Practice Test

Q1) In paper charomatography Show Answer

Q2) Distillation involves all the following process except Show Answer

Q3) There are several criteria of purity of organic compounds. Which is considered to be the best? Show Answer

Q4) Absolute alcohol cannot be obtained by simple fractionation of solution of ethanol and water because Show Answer

Q5) A mixture of camphor and benzoic acid can be seperated by Show Answer

Q6) The most satisfactory method of separating sugars from each other is Show Answer

Q7) An organic substance from its aqueous solution can be separated by Show Answer

Q8) Which reagent is useful in separating benzoic acid from phenol? Show Answer

Q9) Separation of petroleum into its components is mostly done by Show Answer

Q10) Simple distillation can be used to separate Show Answer

Q11) Turpentine oil can be purified by Show Answer

Q12) Raw juice in sugar factories is generally concentrated by Show Answer

Q13) A bottle containing two immiscible liquid is given to you. These may be separated by Show Answer

Q14) Azeotropes are Show Answer

Q15) Some organic compounds are purified by distillation at low pressure because the compounds are Show Answer

Q16) Charomatographic techniques of purification can be used for Show Answer

Q17) In steam distillation, the vapour pressure of the volatile organic compound is Show Answer

Q18) Which method cannot be used for purification of liquids? Show Answer

Q19) Silica gel is used for keeping away the moisture because it Show Answer

Q20) Generally it is more difficult to purify organic compounds than inorganic compounds because Show Answer

Q21) Two substance when separated out on the basis of their extent of adsorption by one material, the phenomenon is known as Show Answer

Q22) Liquid which decompose below their normal boiling points can be distilled at lower temperature by Show Answer

Q23) Which statement apply best to vacuum distillation? Show Answer

Q24) Separation of organic compounds by column chromatography is due to Show Answer

Q25) The substance used as an adsorbent in the column chromatography is Show Answer

Q26) The best method to separate the mixture of ortho and para nitrophenol (1: 1) is Show Answer

Q27) Which one of the following is not used for the purification of solid impurities? Show Answer

Q28) Simple distillation is used to separate liquid which differ in their boiling points by Show Answer

Q29) Which process is suitable for the purification of aniline? Show Answer

Q30) Absolute alcohol is prepared by Show Answer

Q31) Which of the following is the scientific method to test the presence of water in a liquid? Show Answer

Q32) A mixture contains four solid organic compounds A,B,C and D. On heating only C changes from solid to vapour state. C can be separated from the rest mixture by Show Answer

Q33) Steam distillation is used for the extraction of Show Answer

Q34) Impure glycerine is purified by Show Answer

Q35) Which of the following technique is most suitable for purification of cyclohexanone from a mixture containing benzoic acid, isoamyalcohol, cyclohexane and cyclohexanone? Show Answer

Q36) The last technique used for purification of organic compound is Show Answer

Q37) Anthracene is purified by Show Answer

Q38) In lassaigne's test for N, S and halogens, the organic compound is Show Answer

Q39) Positive Beilstein test shows that Show Answer

Q40) Sodium extract prepared by using thiourea contains which ion in the solution, mainly responsible for a characteristic test? Show Answer

Q41) In Lassaigne's test sodium metal is used because Show Answer

Q42) The sodium extract on acidification with acetic acid and then adding lead acetate solution gives black precipitate. The organic compound contains Show Answer

Q43) During Lassaigne's test, N and S present in an organic compound changes into Show Answer

Q44) Sodium nitroprusside when added to an alkaline solution of sulphide ions produce a Show Answer

Q45) In a lassaigne's test for sulphur in the organic compound with sodium nitroprusside solution the purple colour formed is due to Show Answer

Q46) In lassaigne's test for nitrogen, the blue colour is due to the formation of Show Answer

Q47) Which of the following compounds does not show lassaigne's test for nitrogen? Show Answer

Q48) The compound formed in the positive test for nitrogen with Lassaigne solution of an organic compound is Show Answer

Q49) In the organic compound phosphorus is estimated as Show Answer

Q50) Kjeldahl's method cannot be used for the estimation of nitrogen in Show Answer

Q51) Halogens can be estimated by Show Answer

Q52) In organic compounds sulphur is estimated as Show Answer

Q53) The nitrogen content in the protein can be quantitatively estimated by Show Answer

Q54) 0.75 g platinichloride of a monoacidic base on ignition gave 0.245 g platinum. The molecular weight of the base is Show Answer

Q55) 0.759 g of a silver salt of a dibasic organic acid on ignition gave 0.463 g metallic formula of hydrocarbon is Show Answer

Q56) 1.4 g of hydrocarbon on combustion gave 1.8 g water. The empirical formula of hydrocarbon is Show Answer

Q57) A compound (60 g) on analysis given C =24 g, H = 4 g and O = 32 g. Its empirical formula is Show Answer

Q58) 0.58 g of hydrocarbon on combustion gave 0.9 g water. The percentage of carbon is about Show Answer

Q59) In victor Meyer's method, 0.2 g of an organic substance displaced 56 mL of air at STP.. The molecular mass of the compound is Show Answer

Q60) 116 mg of a compound on vaporisation in a victor Meyer's apparatus displaces 44.8 ml of air measured at STP. The molecular mass of the compound is Show Answer

Q61) The simplest formula of a compound containing 50% of element X (at. wt. 10) and 50% of element Y (at. wt. 20) is Show Answer

Q62) An organic compound containing C = 40%, H = 13.33% and N = 46.67%. Its empirical formula would be Show Answer

Q63) An organic compound on analysis gave C = 39.9% H = 6.7% and O = 53.4%. The empirical formula of the compound is Show Answer

Q64) In a hydrocarbon, mass ratio of hydrogen and carbon is 1: 3, the empirical formula of hydrocarbon is Show Answer

Q65) A dibasic acid containing C, H and O was found to contain C = 26.7% and H = 2.2%. The vapour density of diethyl ester was found to be 73. What is molecular formula of acid? Show Answer

Q66) The equivalent weight of an acid is equal to Show Answer

Q67) An organic compound containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen contains 52.2% carbon and 13.04% hydrogen Vapour density of the compound is 23. Its molecular formula will be Show Answer

Q68) 0.2 g of an organic compound on complete combustion produce 0.18 g of water, then the percentage of hydrogen in it is Show Answer

Q69) Empirical formula of a hydrocarbon containing 80% carbon and 20% hydrogen is Show Answer

Q70) If we want to study the relative arrangement of atoms in a molecule, we study Show Answer

Q71) In Duma's method, the gas which is collected in Nitrometer is Show Answer

Q72) In Kjeldahl's method, the nitrogen present is estimated as Show Answer

Q73) Which of the following statement is wrong? Show Answer

Q74) An organic compound contains 49.3% carbon, 6.84% hydrogen and its vapour density is 73. Molecular formula of the compound is Show Answer

Q75) Nitrogen in an organic compound can be estimated by Show Answer

Q76) In a compound C,H and N are present in 9:1 : 3.5 by weight. If molecular weight of compound is 108, the molecular formula of compound is Show Answer

Q77) The ammonia evolved from the treatment of 0.30 g of an organic compound for the estimation was passed in 100 ml of 0.1 M sulphuric acid. The excess of acid required 20 ml of 0.5 M NaOH soluction for complete neutralisation. The organic compound is Show Answer

Q78) If two compound have the same empirical formula but different molecular formula, they must have Show Answer

Q79) Carbon and hydrogen are estimated by Show Answer

Q80) In Kjeldahl's method, the nitrogen present in the organic compound is quantitatively converted into Show Answer

Q81) 0.4 g of an organic compound gave 0.188 g of silver bromide by a halogen estimation method. The percentage of bromide in the compound is (At. mass of Ag = 108, Br = 80) Show Answer

Q82) Which of the following statement is correct for paper chromatography? Show Answer

Q83) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R.
Assertion (A) Thin layer chromatography is an adsorption chromatography.
Reason (R) A thin layer of silica gel is spread over a glass plate of suitable size in thin layer chromatography which acts as an adsorbent.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below Show Answer

Q84) Which technique among the following, is most appropriate in separation of a mixture of 100 mg of p-nitrophenol and picric acid? Show Answer

Q85) Which one of the following techniques is not used to spot components of a mixture separated on thin layer chromatographic plate? Show Answer

Q86) Which of the following is structure of a separating funnel? Show Answer

Q87) Which purification technique is used for high boiling organic liquid compound (decomposes near its boiling point)? Show Answer

Q88) The metal that can be purified economically by fractional distillation method is Show Answer

Q89) In chromatography technique, the purification of compound is independent of Show Answer

Q90) Two compounds I and II are eluted by column chromatography (adsorption of I > II). Which one of the following is a correct statement? Show Answer

Q91) The distillation technique most suited for separating glycerol from spent lye in the soap industry is Show Answer

Q92) Methods used for purification of organic compounds are based on Show Answer

Q93) The adsorbent used in adsorption chromatography is/are-
A. silica gel
B. alumina
C. quick lime
D. magnesia
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: Show Answer

Q94) The fragrance of flowers is due to the presence of some steam volatile organic compounds called essential oils. These are generally insoluble in water at room temperature but are miscible with water vapour in vapour phase. A suitable method for the extraction of these oils from the flowers is Show Answer

Q95) 'Adsorption' principle is used for which of the following purification method? Show Answer

Q96) Which among the following purification methods is based on the principle of "Solubility” in two different solvents? Show Answer

Q97) Chromatographic techniques based on the principle of differential adsorption is\are
A. column chromatography
B. thin layer chromatography
C. paper chromatography
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below Show Answer

Q98) The technique used for purification of steam volatile water immiscibe substances is Show Answer

Q99) Given below are two statements.
One is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R.
Assertion (A) A mixture contains benzoic acid and naphthalene. The pure benzoic acid can be separated out by the use of benzene.
Reason (R) Benzoic acid is soluble in hot water.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below. Show Answer

Q100) Phenol on reaction with dilute nitric acid, gives two products. Which method will be most effective for large scale separation? Show Answer

Q101) Given below are two statements.
Statement I A mixture of chloroform and aniline can be separated by simple distillation.
Statement II When separating aniline from a mixture of aniline and water by steam distillation aniline boils below its boiling point.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below. Show Answer

Q102) Given below are two statements:
Statement I o-nitrophenol is steam volatile due to intramolecular hydrogen bonding.
Statement II o-nitrophenol has high melting due to hydrogen bonding.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below. Show Answer

Q103) Which of the following statements is not true about partition chromatography? Show Answer

Q104) The correct statement among the following for a 'chromatography' purification method is Show Answer

Q105) Which of the following statements are correct?
A. Glycerol is purified by vacuum distillation because it decomposes at its normal boiling point.
B. Aniline can be purified by steam distillation as aniline is miscible in water.
C. Ethanol can be separated from ethanol water mixture by azeotropic distillation because it forms azeotrope.
D. An organic compound is pure, if mixed M.P. is remained same.
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below. Show Answer

Q106) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as
Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A) Principle involved during in the paper chromatography is partition chromatography only.
Reason (R) Components of the mixture separate themselves based on the difference between affinities towards stationary phases and mobile phases.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer form the options given below. Show Answer

Q107) Which one of the following set of elements can be detected using sodium fusion extract? Show Answer

Q108) Which of the following compounds is added to the sodium extract before addition of silver nitrate for testing of halogen? Show Answer

Q109) Which of the following nitrogen containing compound does not give Lassaigne's test? Show Answer

Q110) Compound that will give positive Lassaigne's test for both nitrogen and halogen is Show Answer

Q111) Reagent, 1-naphthylamine and sulphanilic acid in acetic acid is used for the detection of Show Answer

Q112) In Carius method, halogen containing organic compound is heated with fuming nitric acid in the presence of Show Answer

Q113) Nitrogen can be estimated by Kjeldahl's method for which of the following compound? Show Answer

Q114) Which of the following compounds will be suitable for Kjeldahl's method for nitrogen estimation? Show Answer

Q115) Which of the following is a false statement? Show Answer

Q116) In Carius method of estimation of halogens, 250 mg of an organic compound gave 141 mg of AgBr. The percentage of bromine in the compound is (at. mass Ag = 108, Br = 80) Show Answer

Q117) Given below are two statements:
Statement I Kjeldahl method is applicable to estimate nitrogen in pyridine.
Statement II The nitrogen present in pyridine can easily be converted into ammonium sulphate in Kjeldahl method.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: Show Answer

Q118) In Carius method of estimation of halogen 0.172 g of an organic compound showed presence of 0.08 g of bromine. Which of these is the correct structure of the compound? Show Answer

Q119) For the estimation of nitrogen, 1.4 g of an organic compound was digested by Kjeldahl's method and the evolved ammonia was absorbed in 60 mL of M/10 sulphuric acid. The unreacted acid required 20 mL of M/10 sodium hydroxide for the complete neutralisation. The percentage of nitrogen in the compound is Show Answer