

Q49) Businesses whose fortunes are closely linked to the rate of economic growth called _____ Show Answer

Q50) If the population growth rate is higher than the economic growth rate it will result in _____ Show Answer

Q51) The term business cycle refers to Show Answer

Q52) When does an economic expansion occur in the business cycle? Show Answer

Q53) Increasing Prosperity and High standards of living are the characteristics of Show Answer

Q54) The end of expansion is termed as - Show Answer

Q55) The beginning of recession is Show Answer

Q56) A significant decline in general economic activity extending over a period of time is Show Answer

Q57) Severe form of recession is Show Answer

Q58) The trough of a business cycle occurs when _____ hits its lowest point. Show Answer

Q59) The lowest point in the business cycle is referred to as the Show Answer

Q60) Even with lower rate of interest, demand for credit declines in Show Answer

Q61) Which of the following statements is true? Show Answer

Q62) Which of the following statement is not correct? Show Answer

Q63) A leading indicator is Show Answer

Q64) A variable that tends to move later than aggregate economic activity is called Show Answer

Q65) Changes in housing interest rate is a Show Answer

Q66) Unemployment is a Show Answer

Q67) GDP is a Show Answer

Q68) Industries that are extremely sensitive to the business cycle are the Show Answer

Q69) A decrease in government spending would cause Show Answer

Q70) Which of the following does not occur during an expansion? Show Answer

Q71) Which of the following best describes a typical business cycle? Show Answer

Q72) During recession, the unemployment rate ______ and output _______. Show Answer

Q73) The four phases of the business cycle are Show Answer

Q74) Leading economic indicators Show Answer

Q75) When aggregate economic activity is declining, the economy is said to be in Show Answer

Q76) Peaks and troughs of the business cycle are known collectively as Show Answer

Q77) The most probable outcome of an increase in the money supply is Show Answer

Q78) Which of the following is not a characteristic of business cycles Show Answer

Q79) Economic recession shares all of these characteristics except. Show Answer

Q80) The different phases of a business cycle Show Answer

Q81) Which of the following is not an example of coincident indicator? Show Answer

Q82) According to _______ trade cycles occur due to onset of innovations. Show Answer

Q83) According to Keynes, Fluctuations in economic activity are due to fluctuations in Show Answer

Q84) What is the cause for rise in investments? Show Answer

Q85) Internal Cause for Business Cycle include Show Answer

Q86) Rampant unemployment is found in: Show Answer

Q87) Last stage of recession is called: Show Answer

Q88) In the long run, a reduction in labour supply would cause output to ............ and the aggregate price level to ............ Show Answer

Q89) Which of the following macro economic variables would you include in an index of leading economic indicators? Show Answer

Q90) The world economy suffered the longest, deepest and most widespread depression of the 20th century during? Show Answer

Q91) Business cycle is contagious and ______ in character? Show Answer

Q92) Which External Factor affect the business cycle? Show Answer

Q93) Which internal factor affect the Business cycle? Show Answer

Q94) Whose statement out of these is false? Show Answer

Q95) When once peak is reached, increase in demand is salted, then ................. phase begins? Show Answer

Q96) Fashion Retailer is business of? Show Answer

Q97) Features of business cycles include? Show Answer

Q98) Internal causes of depression includes Show Answer

Q99) External factors for depression does not include: Show Answer

Q100) ............. is the measurable economic factor that changes before economy starts to follow a particular pattern or trend: Show Answer

Q101) The Rhythmic fluctuations in aggregate economic activity over a period of time are called: Show Answer

Q102) During recession output: Show Answer

Q103) Business cycles generally originate in: Show Answer

Q104) During the slow down of economy, Show Answer

Q105) The economic boom is characterised as period when: Show Answer

Q106) Which macro economic variables are excluded from leading economic indicators: Show Answer

Q107) Economics activities will be declining in the phase of .... Show Answer

Q108) Business Cycle occurs Show Answer

Q109) According to some economists, ..... are the prime causes of business cycles.
Show Answer

Q110) Which is not related to great depression of 1930 ? Show Answer

Q111) Which of the following is not the phase of business cycles ? Show Answer

Q112) Boom and depression in business cycle are Show Answer

Q113) Which is not the characteristic feature of expansion phase in business cycle ? Show Answer

Q114) "Modern business activities are based on the anticipations of business community and are affected by waves of optimism or pessimism" according to ...... Show Answer

Q115) Find the odd man out :
Which of these is not a coincident factor ? Show Answer

Q116) Excess capacity in capital industries leads to Show Answer

Q117) Here, growth moves in reverse direction Show Answer

Q118) Frictional unemployment exists in Show Answer

Q119) In which stage maximum production occurs. Show Answer

Q120) Unemployment is caused due to structural changes is known as ? Show Answer

Q121) At trough production is ? Show Answer

Q122) Stage at which actual demand is stagnated ? Show Answer

Q123) A change of reaction producer cancel their order in which, stage ? Show Answer

Q124) Which of the following is true : Show Answer

Q125) China's recent slowdown caused Show Answer

Q126) What of the following are not external causes ? Show Answer

Q127) Modern business activities are based on the anticipations of business community and are affected by waves of optimism (or) Pessimism is said by : Show Answer

Q128) Which of the following phase occurs after threat and before peak ? Show Answer

Q129) Which indicators coincide as occur simultaneously with the business cycle movements ? Show Answer

Q130) What is the most visible sign of recession in an economy ? Show Answer

Q131) Taxation policy of government is the past of : Show Answer

Q132) During the phase of tough of business cycle, the growth rate become : Show Answer

Q133) Which of the following is an internal cause of business cycles ? Show Answer

Q134) During the phase .... there is fall in level of investment and employment. Show Answer

Q135) The most important feature of business cycle is : Show Answer

Q136) Feature of .... is fall in interest rates and people's demand for holding liquid money. Show Answer

Q137) Business that are more vulnerable to charges in business cycle and whose fortunes are closely linked to rate of economic growth are called as ..... Show Answer

Q138) According to law trey, which of the following is correct ? Show Answer

Q139) Coincident indicators are also known as .... Show Answer

Q140) Business cycle is contagious and .... in character ? Show Answer

Q141) The world economy suffered the congest deepest and most widespread depression of the 20th century during : Show Answer

Q142) Variable that change before the real output change are called as : Show Answer

Q143) Variables that change after real output changes are known as : Show Answer

Q144) In which of the following phase of a business cycle, actual demand stagnates ? Show Answer

Q145) In a typical business cycle, in which phase supply exceeds demand ? Show Answer

Q146) The rhythmic Fluctuations in aggregate economic activity that an economy experiences over a period of time is called : Show Answer

Q147) Which phase of business cycle is characterised by increase in national output, employment, aggregate demand, capital and consumer expenditure sales, profits etc. ? Show Answer

Q148) Coincident economic indicators are also called as : Show Answer

Q149) Which of the following is not a feature of business cycle ? Show Answer

Q150) According to whom "Business Fluctuation are the outcome of some Psychological states of mind of business community" ? Show Answer

Q151) __ is when economic activity is increasing ? Show Answer

Q152) According to which economist, trade cycle is a purely monetary phenomenon
Show Answer

Q153) __ is a measurable economic factor that changes at the same time when economy starts to follow a particular pattern of trend. Show Answer

Q154) According to ___ fluctuations in economic activities are due to fluctuations in aggregated effective demand. Show Answer

Q155) ___ phase is categorized by increase in national output, employment, aggregate demand, capital & consumer expenditure.
Show Answer

Q156) In India, Monetary policy is implemented by ___.
Show Answer

Q157) Highest point of business cycle is known as ___.
Show Answer

Q158) Which of the following is the characteristic of business cycle ?
Show Answer

Q159) Economic indicator required to predict in the turning point of business cycle is : Show Answer

Q160) Involuntary unemployment is zero in :
Show Answer

Q161) Actual Demand Stagnates in :

Show Answer

Q162) Typical feature of depression is ___ in the interest rate : Show Answer

Q163) Indicator which changes after the real output changes ?
Show Answer

Q164) Coincident Indicator is also known as : Show Answer

Q165) What is leading indicator in the following ?
Show Answer

Q166) ___ sector can not be a cyclical business.
Show Answer

Q167) Which of the following is correct ?
Show Answer

Q168) The lowest point in the business cycle is referred to as - Show Answer

Q169) Which of the following is not the main feature of business cycle ? Show Answer

Q170) Which of the following is not an example of cyclical business? Show Answer

Q171) Recent example of the business cycle is the housing bubble of the US economy.This bubble got burst in: Show Answer

Q172) Peaks and troughs of the business cycle are collectively known as: Show Answer

Q173) Which of the following characteristics does not belong to expansion path of business cycles? Show Answer

Q174) Which of the following is not a fast-moving consumer goods? Show Answer

Q175) The phase of business cycle in which growth rate becomes negative and the level of national income and expenditure declines rapidly resulting in widespread unemployment: Show Answer

Q176) Trade cycles occur as a result of mismatch between aggregate demand function and aggregate supply function who said this? Show Answer

Q177) According to__________trade cycles occur due to onset of innovations.
Show Answer

Q178) Which one of the following factor is an external cause or endogenous factor which may lead to boom or bust? Show Answer

Q179) _____________are the variable that change after the real output changes? Show Answer

Q180) According to monetarists,the prime causes of business cycles are:
Show Answer

Q181) 'Corporate profit' is an example of which type if indicator?
Show Answer

Q182) Coincident indicators are also called as: Show Answer

Q183) Increase in national output and other economic variables is a characteristics of ___________ in business cycles. Show Answer

Q184) Those variables that change before the real output changes prior to large economic adjustment are called as:
Show Answer

Q185) Which of the following variables charges after real output changes?
Show Answer

Q186) Which of the following is not an internal factor?
Show Answer

Q187) In which phase of business cycles,levels of investment and employment falls?
Show Answer

Q188) Which of the following is not an example of lagging indicator?
Show Answer

Q189) Not a phase of Business Cycle: Show Answer

Q190) Which one of the following is Extreme or Exogenous factor,that lead to boom or burst? Show Answer

Q191) Which of the following Industries are less sensitive to Business Cycle?
Show Answer

Q192) Which is a feature of Business Cycle?
Show Answer