Practice Test

Q1) Influenza : Virus : : Typhoid : ? Show Answer

Q2) Melt : Liquid : : Freeze : ? Show Answer

Q3) Clock : Time : : Thermometer : ? Show Answer

Q4) Muslims : Mosque : : Sikhs : ? Show Answer

Q5) Paw : Cat : : Hoof : ? Show Answer

Q6) Hong Kong : China : : Vatican : ? Show Answer

Q7) Push : Pull : : Throw : ? Show Answer

Q8) Hot :Oven : :Cold : ? Show Answer

Q9) Drama : Stage : : Tennis : ? Show Answer

Q10) Food : Stomach : : Fuel : ? Show Answer

Q11) Fire : Ashes : : Explosion : ? Show Answer

Q12) Sedative : Pain : : Solace : ? Show Answer

Q13) Sorrow : Death :: Happiness : ? Show Answer

Q14) Ship : Sea : : Camel : ? Show Answer

Q15) 03:10::08: ? Show Answer

Q16) 01:04::08: ? Show Answer

Q17) 03:11::07: ? Show Answer

Q18) 6:18::4: ? Show Answer

Q19) 7584:5362::4673: ? Show Answer

Q20) 25:37::49: ? Show Answer

Q21) 8:28::64: ? Show Answer

Q22) 8:81::64: ? Show Answer

Q23) 42:72::?:156 Show Answer

Q24) 507:337::209: ? Show Answer

Q25) 20:91::23: ? Show Answer

Q26) 2:12::36: ? Show Answer

Q27) 267:89::291: ? Show Answer

Q28) 18:65:?:85 Show Answer

Q29) 5/9:7/11::6/11: ? Show Answer

Q30) A G : I O : : E K : ? Show Answer

Q31) A C E : F H J : : O Q S : ? Show Answer

Q32) E Y : B V :: Q D : ? Show Answer

Q33) D H M R : E I N S : : O J TW : ? Show Answer

Q34) M G U Z : A V H N : : F E R A : ? Show Answer

Q35) A C E G : D F H J : : Q S U W : ? Show Answer

Q36) K c a C : C a c K : : X g m F : ? Show Answer

Q37) D d a : a D D : : R r b : ? Show Answer

Q38) A K : K : : E E : ? Show Answer

Q39) E G I K : F I L O : : F H J L : ? Show Answer

Q40) K O P T : A E F J : : Q U V Z : ? Show Answer

Q41) L O G IC : B H F N K : : C L E R K : ? Show Answer

Q42) N E T : 1 3 2 2 7 : : Y A M : ? Show Answer

Q43) H O P E : S P L E N D O U R : : D E S P A I R : ? Show Answer

Q44) WIND : WHIRLWIND : : DRIZZLE : ? Show Answer

Q45) DULC : EVMD : : ? : GXOF Show Answer

Q46) DMVE : ? : : HQZI : JSBK Show Answer

Q47) SLEA : BFMT : : ? : DHOV Show Answer

Q48) JTIS : HRGO : : FPEO : ? Show Answer

Q49) MRPL : OTRN : : ? : EJID Show Answer

Q50) GUILT : PAST as HOPE : ? Show Answer

Q51) STRICT : LENIENT : HOPE : ? Show Answer

Q52) CAT : MEW : : LION : ? Show Answer

Q53) SRARK : STICK : : PAN : ? Show Answer

Q54) Earth : Solar system : : Flower : ? Show Answer

Q55) FIRE : ASHES : : EVENT : ? Show Answer

Q56) EXIT : ENTRANCE : : OUTLET ; ? Show Answer

Q57) SUMMIT : TOP : : BASE : ? Show Answer

Q58) PLAYER : TEAM : : JUDGE : ? Show Answer

Q59) BEEF : HAM : CAULIFLOWER : ? Show Answer

Q60) SMILE : LAUGHTER :WARM : ? Show Answer

Q61) HIGH JUMP : RELAY RACE : : LONG JUMP : ? Show Answer

Q62) ZOOLOGY : GEOLOGY : : SOCIOLOGY : ? Show Answer

Q63) DORMANT : ACTIVE : : PROMOTE : ? Show Answer

Q64) ? : QEHMDF : : WIDELY : HVCDXK Show Answer

Q65) ? : DURXQG : : POLITY : SROLWB Show Answer

Q66) BLOCKED : YOLXPVW : : ? : OZFMXS Show Answer

Q67) FED : MKI : : PON : ? Show Answer

Q68) K/T:11/20::J/R : ? Show Answer

Q69) FILM : ADGH : MILK : ? Show Answer

Q70) CAT : DDY : : BIG : ? Show Answer

Q71) LAKE : PEOI : : MEAT : ? Show Answer

Q72) FIT : HKV : : JOB : ? Show Answer

Q73) LOSE : MQVI : : GAIN : ? Show Answer

Q74) WASH : FACE : : SWEEP : ? Show Answer

Q75) SQUINT : VISION : : STAMMER : ? Show Answer

Q76) IMPORT : EXPORT : : EXPENDITURE : ? Show Answer


Q78) Calf : Cow : : Cat : Show Answer

Q79) KEY : LOCK : : SWITCH : ? Show Answer

Q80) VENDOR : BUYER : : LAWYER : Show Answer

Q81) FEET : MAN : : HOOFS : Show Answer

Q82) COCK : HEN : : DOG : ? Show Answer

Q83) HEART : SENTIMENT : : HEAD : ? Show Answer

Q84) GRASS : GREEN : : SKY : ? Show Answer

Q85) TRAIN : STATION : : AEROPLANE : ? Show Answer

Q86) ASHES : FIRE : EXTINCTION : ? Show Answer

Q87) CRIME : PUNISHMENT : : BRAVERY : ? Show Answer

Q88) POET : POEM : : COMPOSER : ? Show Answer

Q89) GAMES : STADIUM : : BOATING : ? Show Answer

Q90) Needle : Thread : : Fountain pen : ? Show Answer

Q91) Furniture : Table : : Stationery : ? Show Answer

Q92) House : Sheltar : : Soup : ? Show Answer

Q93) Crime: Court : : Disease : ? Show Answer

Q94) Millionarie : Wealth : : Genius : ? Show Answer

Q95) Hot : Oven : : Cold : ? Show Answer

Q96) Swim : Fish : : Walk : ? Show Answer

Q97) Fruit : ? : : Vegetable : Cabbage Show Answer

Q98) Table : Carpenter : : Building : ? Show Answer

Q99) Walk : Run : : Breeze : ? Show Answer

Q100) Select one of the following 4 options that will make the second pair analogous to the 1st pair given electromagnetism :Physics:: Histology:? Show Answer

Q101) Select one of the following 4 options that will make the 2nd pair analogous to the 1st pair as:
8:512::17:? Show Answer

Q102) Select one of the following 4 options that will make the 2nd pair analogous to the 1st pair given:
KMF:LLH::RMS:? Show Answer

Q103) Select one of the following 4 options that will make the 2nd pair analogous to the 1st pair given.
ACT:CAT::MEN:? Show Answer

Q104) Select one of the following 4 options that will make the 2nd pair analogous to the 1st pair given:
Show Answer

Q105) Select one of the following 4 options that will make the 2nd pair analogous to the 1st pair given.
Husband :father in law ::mother:? Show Answer

Q106) Select one of the following 4 options that will make the 2nd pair analogous to the 1st pair given.
Show Answer

Q107) Select one of the following 4 options that will make the 2nd pair analogous to the 1st pair given.
123:6::234:? Show Answer

Q108) Select one of the following four options that will make the second pair analogous to the first pair given.

Q109) Select one of the following four options that will make the second pair analogous to the first pair given.
Show Answer

Q110) Select one of the following four options that will make the second pair analogous to the first pair given.
Geometry:Mathematics::Botany:? Show Answer

Q111) Select one of the following four options that will make the second pair analogous to the first pair given.

Q112) Select one of the following four options that will make the second pair analogous to the first pair given.

Show Answer