Practice Test

Q1) The radioactive decay follows Show Answer

Q2) The group displacement law was proposed by Show Answer

Q3) The nuclei which are not identical but have same number of nucleons represent Show Answer

Q4) The positron is nearly as heavy as Show Answer

Q5) The triad of nuclei that is isotonic is: Show Answer

Q6) Which of the following is an artificial man-made series? Show Answer

Q7) The age of minerals and rocks is estimated by Show Answer

Q8) Which sub-atomic particle is more effective in bringing about artificial transmutation of elements? Show Answer

Q9) On passing through a magnetic field, the greatest deflection is experienced by Show Answer

Q10) In nucelar reactors, the moderator is: Show Answer

Q11) Bismuth is the end product of the radioactive disintegration series known as: Show Answer

Q12) Which of the following is an example of induced radioactivity? Show Answer

Q13) Which of the following is considered as a synthetic element? Show Answer

Q14) The energy released in nuclear reactions corresponding to 1 a.m.u. is about Show Answer

Q15) Uranium series is also known as Show Answer

Q16) Radioisotopes have been used in treatment of certain diseases. For treatment of cancerous tumors, the raidoisotope used was Show Answer

Q17) The radiant energy of the sun is due to Show Answer

Q18) The phenomenon of nuclear fission was experimentally observed by Show Answer

Q19) Which is used as a neutron absorber in nuclear reactors to control the chain reaction? Show Answer

Q20) Average life period is equal to Show Answer

Q21) If an element emits an alpha- particle, then the position of daughter element will be displaced in the periodic table by Show Answer

Q22) The equipment used to carry out the fission reaction in a controlled manner is called Show Answer

Q23) The radioactive isotope of carbon used in radio carbon dating is Show Answer

Q24) The first positron emitter discovered was: Show Answer

Q25) Which of the following process results in emission of X-rays? Show Answer

Q26) The basic principle in the hydrogen bomb is: Show Answer

Q27) If in the reaction of fluorine-19 with a neutron nitrogen-16 is formed, what is the other particel given off in the reaction? Show Answer

Q28) Which of the following represents fusion reaction? Show Answer

Q29) When the quantity of a radioactive substance is increased to two times, the number of atoms disintegrated per unit time is: Show Answer

Q30) A positron has a charge equal to that of Show Answer

Q31) The decive used for the measurement of radioactivity is: Show Answer

Q32) Which of the following is not a transuranic element? Show Answer

Q33) In a breeder reactor, which of the following is converted to fissionable fuel? Show Answer

Q34) Which of the following is a thermonuclear reaction? Show Answer

Q35) The mass of 1 curie of U-234 is: Show Answer

Q36) If a radioactive element is placed in an evacuated container, its rate of disintegration will Show Answer

Q37) The half period of a radioactive element is 20 years. If a sample of this nucleide has an initial activity of 20000 dis/min, the activity after 80 years would be Show Answer

Q38) The substance used in Breeder reactor is: Show Answer

Q39) Which of the following nuclei is unstable? Show Answer

Q40) The activity of radioactive isotope decreases with Show Answer

Q41) The artificial radioactivity was first discovered by Show Answer

Q42) With time, the rate of radioactivity disintegration Show Answer

Q43) Which of the following transformation is not correct? Show Answer

Q44) Which of the following used in dating archaeological findings? Show Answer

Q45) Which of the following radiations can be easily stopped by air? Show Answer

Q46) Meson was discovered by Show Answer

Q47) Neutrino can be detected during the emission of Show Answer

Q48) Packing fraction is related to Show Answer

Q49) Lead containers are generally used for storing radioactive materials. This is because Show Answer

Q50) Nuclear energy is the result of conversion of Show Answer

Q51) The half-life period of a radioactive substance is 140 days. After 560 days, one gram of the element will be reduced to Show Answer

Q52) During the fission of U-235, a large amount of energy of the order of 180 MeV is generated per nucleus fissioned. The amount of energy released by the fission of 0.235 g of U-235 is: Show Answer

Q53) The half life period of a particular isotope is 10 years. Its decay constant is: Show Answer

Q54) The half life period of a radioactive isotope of X is 15 hours. How long will it take for its activity to be reduced to 1/16 of its original value? Show Answer

Q55) A certain radioactive substance has half life period of 10 days. How long will it take for its activity to reduce to 1/8 of its original value? Show Answer

Q56) Eight grams of a radioactive susbtance is reduced to 0.5 g after 1 hour. The half life period of the radioactive substance is: Show Answer

Q57) A radioactive substance having a half life period of 5 days was recevied after 20 days. It was found that there was 3 g of the isotope in the container. The initial weight of the isotope when placed was: Show Answer

Q58) Carbon-14 has a half life period of 5760 years. 100 mg of sample containing C - 14 is reduced to 25 mg in Show Answer

Q59) Starting with 10 g of a radioactive substance 0.1 g is left after 10 days. The rate constant for the decay is: Show Answer

Q60) The half life period of a radioactive nucleide is 1 hour. In three hours its activity will be reduced by a factor of Show Answer

Q61) The half life period of a radioactive element is 120 days. Starting with 1 g, the amount of element decayed in 600 days will be Show Answer

Q62) The most stable nuclei have mass number Show Answer

Q63) Which of the following statements is not correct? Show Answer

Q64) A raditoactive sample has a half life of 1500 years. A sealed tube containing 1 g of the sample will contain after 3000 years Show Answer

Q65) The half life period of a radioactive substance is 15 miuntes. What per cent of radioactivity of that material will remain after 45 minutes? Show Answer

Q66) A radioactive isotope decays at such a rate that after 96 minutes only 1/8 th of the original substance is left. The half life period of the nucleide is: Show Answer

Q67) In a radioactive decay, an emitted electrons comes from Show Answer

Q68) 8 g of the radioactive isotope, cesium- 137 were collected on Feb, 1 and kept in a sealed tube. On July 1, it was found that only 0.25 g of it remained. So the half life period of the isotope is: Show Answer

Q69) The isotopes of elements were discovered by Show Answer

Q70) Which of the following is used in cancer therapy? Show Answer

Q71) A radioactive substance having a half life period of 3 days was received after 12 days. It was found that there was 3 g of the isotope in the container. The initial weight of the isotope when placed was: Show Answer

Q72) A radioactive element has a half life of one day. After three days, the amount of element left will be Show Answer

Q73) Carbon- 14 dating method is that the Show Answer

Q74) The half-life of a radioactive nucleide 'X' is 24 hours, the time required for 12.5% of the original X to remain is Show Answer

Q75) A radioactive substance has half life 5760 years. 100 mg of a sample containing the substance is reduced to 25 mg in Show Answer

Q76) If amount of radioactive substance is increased three times, the number of disintegrating atoms per unit time will Show Answer

Q77) A radioactive element (atomic mass = 90 a.m.u.) has half life of 28 years. The number of disintegration per second is Show Answer

Q78) The introduction of a neutron into the nuclear composition of an atom would lead to a change in Show Answer

Q79) The half life of radioisotope is 4 hr. If the initial mass of the isotope was 200 g, the mass remaining after 24 hr. undecayed is Show Answer

Q80) Which of the following nuclear reaction will generate an isotope? Show Answer

Q81) A radioactive element gets spilled over the floor of a room. Its half-life period is 30 days. If the initial activity is ten times the permissible value, after how many days will it be safe to enter the room? Show Answer

Q82) The half life of a radioactive isotope is three hours. If the initial mass of the isotope was 300 g, the mass which remained undecayed in 18 hours would be Show Answer

Q83) The half life period of a radio active substance is 5 years. The value of decay constant is: Show Answer

Q84) Isobar of a nucleide is formed when _________ takes place? Show Answer

Q85) Neutron was discovered by Show Answer

Q86) A human body required 0.01 M activity of a radioactive substance after 24 hours. Half life of the radioactive substance is 6 hours. The injection of maximum activity of the radioactive substance that can be injected is Show Answer

Q87) Which of the following used as moderator in a nuclear reactor? Show Answer

Q88) Half life of a radioactive substance which disintegrates by 75% in 60 minutes will be Show Answer

Q89) The phenomenon of a radioactivity arises from the Show Answer

Q90) Which of the following is easily stopped by air? Show Answer

Q91) The reactor used to convert stable form to fissile form is Show Answer

Q92) Unstable substances exhibit higher radioactivity due to Show Answer

Q93) Which one of the following radio isotopes is used in the treatment of blood cancer? Show Answer

Q94) Most radioactive is Show Answer

Q95) Which of the following isotope of uranium is most radioactive? Show Answer

Q96) The order of density of nucleus is Show Answer

Q97) The element used for dating the ancient remain is Show Answer

Q98) Fusion bomb involves Show Answer

Q99) If radium and chlorine combine to form radium chloride the compound is Show Answer

Q100) The half lives of two radioactive nucleides A and B are 1 and 2 min. respectively. Equal weights of A and B are taken separately and allowed to disintegrate for 4 min. What will be the ratio of weights of A and B disintegrated? Show Answer

Q101) If a substance with half life of 3 days is taken to another place in 12 days. What is the amount of substance left now? Show Answer

Q102) Which of the following is a spallation reaction? Show Answer

Q103) A positron is represented as: Show Answer

Q104) Which of the following is man made series? Show Answer

Q105) The activity of a sample has 40% as much radioactivity as present originally. If the half life period of the radioactivity is 3000 y, the life of the sample undergoing disintegration is Show Answer

Q106) One Becquerel of radioactivity is equal to Show Answer

Q107) A radioactive nucleide emits particles alpha, beta and gamma in successive disintegration. The atomic mass of the end product is less than the atomic mass of the original uncleide by approximately Show Answer

Q108) The half life period of a radioactive substance is 15 days. How long will take for 3/4 of the atoms originally present to disintegrate? Show Answer

Q109) The radioactive isotope used to estimate the age of ancient geological formation is Show Answer

Q110) The half life period of a radioactive element is 72 days. After 288 days one gram of the element will reduce to Show Answer

Q111) In a nuclear reactor, the moderate is Show Answer

Q112) If 10.0 g of a radioactive substance has a half life of 32 hr, the half life of 2.5 g of the same substance is Show Answer

Q113) Decrease in atomic number is not observed during Show Answer

Q114) The radioactive disintegration equation may be expressed as: Show Answer

Q115) Alpha particles are Show Answer