Practice Test

Q1) In 1665, Robert Hooke first detected cells in Show Answer

Q2) The word 'cell' was coined by Show Answer

Q3) _________ had reported cells like human sperms, bacteria, red blood corpuscles etc, through microscopy. Show Answer

Q4) __________ had discovered and named the nucleus in the cell. Show Answer

Q5) Cytology is the study of Show Answer

Q6) Cell theory was proposed by Show Answer

Q7) _________ had coined the term protoplasm . Show Answer

Q8) Modern version of the cell theory states that Show Answer

Q9) ________ had said that all cells arise from pre-existing cells. Show Answer

Q10) Cells originate Show Answer

Q11) Which cells are used as a stem cell ? Show Answer

Q12) Exceptions to cell theory are Show Answer

Q13) Each cell covered by a plasma membrane made up of Show Answer

Q14) In the word totipotency, totus means Show Answer

Q15) Genetic information is passed from one generation to other through Show Answer

Q16) Capacity of a cell to differentiate into any Show Answer

Q17) Which part of the cell divides first during cell division ? Show Answer

Q18) In multicellular organisms, which type of cell division gives rise to tissues ? Show Answer

Q19) Tissues combine to form Show Answer

Q20) Organs combine to form Show Answer

Q21) A multicellular organisms is larger due to Show Answer

Q22) On the basis of intracellular organization what are the two different categories of living organisms ? Show Answer

Q23) In the word prokaryotic, "pro" means Show Answer

Q24) Cocci are Show Answer

Q25) Vibrios are Show Answer

Q26) Bacilli are Show Answer

Q27) Spirilla are Show Answer

Q28) What is the bacterial shape of Streptococcus pneumoniae ? Show Answer

Q29) What is the function of cyanobacteria ? Show Answer

Q30) __________ help in clinging to a support in bacteria. Show Answer

Q31) What is the function of receptor molecules present on bacterial cell wall ? Show Answer

Q32) Major component of the cell wall in bacterial prokaryotes is a polymer of Show Answer

Q33) In prokaryotic cells outermost layer of cell envelope is called Show Answer

Q34) Mesosomes are the instructions of Show Answer

Q35) Prokaryotic cell shows Show Answer

Q36) Which of the following is absent in prokaryotes ? Show Answer

Q37) Cell organelle present in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes is Show Answer

Q38) A prokaryotic cell among the following is Show Answer

Q39) In prokaryotes, the genetic material is a Show Answer

Q40) DNA prokaryotic cell is generally Show Answer

Q41) The prokaryotic cells are characterized by Show Answer

Q42) A prokaryotic cell does not contain Show Answer

Q43) Which two sub-units combine to form 70S ribosomes in prokaryotes ? Show Answer

Q44) In prokaryotes, chromsomes are Show Answer

Q45) In prokaryotic cell, the circular DNA molecule is connected to the plasma membrane through the Show Answer

Q46) Prokaryotic cell does not show Show Answer

Q47) Aerobic respiration is performed by Show Answer

Q48) In bacteria, plasmid is a/an Show Answer

Q49) Plasmid is used in genetic engineering because Show Answer

Q50) Which of the following is not present in prokaryotes ? Show Answer

Q51) Plant cell differs from animal cell in having Show Answer

Q52) Cell wall is present in Show Answer

Q53) __________ perform photorespiration in plants. Show Answer

Q54) Two adjacent cells are joined by Show Answer

Q55) Middle lamella of cell wall is made up of Show Answer

Q56) Plant cell wall possess Show Answer

Q57) The fluid mosaic model is a theory to explain the structure of Show Answer

Q58) In fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane, Show Answer

Q59) The thickness of lipid bilayer in plasma membrane is Show Answer

Q60) What are the two types of membrane proteins in fluid mosaic model ? Show Answer

Q61) Fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane proposes that Show Answer

Q62) Cytoplasmic connections between adjacent cells are Show Answer

Q63) Cytoplasmic bridges are Show Answer

Q64) The aqueous portion of the cytoplasm is known as Show Answer

Q65) Streaming movement of cytoplasmic matrix is called Show Answer

Q66) The organelles known as the power house or energy store house of a cell are Show Answer

Q67) Cell organelles involved in aerobic respiration are Show Answer

Q68) Cristae are found in Show Answer

Q69) Infolding in the cavity of mitochondrion is called Show Answer

Q70) Endoplasmic reticulumm is made up of Show Answer

Q71) Which ER. is resposible for the process of protein synthesis ? Show Answer

Q72) What is the function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum ? Show Answer

Q73) Which among the following is the function of golgi apparatus ? Show Answer

Q74) Which organelle gives rise to primary lysosomes ? Show Answer

Q75) Photosynthetic site in plants are called Show Answer

Q76) The plastids which produce colours other than green are Show Answer

Q77) The word lysosomes has been derived from Show Answer

Q78) Lysosomes have a battery of Show Answer

Q79) Suicidal bags in the cell are Show Answer

Q80) The function of lysosomes is Show Answer

Q81) Main function of lysosomes is Show Answer

Q82) Primary lysosomes fuse with unwanted cell organelle to form Show Answer

Q83) Ribosomes are the centres for Show Answer

Q84) Ribosomes are composed of Show Answer

Q85) Ribosomes are associated with Show Answer

Q86) In animal cell, _______ help in spindle formation during cell division. Show Answer

Q87) _________ plays a vital role in the formation of flagella. Show Answer

Q88) A mature palnt cell has Show Answer

Q89) Vacuole is bound in a cell by a membrane called as Show Answer

Q90) In paramoecium, homeostasis is maintained by Show Answer

Q91) The only structure present in animal cell is Show Answer

Q92) Non-membranous organelle is Show Answer

Q93) Organelle involved with lipid and lipoprotein synthesis is Show Answer

Q94) which statements is true for animal cell ? Show Answer

Q95) Which cell organelle reduces the number of other cell organelles ? Show Answer

Q96) Animal cell is differentiated from plant cell in having Show Answer

Q97) The organism in which body is made of only one cell is Show Answer

Q98) Division of labour is present in Show Answer

Q99) The main controlling cell organelle is Show Answer

Q100) The prokaryotic cells, Show Answer

Q101) In prokaryotic cell, nuclear material is known as Show Answer

Q102) Eukaryotic cell has DNA associated with Show Answer

Q103) The living part of a cell is known as Show Answer

Q104) Nucleus is clearly visible during Show Answer

Q105) Multinucleate cells are found in Show Answer

Q106) Polynucleate cells of the plant are known as Show Answer

Q107) In glandular cells the nucleus occupies ________ position. Show Answer

Q108) In adipose tissue cells, the nucleus occupies ________ position. Show Answer

Q109) Nucleus is ________ in cuboidal cell. Show Answer

Q110) Nucleus is ______ in columnar cells. Show Answer

Q111) The size of the nucleus of a cell depends on Show Answer

Q112) The structure of the nuclear membrane facilitates Show Answer

Q113) Outer layer of nuclear membrane is in continuation with Show Answer

Q114) Space between two nuclear membrane is called Show Answer

Q115) The perinuclear space is about Show Answer

Q116) The perinuclear space is usually about Show Answer

Q117) The selective permeability of nuclear membrane is due to Show Answer

Q118) Which of the following is NOT CORRECT about nuclear envelope ? Show Answer

Q119) The outer nuclear membrane gives off vesicles which fuse to give rise to Show Answer

Q120) Within nuclear membrane a transparent, semi-solid granular and slightly acidophilic ground substanece is present, known as Show Answer

Q121) Nucleolus is involved in the synthesis of Show Answer

Q122) Nucleoli do not occur in Show Answer

Q123) The nucleoplasm contains many thread like coiled and much elongated structure known as Show Answer

Q124) Chromatin material consists of DNA associated with Show Answer

Q125) Light satined and diffused region of chromatin is known as Show Answer

Q126) The darkly satined condensed region of chromatin is known as Show Answer

Q127) The chromatin is made up of small repeating units known as Show Answer

Q128) During cell division chromatin condenses to form Show Answer

Q129) Nucleoplasm is continuous with cytoplasm through Show Answer

Q130) What is absent in erythrocytes ? Show Answer

Q131) Well organized nucleus is absent in Show Answer

Q132) The nucleus contains Show Answer

Q133) Number of chromosomes are ____________ for a species. Show Answer

Q134) Study of ____________ helps in the determination of phylogeny and taxonomy. Show Answer

Q135) Robert Hooke recorded his work in his book named Show Answer

Q136) Stem cells have the property of self Show Answer

Q137) The basic unit of life is Show Answer

Q138) What is the function of cell wall ? Show Answer

Q139) Chromatophores are found in Show Answer

Q140) In 70S type ribosomes, 'S' stands for Show Answer

Q141) Mitochondria are absent in Show Answer

Q142) Fluid mosaic model was proposed by Show Answer

Q143) Protoplasm is a Show Answer

Q144) Golgi bodies perform the function of Show Answer

Q145) Which type of ribosomes are Found in eukaryotes ? Show Answer

Q146) Usually nucleus remain located in the Show Answer

Q147) In chloroplasts, chlorophyll is present in the Show Answer

Q148) Centromere Is required for Show Answer

Q149) Select the wrong statement from the
following. Show Answer

Q150) Keeping in sithe ‘fluid mosaic model1
the structure of cell membrane, which one
of the following statements is,correct with
respect to the movements oflipids and
proteins one lipid monolayer to the the other
( described as flipflop movement) Show Answer

Q151) Plasmodesmata are Show Answer

Q152) Middle lamella is composed mainly of Show Answer

Q153) Which one of the following structure between two adjacent cells is aa transport
pathway? Show Answer

Q154) The main area of various types of activities
of a cell is a Show Answer

Q155) The plasma Membrane consists of mainly Show Answer

Q156) An eiabomte network of filamemous
proteinaceous structures present in the
cytoplasma which helps the maintenance
of cell shape is called Show Answer

Q157) Which one of the following is not considered
as a part of the endomembrane system? Show Answer

Q158) Ribosomal RNA is actively synthesized in Show Answer

Q159) Which one of the following is wrong
statement ? Show Answer

Q160) What is true about ribosomes? Show Answer

Q161) Select the correct statement from the
following regarding cell membrane. Show Answer

Q162) Which one of the following structures is an
organelle within an organelle? Show Answer

Q163) Which one of the following cellular parts
is correctly described? Show Answer

Q164) The major role of minor elements inside
living organisms is to act as Show Answer

Q165) In which one of the following enzymes,
is copper necessarily associated as an
activator? Show Answer

Q166) Which one of the following statements
regarding enzyme inhibition is correct? Show Answer

Q167) The catalytic efficiency of two different
enzymes can be compared by the Show Answer

Q168) Carbohydrates, the most abundant
biomolecule on earth, are produced by Show Answer

Q169) Nucleotides are building blocks of nucleic
acids. Each nucleotide is a composite
molecule formed by Show Answer

Q170) Which of the following is the simplest
amino acid? Show Answer

Q171) Enzymes, vitamins and hormones
can be classified into a single category of
biological chemicals, because all of these Show Answer

Q172) An organic substance bound to an enzyme
and essential for its activity is called Show Answer

Q173) About 98 percent of the mass of every living
organism is composed of just six elements
including carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen,
oxygen and Show Answer

Q174) A competitive inhibitor of succinic
dehydrogenase is Show Answer

Q175) Carbohydrates are commonly found as
starch in plants storage organs. Which of
the following five properties ofstarch (1-5)
make it useful as a storage material?
(1) Easily translocated.
(2) Chemically non-reactive.
(3) Easily digested by animals.
(4) Osmotically inactive.
(5) Synthesized during photosynthesis.
The useful properties are Show Answer

Q176) Three of the following statements about enzymes are correct and one is wrong.
Which one is wrong? Show Answer

Q177) Which one is the most abundant protein in
the animal world? Show Answer

Q178) Which one of the following biomolecules is
correctly characterized? Show Answer

Q179) In the somatic cell cycle Show Answer

Q180) If you are provided with root-tips of onion
in your class and are asked to count the
chromosomes, which of the following
stages can you most conveniently look into
? Show Answer

Q181) Which one of the following precedes
reformation of the nuclear envelope during
M phase of the cell cycle? Show Answer

Q182) Synapsis occurs between Show Answer

Q183) During mitosis, ER and nucleolus begin to
disappear at Show Answer

Q184) Select the correct option with iMpit; to
mitosis. Show Answer

Q185) At metaphase attached to the spindle
fibres by their Show Answer

Q186) During gamete formation, the enzyme
recombinase participates during Show Answer

Q187) The given figure is the representation of a
certain event at a particular stage of a type
of ceil division. Which is this stage ? Show Answer

Q188) Identify the meiotie slsjp in which the
homologous ehromo-1 senses separate
while the sister Chromatids remain
associated at their centromeres. Show Answer

Q189) Whichch is substitution of mitochondria in
E. coli ? Show Answer

Q190) In eukaryotic cells, the amount of basic
proteins is often Mad to be Show Answer

Q191) Winch one of the following is a correct
statement ? Show Answer

Q192) Animal cell differs from plant cell in
possessing Show Answer

Q193) The prokaryotic cells are characterised by Show Answer

Q194) Prokaryotic ribosomes are Show Answer

Q195) Which is absent in prokaryotes ? Show Answer

Q196) ‘Cell theory’ was given by Show Answer

Q197) Who among the following concluded that
“every cell comes from a pre-existing cell”
? Show Answer

Q198) The basic postulates of the cell theory are
(i) All living organisms consists of one or
more cells.
(ii) The cell is the basic unit of structure
and function of all living organisms.
(iii) All cells arise from pre-existing cells.
These were proposed by Show Answer

Q199) Names of Schleiden and Schwann are
associated with Show Answer

Q200) Electron microscope has a high resolution
power. This is due to Show Answer

Q201) Which is correct about cell theory in view of
current status of our knowledge about cell
structure? Show Answer

Q202) DNA is present in Show Answer

Q203) In mitochondria, cristae act as sites for Show Answer

Q204) Oxysomes are located inside Show Answer

Q205) ER is attached with Show Answer

Q206) Ribosome mainly has Show Answer

Q207) Which of the following organelle is common
in plant and animal cells? Show Answer

Q208) The non-membranous organelles are Show Answer

Q209) Suicide bags are also called Show Answer

Q210) All cells contain Show Answer

Q211) Golgi bodies are absent in Show Answer

Q212) Which of the following gives mechanical
support to the cell? Show Answer

Q213) In ribosomes, letter S signifies Show Answer

Q214) Primary lysosomes in a cell are formed by Show Answer

Q215) The latest model for plasma membrane is Show Answer

Q216) Polyribosomes are aggregates of Show Answer

Q217) Ribosomes were discovered by Show Answer

Q218) All plastids have similar structure because
they can Show Answer

Q219) In double helix of DNA, the two DNA
strands are Show Answer

Q220) RNA does not possess Show Answer

Q221) Which is not consistent with double helical
structure of DNA? Show Answer

Q222) A nucleotide is formed of Show Answer

Q223) In RNA, thymine is replaced by Show Answer

Q224) The unit of nucleic acid is Show Answer

Q225) A segment of DNA has 120 adenine and
120 cytosine bases. The total number of
nucleotides present in the segment is Show Answer

Q226) DNA is composed of repeating units of Show Answer

Q227) Adenine is a Show Answer

Q228) Amino acids are produced from Show Answer

Q229) Which is distributed more widely in a cell? Show Answer

Q230) Amino acids are mostly synthesised from Show Answer

Q231) Glycogen is a polymer of Show Answer

Q232) Which is wrong about nucleic acids? Show Answer

Q233) Which of the following nucleotide sequences
contains 4 pyrimidine bases? Show Answer

Q234) Which purine base is found in RNA? Show Answer

Q235) What are the most diverse molecules in the
cell? Show Answer

Q236) In which of the following groups are all
polysaccharides? Show Answer

Q237) Lactose is composed of Show Answer

Q238) Which of the following have carbohydrate
as prosthetic group? Show Answer

Q239) ATP is Show Answer

Q240) In DNA, when AGCT occurs, their
association is as per which of the following
pair? Show Answer

Q241) DNA is mainly found in Show Answer

Q242) Similarity in DNA and RNA is that Show Answer

Q243) In three dimensional view the molecule of
t-RNA is Show Answer

Q244) Length of one loop of B-DNA is Show Answer

Q245) Anticodon occurs in Show Answer

Q246) Extranuclear DNA is found in Show Answer

Q247) In a DNA percentage of thymine is 20% then
what will be percentage of guanine? Show Answer

Q248) The following ratio is generally constant for
a given species Show Answer

Q249) Which form of RNA has a structure
resembling clover leaf ? Show Answer

Q250) Amino acid sequence, in protein synthesis
is decided by the sequence of Show Answer

Q251) Which antibiotic inhibits interaction
between tRNA and wRNA during bacterial
protein synthesis? Show Answer

Q252) One turn of the helix in a B-form DNA is approximately Show Answer

Q253) In DNA helix, cytosine is paired with
guanine by Show Answer

Q254) Association of a mRNA with several
ribosomes is called Show Answer

Q255) Which of the following is not an essential
amino acid ? Show Answer

Q256) Which of the following is a polysaccharide? Show Answer

Q257) The most abundant minerals of a living cell
are Show Answer

Q258) Enzymes having slightly different molecular
structure but performing identical activity
are Show Answer

Q259) Which is a typical example of ‘feedback
inhibition’? Show Answer

Q260) Co-factor (prosthetic group) is a part of
holoenzyme. It is Show Answer

Q261) Some of the enzymes, which are associated
in converting fats into carbohydrates, are
present in Show Answer

Q262) Enzymes are not found in Show Answer

Q263) Which is non-reducing sugar ? Show Answer

Q264) The stack of vesicles found inside plastids
in Show Answer

Q265) Sucrose, a common table sugar, is composed
of Show Answer

Q266) Which is not true about sphaerosomes ? Show Answer

Q267) Prokaryotic ribosome has sedimentation
coefficient of Show Answer

Q268) Which of the following shows semipermeability? Show Answer

Q269) Surrounding membrane of vacuole is called Show Answer

Q270) The protein present in wheat grain is Show Answer

Q271) Suicidal bag of plant cell is Show Answer

Q272) The biomembrane tonoplast is Show Answer

Q273) Cells are connected by plasmodesmata, the
system is Show Answer

Q274) Enzymes are Show Answer

Q275) Sucrose is an example of Show Answer

Q276) What is the structure of glucose? Show Answer

Q277) A chromosome having centromere at the
middle is called Show Answer

Q278) In 1831, Robert Brown described Show Answer

Q279) Cuticle is present in Show Answer

Q280) Which cell organelle is not bound by any
membrane ? Show Answer

Q281) Which of the following organelle is common
between plant and animal? Show Answer

Q282) Which of the following is correct in plant
cell ? Show Answer

Q283) Sphaerosomes contain Show Answer

Q284) Most of the cell membranes are principally
composed of Show Answer

Q285) Protein denaturatjon takes place by the
activity of Show Answer

Q286) Site of gluconeogenesis is Show Answer

Q287) Most abundant lipid in cell membrane is Show Answer

Q288) Cholesterol is a Show Answer

Q289) Most common monomer of carbohydrate is Show Answer

Q290) In meiotic cells, homologous chromosomes
synapse during Show Answer

Q291) How many generations of mitosis are
required to produce 128 cells from a single
cell of a root tip ? Show Answer

Q292) During diplotene stage in meiosis Show Answer

Q293) Select the correct sequence of stages of
meiotic-I prophase Show Answer

Q294) In cell cycle, different phases are in the
following sequence Show Answer

Q295) Genetic recombination during meiosis takes
place at Show Answer

Q296) Which is not true for anaphase ? Show Answer

Q297) In which phase proteins for spindle fibre
formation are synthesized ? Show Answer

Q298) Cell plate formation starts from Show Answer

Q299) The sedimentation coefficient of complete
ribosome in bacterial cell is Show Answer

Q300) Perspiration contains an enzyme that kills bacteria. The enzyme is Show Answer

Q301) The simple polyhydroxy ketone molecule
containing 3-7 carbons is a Show Answer

Q302) The type of cell junction which facilitates
cell to cell communication is Show Answer

Q303) An example of non-competitive inhibition
is Show Answer

Q304) The type of bond involved in the formation
of sodium chloride is Show Answer

Q305) The sugar in DNA is Show Answer

Q306) Most abundant constituent of a cell that has unique structure is Show Answer

Q307) In pachytene stage of meiosis, the
chromosomes appear Show Answer

Q308) In mitosis, nucleolus and nuclear membrane
disappears at Show Answer

Q309) Formation of bivalent during meiosis occurs
at Show Answer

Q310) The process of cytokinesis refers to the
division of Show Answer

Q311) Which of the following is the longest phase
of meiosis? Show Answer

Q312) Tetrad is made of Show Answer

Q313) Given : (1) chromatid, (2) monad, (3) dyad,
(4) daughter chromosomes. During mitosis
the correct sequence of stages passed
through is Show Answer

Q314) Meiosis I is reductional division. Meiosis II
is equational division due to Show Answer

Q315) Segregation of Mendelian factor (Aa) occurs
during Show Answer

Q316) Mitotic anaphase differs from metaphase
in possessing Show Answer

Q317) In meiosis, the daughter cells differ from
parent cell as well as amongst themselves
due to Show Answer

Q318) Number of chromatids at metaphase is Show Answer

Q319) Meiosis II performs Show Answer

Q320) In a somatic cell cycle, DNA synthesis takes
place in Show Answer

Q321) Which statement best explains the
evolutionary advantage of meiosis? Show Answer

Q322) When paternal and maternal chromosomes
change their materials with each other in
cell division this event is called Show Answer

Q323) During cell division in apical meristem, the
nuclear membrane appears in Show Answer

Q324) Microtubule is involved in Show Answer

Q325) Spindle fibre unite with which structure of
chromosomes? Show Answer

Q326) Best material for the study of mitosis in
laboratory is Show Answer

Q327) Which one of the following is an exception
to cell theory? Show Answer

Q328) Electrons used in electron microscope are
of the wavelength Show Answer

Q329) Which one of the following is not a
characteristic of active transport ? Show Answer

Q330) Which of the following is not a true organelle
? Show Answer

Q331) The main lipid component of the plant cell
membrane is Show Answer

Q332) Detoxification of lipid soluble drugs and other harmful compounds, in endoplasmic
reticulum is carried out by Show Answer

Q333) Which one of the following is not a cell
inclusion ? Show Answer

Q334) Zone of exclusion surrounds Show Answer

Q335) Consider the following statements and select
the correct option.
(A) The endomembrane system includes plasma
membrane, ER, Golgi complex, lysosomes
and vacuoles.
(B) ER helps in the transport of substances,
synthesis of proteins, lipoproteins and
(C) Ribosomes are involved in protein synthesis.
(D) Mitochondria help in oxidative phosphorylation and generation of ATR Show Answer

Q336) In which of the following linear polymeric
biomolecule, the two ends are described as
reducing and non-reducing ends ? Show Answer

Q337) At its isoelectric point a protein has Show Answer

Q338) Which of the following statements regarding
coenzymes and prosthetic groups of enzymes
is not true? Show Answer

Q339) If the length of a double helical DNA is
1.7 meters. The number of base pairs present
in the DNA is Show Answer

Q340) DNA contains naeleobases, sugar and
phosphate. Removal of wlffish among these
from a DNA sample will ‘not significantly
length of the DNA ? Show Answer

Q341) RuBisCo is the most abundant enzyme in the
world and preient in ffflf high concentration
in chloroptats. It is required is very high
concentration for photosynthesis because it Show Answer

Q342) With reference to enzymes, which of “the
following is true? Show Answer

Q343) The tightly bound non proteinaceous organic
compound is Show Answer

Q344) Example of a typical homopolysaccharide is Show Answer

Q345) Inulin is a polymer of Show Answer

Q346) Mannitol is Show Answer

Q347) Which one is an imino acid ? Show Answer

Q348) In a polysaccharide, the individual
monosaccharides are linked by a Show Answer

Q349) Select the incorrect statement. Show Answer

Q350) Which of the following match is correct? Show Answer

Q351) Aleuroplasts in a cell Store Show Answer

Q352) The size of mitochondrion in plant celiis Show Answer

Q353) Digestive enzyme hydrolases are present in Show Answer

Q354) Consider the following statements.
(A) Plant cells have centrioles which are
absent in almost all animal cells.
(B) Ribosomes are the site of protein
(C) The middle lamella is a layer mainly of
calcium carbonate which holds the
different neighbouring cells together.
(D) In animal cell steroidal hormones are
synthesized by smooth endoplasmic
Of the above statements Show Answer

Q355) With reference to enzymes, turnover number
means Show Answer

Q356) Essential: non-essential amino acid is Show Answer

Q357) Find out the wrongly matched pair. Show Answer

Q358) Which of the following is not a conjugated
protein ? Show Answer

Q359) The energy content in Kcal/g of carbohydrate
: protein : triglycerol respectively is
approximately in the ratio of Show Answer

Q360) Formation of both peptide and glycosidic
bonds involve Show Answer

Q361) Which factor is responsible for inhibition
of enzymatic
process during feed back? Show Answer

Q362) Purines possess nitrogen at Show Answer

Q363) Which one is diaminodicarboxylic amino
acid ? Show Answer

Q364) What are those structures that appear as ‘beads-on-string’ in the chromosomes when viewed under
electron microscope? Show Answer

Q365) The two polynucleotide chains in DNA are Show Answer

Q366) Centrosome is not present in Show Answer

Q367) Channel proteins are involved in Show Answer

Q368) Part of chromosome after secondary constriction is called Show Answer

Q369) Tubulin protein occurs in Show Answer

Q370) In which one of the following would you expect to find glyoxysomes? Show Answer

Q371) Single stranded DNA is found in Show Answer

Q372) Ribosomes that occur exclusively in mitochondria is Show Answer

Q373) …A… are granular structures first observed under electron microscope as dense particles by …B… (1953).
Here, A and B refer to Show Answer

Q374) Middle lamella is present Show Answer

Q375) Rough endoplasmic reticulum differs from smooth walled endoplasmic reticulum due to the presence of Show Answer

Q376) A widely accepted, improved model of cell membrane is Show Answer

Q377) Organelle important in spindle formation during nuclear division is Show Answer

Q378) Consider the following statements and choose the correct one Show Answer

Q379) The backbone of RNA consists of which of the following sugar? Show Answer

Q380) Chemiosmotic theory of ATP synthesis in the chloroplasts and mitochondria is based on Show Answer

Q381) Polysome is formed by Show Answer

Q382) In eukaryotic cell, plasmodesma is lined by plasma membrane. It encloses tubular extension of
endoplasmic reticulum called Show Answer

Q383) The factors which set the limit of cell size or volume are
I. nucleo-cytoplasmic or kern-plasma ratio
II. rate of metabolic activity
III. ability of oxygen and other materials to reach every part of the cell
IV. ability of waste products to pass to the outside
V. ratio of surface area to the volume of the cell
Identify the correct set of statements Show Answer

Q384) The difference between rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum is that rough
endoplasmic recticulum Show Answer

Q385) Cilia are Show Answer

Q386) The enzyme DNA polymerase was discovered by Show Answer

Q387) Plant cells possess Show Answer

Q388) Which of the following statements are correct?
I. Occurrence of different types of tissues, organs and organ system results in division of labour
II. A new cell always develops by the division of a pre-existing cells
III. Cells are totipotent
IV. Cell is the smallest unit, capable of independent existence and performing the essential functions of life
The correct option is Show Answer

Q389) Which of the following features are correct regarding ribosomes?
I. Non-membrane bound
II. Absent in plastids and mitochondria
III. Present in the cytoplasm and RER
IV. Take part in protein synthesis
The correct option is Show Answer

Q390) In prokaryotic cell,
I. enveloped genetic material is present
II. ribosomes are absent
III. an organised nucleus is absent
The correct option is Show Answer

Q391) In a DNA molecule, distance between two based is Show Answer

Q392) Antiparallel strands of a DNA molecule means that Show Answer

Q393) Arrange the following steps in a correct sequence as per Gram’s staining technique
I. Treatment with 0.5% iodine solution
II. Washing with water
III. Treatment with absolute alcohol/acetone
IV. Staining with weak alkaline solution of crystal violet
The correct sequence is Show Answer

Q394) In eukaryotes, basic structural unit made up of histone and DNA is Show Answer

Q395) Choose the correct statement from the codes given below
I. Separation from extracellular medium allows the cells to maintain its chemical pool, orderliness of
structure and reactions in contrast to disorderly distribution and randomly interacting molecules in the
extra-cellular medium
II. Cells are unable to recognise one another due to the present of specific chemicals on their surface
III. Cells of plant tissues are often connected with one another through cytoplasmic bridges called
IV. Different cells of an organism communicate as well as exchange materials with one another Show Answer

Q396) DNA multiplication is called Show Answer

Q397) Ribosomes are found in Show Answer

Q398) In protoplasm, fat store in the form of Show Answer

Q399) Glycocalyx (mucilage sheath) of a bacterial cell may occur in the form of a loose sheath called …A… or it
may be thick and tough called …B…
Choose the correct pair from the given option Show Answer

Q400) Function of rough endoplasmic reticulum is Show Answer

Q401) Unicellular organisms are Show Answer

Q402) Out of A-T, G-C pairing, bases of DNA may exist in alternate valency state owing to arrangements called Show Answer

Q403) Robert Hooke used the term cell in the year Show Answer

Q404) Okazaki fragments are produced during the synthesis of Show Answer

Q405) Cellulose, the most important constituent of plant cell wall is made up of Show Answer

Q406) In flagella membrane, which enzyme catalysis ATP activity? Show Answer

Q407) During the replication of DNA, the synthesis of DNA on lagging strand takes place in segments. These
segments are called Show Answer

Q408) In DNA of certain organisms, guanine constitutes 20% of the bases. What percentage of the bases would be
adenine? Show Answer

Q409) The term ‘protoplasm’ was coined by Show Answer

Q410) Select the incorrect statement Show Answer

Q411) Which of the following is responsible for the origin of lysosome? Show Answer

Q412) In his bacteriophage experiments, Hershey and Chase demonstrated that DNA is genetic material in Show Answer

Q413) The length of DNA molecule greatly exceeds the dimensions of the nucleus in eukaryotic cells. How is this
DNA accommodated? Show Answer

Q414) Diameter of DNA is constant due to Show Answer

Q415) Which of the following sugars is found in nucleic acid? Show Answer

Q416) Categorise the given statements as true and false
I. Kingdom - Monera have eukaryotic organisation
II. E.coli is a eukaryote
III. Organised nucleus is present in eukaryotes
IV. Paramecium is a prokaryote Show Answer

Q417) Which of the following statements are correct about prokaryotic genetic material (DNA)?
I. DNA is naked, that is without histones
II. DNA is usually circular/single chromosome
III. Outside the genomic DNA, small circular DNA is also present in many bacteria
IV. The smallest DNA are called plasmids Show Answer

Q418) Golgi body originates from Show Answer

Q419) Extension of plasma membrane in prokaryotic cell is Show Answer

Q420) A biomembrane consists of lipids, proteins carbohydrates and water. These lipid molecules are Show Answer

Q421) Thread like protoplasmic projections on the free surface of absorptive cells (such as intestinal cells) are
called Show Answer

Q422) …… are an exception to cell theory Show Answer

Q423) Structural lipids of cell membrane are Show Answer

Q424) The chemical substances found most abundantly on the middle lamella are released into the phragmoplast
by Show Answer

Q425) According to widely accepted ‘fluid mosaic model’ cell membranes are semi-fluid, where lipids and
integral proteins can diffuse randomly. In recent years, this model has been modified in several respects.
In this regard, which of the following statement is incorrect? Show Answer

Q426) Okazaki fragments are joined in a correct sequence by Show Answer

Q427) Which of the following cell organelles stores hydrolytic enzymes? Show Answer

Q428) Cell is the fundamental structural and functional unit of all living organisms. This was evidenced by the
fact that Show Answer

Q429) What is mitoplast? Show Answer

Q430) Assembly of two subunits, 40S and 60S of the ribosome is Show Answer

Q431) Cell membrane of eukaryotes is composed of Show Answer

Q432) Sigma factor is related to Show Answer

Q433) The figures of cork cells as seen by Robert Hooke were published in the book Show Answer

Q434) Robert Hooke thought about the cells that Show Answer

Q435) Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is synthesised in Show Answer

Q436) Which of the following organelles does not contain RNA? Show Answer

Q437) Read the following statements and identify the correct option given.
I. In prokaryotic cell, the nuclear membrane, chloroplast, mitochondria,
microtubules and different kinds of pili are absent.
II. In eukaryotic cell, the nuclear membrane, chloroplast, mitochondria and pili are
III. In prokaryotic cell, the ribosome is of 70 S type and in mitochondria of
eukaryotic animal cell, the ribosome is 80 S type Show Answer

Q438) Schleiden (1838) proposed that cell is the structural and functional unit of life. His idea was a/an Show Answer

Q439) In DNA, which of the following is absent? Show Answer

Q440) Which of the following enzymes has/have haeme as a prosthetic group?
I. Catalase
II. Carboxypeptidase
III. Succinic dehydrogenase
IV. Peroxidase Show Answer

Q441) In prokaryotes, chromatophores are Show Answer

Q442) hnRNA undergoes two additional processing. Out of which, in one of them an unusual nucleotide (methyl
guanosine triphosphate) is added to the 5’ – end of hnRNA. This is known as Show Answer

Q443) In prokaryotic cells, an organelle like the one is eukaryotic cells is Show Answer

Q444) Amino acid binding site in tRNA is Show Answer

Q445) Protoplasm of a eukaryotic cell is called Show Answer

Q446) In which cell organelles, a lipoprotein covering is absent? Show Answer

Q447) The infoldings in mitochondria are known as Show Answer

Q448) Which one is the correct statement about the bacterial cell envelope? Show Answer

Q449) Arrange the following cells in an ascending order of their size and select the correct option
I. Ostrich eggs
II. Mycoplasma
III. Bacteria
IV. Human RBCs Show Answer

Q450) Eukaryotes includes Show Answer

Q451) Which enzyme joins DNA fragments? Show Answer

Q452) If a length of DNA has 45,000 base pairs, how many complete turns will the DNA molecule takes? Show Answer

Q453) The distance between two base pairs in DNA is Show Answer

Q454) Analyse the following pairs and identify the correct option given.
I. Chromoplasts – Contain pigments other than chlorophyll
II. Leucoplasts – Devoid of any pigments
III. Amyloplasts – Store proteins
IV. Aleuroplasts – Store oils and fats
V. Elaioplasts – Store carbohydrates Show Answer

Q455) Which of the following is not relevant to the structure of double helical DNA? Show Answer

Q456) RNA has uracil instead of Show Answer

Q457) Which of the following cellular organelles is/are bound by a single membrane?
Peroxisomes, lysosomes, mitochondria Show Answer

Q458) What is the difference between RNA and DNA? Show Answer

Q459) Cell membrane was discovered by Schwann (1838) but it was named by Show Answer

Q460) Which of the following is not present in cell vacuoles? Show Answer

Q461) If a cell has a twice as much DNA as in a normal functional cell it means that the cell Show Answer

Q462) Within the nucleus DNA is organised along with proteins into material called Show Answer

Q463) Three of the following statements regarding cell organelles are correct, while one is wrong. Which one is wrong? Show Answer

Q464) Plasmodesmata connections helps in Show Answer

Q465) Which of the following pair is mismatched? Show Answer

Q466) The rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) in the cells are because of the presence of Show Answer

Q467) Which one of the following is the correct matching of three items and their grouping category? Show Answer

Q468) The two subunits of ribosome remain united at a critical ion level of Show Answer

Q469) Study of form, structure and composition of cells is called Show Answer

Q470) Acid hydrolase is found in Show Answer

Q471) Which of the following maintains continuity between the water and lipid phases inside and outside the
cells? Show Answer

Q472) The mineral present in cell wall is Show Answer

Q473) Lipid bilayer is present in Show Answer

Q474) Endoplasmic reticulum is in continuation with Show Answer

Q475) Which of the following is the filler substance of the matrix of eukaryotic cell? Show Answer

Q476) Which of the following does not contain DNA? Show Answer

Q477) The fluidity of membranes in a plant in cold weather may be maintained by Show Answer

Q478) In a double helix of DNA molecule of 10 coils, if there are 30 adenine nitrogen bases, what is the number of
guanine nitrogen bases? Show Answer

Q479) The study related to the structure and function of a cell is called Show Answer

Q480) Pits present in the wall of plant cells helps to produce a protoplasmic continum, called…… amongst cells Show Answer

Q481) Main component of ribosome are Show Answer

Q482) Statements
I. The four nucleotide bases are not necessarily present in DNA in exact equal
II. The total amount of purines are equal to the total amount of pyrimidines.
III. DNA ligase enzyme act to hydrolyse or breakdown a polynucleotide chain into
its component nucleotides.
IV. Nuclease enzymes are capable of restoring an intact DNA duplex.
Of the above statements Show Answer

Q483) Which is not true about spherosomes? Show Answer

Q484) Elaioplasts store Show Answer

Q485) Which of the following is the function of cytoskeleton? Show Answer

Q486) Which one of the following is not a plastid? Show Answer

Q487) Which of these is wrongly matched? Show Answer

Q488) In DNA structure, Nobel Prize was given to Show Answer

Q489) Phagocytosis and pinocytosis are collectively termed as Show Answer

Q490) Cell theory is not applicable for Show Answer

Q491) In multicellular organisms, the 70 S ribosomes are found in the following parts of the cells Show Answer

Q492) Ribosomes are particles about 200Å units in diameter consisting of protein and RNA. The percentage of
protein and RNA respectively is Show Answer

Q493) The term ‘cytoplasm’ and ‘nucleoplasm’ were given by Show Answer

Q494) Which is not true about prokaryotes? Show Answer

Q495) Nuclear membrane is continuous with Show Answer

Q496) Protein synthesis takes place in Show Answer

Q497) Structure of nuclear membrane help in Show Answer

Q498) The ATP synthase of chloroplasts is like that of Show Answer

Q499) Protoplast denotes the ….. of protoplasm present in a cell Show Answer

Q500) An organism exclusively with 70 S type of ribosomes contains one of the following Show Answer

Q501) In the DNA molecule Show Answer

Q502) The inward movement of ions into the cells is ……
and the outward movement is…. Show Answer

Q503) Centrioles arise Show Answer

Q504) If there are 120 adenine molecules in a B-DNA double helical structure showing 20 coils, what is the
number of pyrimidine nucleotides forming three hydrogen bonds in it? Show Answer

Q505) Nucleolus is Show Answer

Q506) Which one of the following nitrogenous bases is seen only in RNA? Show Answer

Q507) Golgi complex works for Show Answer

Q508) Which statement is not true about prokaryotes? Show Answer

Q509) Which is not correct according to Chargaff’s rule? Show Answer

Q510) During DNA replication in prokaryotes, DNA is anchored to Show Answer

Q511) Correct sequence of layers of bacterial cell envelope is Show Answer

Q512) What is true about tRNA? Show Answer

Q513) The endoskeleton of cell is made up of Show Answer

Q514) Choose the correct statements
I. Passive cells are larger in size
II. Larger cells have lower surface volume ratio
III. To remain active, larger cells are either cylindrical in shape or possess several extensions of the cell
membrane, like microvilli
IV. Microvilli are found in all those cells, which are active in absorption
V. Microvilli (membrane infoldings) occurs in transfer cells found in plants in the region of absorption or
secretion of nutrients
Option containing all correct statements is Show Answer

Q515) Prokaryotic cells are generally….. and multiply more rapidly than the eukaryotic cells Show Answer

Q516) Animal cell contains non-membrane bound organelles called ……which helps in cell division Show Answer

Q517) In prokaryotes, genetic material is Show Answer

Q518) Which of the character is not applicable to tRNA? Show Answer

Q519) Choose the incorrect match. Show Answer

Q520) Which of the following cell organelles is rich in catabolic enzymes? Show Answer

Q521) There are special proteins that help to open up DNA double helix in front of the replication fork. These
protein are Show Answer

Q522) Select the right option which relates to Schwann regarding the following statement
I. He reported that cells have a thin outer layer which is today known as plasma membrane
II. Cell wall is a unique character of the plant cell
III. Body of plants and animals are composed of cells and product of cells
Choose the correct option from below Show Answer

Q523) Within the cell, ribosomes are found in Show Answer

Q524) Which of the following characteristic is correct about cell of plant cells? Show Answer

Q525) Which one is single membrane cell organelle? Show Answer

Q526) Middle lamella is composed of Show Answer

Q527) When a molecule moves across a membrane independent of other molecules, the process is called Show Answer

Q528) Meselson and Stahl experiment proved Show Answer

Q529) Which one of the following remains absent in prokaryotes? Show Answer

Q530) Thylakoids occur inside Show Answer

Q531) Cell organelle common in Monera and Protista is Show Answer

Q532) Cellular respiration is carried out by Show Answer

Q533) Which of the following enzyme is used in DNA multiplication? Show Answer

Q534) Which of the following is correct for middle lamella of eukaryotic cell? Show Answer

Q535) Polyribosomes are aggregation of Show Answer

Q536) Subunits in prokaryotic ribosomes are Show Answer

Q537) Plant cell may be without Show Answer

Q538) Robert Hooke developed a microscope with which he studied the internal structures of the cell. His work
is famous for the study of Show Answer

Q539) The enzyme which helps to cut one strand of DNA duplex to release tension of coiling of two strands is Show Answer

Q540) Cell wall consists of Show Answer

Q541) Which cell organelle is present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell? Show Answer

Q542) Flagella of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells differ in Show Answer

Q543) The surface of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is covered with Show Answer

Q544) Keeping in view the ‘fluid mosaic model’ for the structure of cell membrane, which one of the following
statement is correct with respect to the movement of lipids and proteins from one lipid monolayer to the
other (described as flip-flop movement)? Show Answer

Q545) In prokaryotic cells, Show Answer

Q546) Which of the following statements regarding cilia is not correct? Show Answer

Q547) Glycocalyx is associated with Show Answer

Q548) Cell theory was formulated by Show Answer

Q549) The main organelle involved in modification and routine of newly synthesised proteins to their destination
is Show Answer

Q550) Plasma membrane helps in Show Answer

Q551) Which of the following is a part of endomembrane system of eukaryotic cell? Show Answer

Q552) I. It is the extension of plasma membrane into the cytoplasm
II. It helps in cell wall formation, DNA replication, respiration, secretion processes, increases the surface
area of plasma membrane and enzymatic contents. It also helps in cytokinesis
III. It I the characteristic of bacterial cells
The above features are attributed to bacteria Show Answer

Q553) DNA strand which is formed continuously in 5’ → 3’ direction is called Show Answer

Q554) Ribose sugar is present in Show Answer

Q555) All the statements are correct for prokaryotic cells, except Show Answer

Q556) Which of the given statements are correct?
I. Escherichia coli is a Gram (−) bacteria
II. Bacillus subtilis is a Gram (+) bacteria
III. Working of the Gram’s stain in Gram (−) bacteria is due to high lipid content of the cell wall, which gets
dissolved in organic solvents like acetone
Choose the correct option Show Answer

Q557) Ribosomes are attached to endoplasmic reticulum through Show Answer

Q558) During replication of DNA, Okazaki fragments are formed in the direction of Show Answer

Q559) In eukaryotic cell, thylakoids, if present, Show Answer

Q560) Difference between rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum is that Show Answer

Q561) Condensation product of adenine, ribose and phosphoric acid is named as Show Answer

Q562) The enzyme used to join the DNA fragments is Show Answer

Q563) Which of the following pairs is mismatched? Show Answer

Q564) Chlorophyll in chloroplasts is located in Show Answer

Q565) Ultimate unit of DNA is Show Answer

Q566) Which sugar is present in nucleic acid? Show Answer

Q567) DNA is denatured by Show Answer

Q568) In prokaryotic cells, which enzyme erases primer and fill gaps in DNA Show Answer

Q569) The crystals of calcium carbonate deposit in the cell is called Show Answer

Q570) Cell membrane controls Show Answer

Q571) Adenosine monophosphate is a Show Answer

Q572) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum acts as a major site for the synthesis of Show Answer

Q573) The nucleus is separated from surrounding cytoplasm by nuclear membrane, which is Show Answer

Q574) The Okazaki fragments in DNA chain growth Show Answer

Q575) Highest number of enzymes is found in Show Answer

Q576) In eukaryotes, the cell wall constitutes Show Answer

Q577) Structural element of chromatin is Show Answer

Q578) Enzyme catalase is seen in Show Answer

Q579) Vacuoles are separated from cytoplasm by a membrane called Show Answer

Q580) Complete the given NCERT statements (I-III) by choosing appropriate options for the blanks (A-D)
I. Cells that have membrane bound nuclei are called …A…
II. In both …B… and …C… cells, cytoplasm is the main arena of cellular activities
III. Cell that lack a membrane bound nucleus are called …D… Show Answer

Q581) Which one of the following pairs of nitrogenous bases on nucleic acids, is wrongly matched with the
category mentioned against it? Show Answer

Q582) Which one of the following is correctly matched? Show Answer

Q583) A nucleoside is Show Answer

Q584) The membrane potential of cell favours the Show Answer

Q585) The prokaryotic cell does not contain Show Answer

Q586) Histones are rich in Show Answer

Q587) Choose the incorrect option Show Answer

Q588) Purines posses nitrogen at Show Answer

Q589) Number of carbons in ring of deoxyribose sugar is Show Answer

Q590) Single membrane bound organelles are Show Answer

Q591) Which one of the following statements is incorrect about the properties of DNA? Show Answer

Q592) The term mitochondria was given by Show Answer

Q593) Cristae are associated with which of the following? Show Answer

Q594) Fat storing granules are Show Answer

Q595) The Golgi apparatus Show Answer

Q596) Acrosome is formed by Show Answer

Q597) Golgi apparatus is absent in Show Answer

Q598) Organisation of a cell has not been achieved in Show Answer

Q599) Cellular totipotency was first demonstrated by Show Answer

Q600) Out of the given cell organelles, which does not possess DNA? Show Answer

Q601) Which of the following feature is common to prokaryotes and many eukaryotes? Show Answer

Q602) Which one of the following organisms is not an example of eukaryotic cells? Show Answer

Q603) Find the correct combination, that can form a nucleotide of RNA. Show Answer

Q604) DNA consists of two complementary nucleotide chains. If the sequence of nucleotides in one of the chains
is AGCTTCGA then the complementary sequence of the other chain will be Show Answer

Q605) In a hair pin model of RNA, which nitrogen base is present at the short end? Show Answer

Q606) The thickness of unit membrane is Show Answer

Q607) The plasma membrane consists mainly of Show Answer

Q608) Phosphorus is present in Show Answer

Q609) Which chapter of the book Micrographia, written by Robert Hooke gave birth to cell biology? Show Answer

Q610) Material of the nucleus is stained by Show Answer

Q611) When DNA replication starts Show Answer

Q612) Cell adhesion and cell recognition occur due to biochemicals of cell membrane named Show Answer

Q613) Width of the DNA molecule is Show Answer

Q614) Which one of the following is not a constituent of cell membrane? Show Answer

Q615) Vacuole in a plant cell Show Answer

Q616) Which one of the following also acts as a catalyst in bacterial cells? Show Answer

Q617) The number of hydrogen bonds between adenine and thymine in a DNA molecule is Show Answer

Q618) Chemical constituent of cystolith in plants is Show Answer

Q619) Enzyme found functional in lysosome is Show Answer

Q620) Primary wall of eukaryotic cell is …A… layered but secondary wall is …B… layered
Here, A and B refer to Show Answer

Q621) In vitro synthesis of RNA and DNA was carried out first by Show Answer

Q622) In animal cell, reserve food is usually Show Answer

Q623) The type of ribosomes found in prokaryotes is Show Answer

Q624) In a DNA molecule, the adenine is 15%. What will be the percentage of guanine in this DNA? Show Answer

Q625) Which of the following is not a characteristic of prokaryotic cells? Show Answer

Q626) Semi conservative replication of DNA was first demonstrated in Show Answer

Q627) Consider the following statements and choose the correct options
I. The endomembrane system, include plasma membrane, ER Golgi complex, lysosomes and vacuoles.
II. ER helps in the transport of substamces, synthesis of proteins, lipoproteins and
III. Ribosomes are involved in protein synthesis.
IV. Mitochondria help in oxidative phosphorylation and generation of ATP. Show Answer

Q628) Lysosomes are reservoirs (store house) of Show Answer

Q629) The nucleolus is the site of formation of Show Answer

Q630) Which of the following four cell structures is correctly matched with the accompanying description? Show Answer

Q631) In eukaryotic cells, genetic material or DNA is organised into Show Answer

Q632) In a DNA, percentage of thymine is 20%. What is the percentage of guanine? Show Answer

Q633) Which of the following constitutes about 10-20 of total cellular RNA? Show Answer

Q634) In prokaryotes, the process of replication is catalysed by the following enzymes. Identify which of the
enzymes is best coordinate with role Show Answer

Q635) Plant and animal cells, both have Show Answer

Q636) DNA sequence that code for protein are known as Show Answer

Q637) In eubacteria, a celluler component that resembles eukaryotic cells is Show Answer

Q638) Pits are formed on the cell wall is due to lack of Show Answer

Q639) The four basic shapes of bacteria are Show Answer

Q640) Which of the following elements is very essential for uptake and utilisation of Ca2+ and membrane
function? Show Answer

Q641) The lipid molecules present in plasma membrane have polar heads and non-polar tails (as shown in
figure). Which option represents the correct arrangement of lipids in lipid bilayer? Show Answer

Q642) Which is the initial step in mRNA maturation process? Show Answer

Q643) Identify the palindromic sequence in the following Show Answer

Q644) The largest subunit of prokaryotic ribosomes is Show Answer

Q645) In RNA, which is absent? Show Answer

Q646) Most of the bacterial cell envelope consists of Show Answer

Q647) DNA acts as a template for synthesis of Show Answer

Q648) Which one of the following has its own DNA? Show Answer

Q649) Select the double membrane bound cell organelles Show Answer

Q650) Fluid mosaic model was given by Show Answer

Q651) The main arena of various types of activities of a cell is Show Answer

Q652) In plants, vacuole contains Show Answer

Q653) The process of removal of introns and joining of exons in called Show Answer

Q654) 'Omnis xellula-e-cellula' (all cells arises from pre-existing cells). This concept was given by Show Answer

Q655) Difference between prokaryote and eukaryote is in Show Answer

Q656) Unicellular microscopic organism were first studied by Show Answer

Q657) Which of the following is characteristic of phospholipids of plasma membrane? Show Answer

Q658) Cell membrane is made up of Show Answer

Q659) The double helix model of Watson and Crick is known as Show Answer

Q660) Which of the following statement is incorrect about plasmids? Show Answer

Q661) Golgi body arises from Show Answer

Q662) Which is the common point of similarity between DNA and RNA? Show Answer

Q663) In prokaryotic cell, flagella, if present are
I. single-stranded
II. double-stranded
III. without differentiation of axoneme and sheath
IV. with differentiation of axoneme and sheath
Choose the correct option Show Answer

Q664) Meselson and Stahl experiment on semi-conservative replication demonstrates Show Answer

Q665) DNA repairing is done by Show Answer

Q666) Which of the following statements are correct about prokaryotic cells?
I. DNA lies freely in the cytoplasm, not associated with any organelle
II. The amount of DNA do not change as there are no haploid and diploid stages
III. Transcription and translation occurs in the cytoplasm
IV. Protein synthesis occurs only in the cytoplasm
Correct option regarding the above statement is Show Answer

Q667) The main function of lysosome is Show Answer

Q668) Which of the following cell(s) is/are exceptions to the cell theory? Show Answer

Q669) Naked DNA without histones is found in Show Answer

Q670) Which is properly paired? Show Answer

Q671) Which of the following statement is correct about the cell wall of prokaryotic cell?
I. Cell wall, if present, possesses muramic acid
II. Cell wall, if presents, possesses acitic acid
III. Cell wall is always absent
The correct options is Show Answer

Q672) Mechanical support, enzyme circulation, protein synthesis and detoxification of drugs are the functions of Show Answer

Q673) An organelle with an internal cross section showing characteristic 9 +2 morphology is the Show Answer

Q674) The RNA primer is used in Show Answer

Q675) Genes present in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells are found in Show Answer

Q676) Which of the following pairs lack the unit membrane? Show Answer

Q677) Which of the following statements are correct?
I. Mycoplasmas are the smallest cells
II. Nerve cells are some of the longest cells
III. Ribosomes are non-membrane bound organelles found only in eukaryotic cells
IV. The cytoplasm is the main arena of cellular activities only in plant cells Show Answer

Q678) Schwann proposed a cell theory according to which Show Answer

Q679) The length of DNA having 23 base pairs is Show Answer

Q680) Which of the following subunits of ribosome is composed of 23 S rRNA and a 5 S mRNA + 32 different
proteins? Show Answer

Q681) Which of the following statements are correct?
I. A multicellular organism is composed of mainly three types of cells
II. Undifferentiated cells are stem cells and are unspecialised cells, which usually possesses the power of
III. Differentiated cells are post-mitotic cells and are specialised to perform specific functions
IV. Dedifferentiated cells are differentiated cells which revert to undifferentiated state to take over the
function of division Show Answer

Q682) Ribosomes may also be called Show Answer

Q683) The scientist who was awarded Nobel-Prize in 1959 for in vitro synthesis of polyribonucleotide? Show Answer

Q684) Which of the following statements regarding mitochondrial membrane is not correct? Show Answer

Q685) In a prokaryotic cell, the ratio of A + T/G + C is Show Answer

Q686) Mitochondria are semi-autonomous as they possess Show Answer

Q687) Many cells function properly and divide mitotically even though they do not have Show Answer

Q688) In a DNA segment having six coils, there are 22 nitrogen base pair linked by two hydrogen bonds. How
many cytosine bases are found in that segment? Show Answer

Q689) The chromosome in which centromere lies slightly away from the middle of the chromosome resulting in
one shorter arm and one longer arm, is called Show Answer

Q690) A cell organelle that is exceptionally rich in hydrolytic enzymes is Show Answer

Q691) Term basal body is associated with the development of Show Answer

Q692) Sequence of DNA (non- coding) is known as Show Answer

Q693) Tonoplast is a membrane, which surrounds Show Answer

Q694) Lipid molecules in plasma membrane are arranged in which manner? Show Answer

Q695) Which of the following statement was not explained in the cell theory given jointly by Schleiden and
Schwann? Show Answer

Q696) For the study of structure of nucleus, the best cell is Show Answer

Q697) Cell organelle without a membrane is Show Answer

Q698) Nobody can have life if its constituent parts are not formed of cells. It was observed by Show Answer

Q699) If the cell wall of a cell is removed, the remaining is called Show Answer

Q700) The statement omnis cellula e cellula of Rudolf Virchow has been taken from his book Show Answer

Q701) The transport of metabolities across the biomembrane occurs through Show Answer

Q702) Important site for formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids is Show Answer

Q703) Which of the following represents prokaryotic cells? Show Answer

Q704) Movement of cytoplasm around the vacuole in the cell is called as Show Answer

Q705) Which of the following statement is not correct for prokaryotic cell? Show Answer

Q706) DNA can be formed by Show Answer

Q707) Select the correct fundamental features of cell theory
I. All cells are basically alike in their chemistry and physiology
II. All living organisms are composed of cells and their products
III. Each cell is made of a small mass of protoplasm containing a nucleus inside and a plasma membrane
with or without a cell wall outside
IV. Activities of an organism are the sum total of activities and interaction of its constituent cells
Correct option regarding the statement is Show Answer

Q708) The plasmid DNA confers certain unique characters to bacteria in which they are found. This include
I. resistance to antibiotics
II. no resistance to antibiotics
III. monitor bacterial transformation with foreign DNA
The correct option is Show Answer

Q709) The cell as a basic unit of structure of living things was discovered by Show Answer

Q710) What is the common between chloroplasts, chromoplasts and leucoplasts? Show Answer

Q711) Wall of eukaryotic cell (fungus) is made up of a polymer of Show Answer

Q712) Suicidal bags are Show Answer

Q713) An analysis of a DNA (double strandard) sample yielded 18% cytosine. What would be the percentage of
other bases in this sample? Show Answer

Q714) Which of the following is not a function of vacuole in plant cell? Show Answer

Q715) Inner membrane of mitochondria forms Show Answer

Q716) Plasma membrane is made up of Show Answer

Q717) Many bacteria have small circular DNA outside the genomic DNA. These smaller DNA are called Show Answer

Q718) A conspicuous rounded body present in nucleoplasm and attached to a particular chromosome at a
definite place is Show Answer

Q719) During replication of a bacterial chromosome, DNA synthesis starts from a replication origin site and Show Answer

Q720) Nucleotide consists of Show Answer

Q721) The ‘Power house’ of cell is Show Answer

Q722) Bacterial flagellum consists of all of the following components except Show Answer

Q723) Middle lamella is mainly composed of Show Answer

Q724) RNA is not found in Show Answer

Q725) Two animal cells are interconnected by Show Answer

Q726) One of the nucleotides of DNA is Show Answer

Q727) Golgi apparatus
I. transports and modifies material.
II. Secrete mucin in respiratory tract.
III. Secretes slime in insectivorous plants
What is correct? Show Answer

Q728) If an isolated strain of DNA is kept at 80-90°C, then Show Answer

Q729) Which one of the following structures between two adjacent cells is an effective transport pathway? Show Answer

Q730) Which of the following enzymes helps in crossing plasma membrane? Show Answer

Q731) Which one is referred to as soluble RNA? Show Answer

Q732) Which of the following is not true for a eukaryotic cell? Show Answer

Q733) Secondary cell wall grows by Show Answer

Q734) Fat is stored in the plant cell in Show Answer

Q735) If a DNA sequence is same as that of a mRNA copy that is translated into protein, it is called Show Answer

Q736) Read the following statements and select correct options for prokaryotic cells
I. They are generally smaller than eukaryotic cells
II. They multiply more rapidly than the eukaryotic cells
III. They are presented by bacteria, BGA mycoplasma and PPLO (Pleura Pneumonia Like Organism) Show Answer

Q737) Which of the following are properties of reserved cells? Show Answer

Q738) The thylakoid in chloroplast are arranged as Show Answer

Q739) Consider the following statements and choose the correct options
I. The endomembrane system includes plasma membrane, ER, Golgi complex, lysosomes and vacuoles
II. ER helps in the transport of substances, synthesis of proteins, lipoproteins and glycogen
III. Ribosomes are involved in protein synthesis
IV. Mitochondria helps in oxidative phosphorylation and generation of ATP Show Answer

Q740) Membrane that covers the vacuole in a plant cell is called Show Answer

Q741) Read the given statements and select the correct option
I. In Golgi complex, the cisternae have cis face and trans face
II. The cis face and trans face of Golgi complex are called forming face and maturing face respectively Show Answer

Q742) How many binding sites does ribosome have for tRNA molecules? Show Answer

Q743) Which of the following is structural subunit of DNA? Show Answer

Q744) Most prokaryotic cells, mainly the bacterial cells, have Show Answer

Q745) Which one of the following organelles is not surrounded by any membrane? Show Answer

Q746) Read the statements given below with regard to the functions performed by Golgi apparatus?
I. Transport and chemically modify the materials contained within it
II. Secrete mucin in the respiratory tract.
III. Secrete slime in the insectivorous plants.
Which of the following is the correct answer? Show Answer

Q747) Which of the following differentiate plant cells from animal cells? Show Answer

Q748) The types of ribosome found in prokaryote is Show Answer

Q749) The maximum amount of calcium pectate is present in Show Answer

Q750) Subunits of 80 S ribosome are Show Answer

Q751) Clover leaf secondary structure of tRNA has anticodon arm which Show Answer

Q752) Which of the following statements are correct for eukaryotic cells?
I. Two envelope organisation
II. The flagella if present, are 11 stranded with differentiation of axonema and sheath
III. Organised nucleus
IV. Cell wall without muramic acid
Choose the correct option Show Answer

Q753) A nucleoid represents the genetic material of prokaryotes. It is known as Show Answer

Q754) Nucleic acid occurs in Show Answer

Q755) Assembly of two subunits 40 S and 60 S of the ribosome is Show Answer

Q756) DNA replication includes Show Answer

Q757) Mesosomes are the infoldings of cells membrane, which
I. helps in cell wall formation, DNA replication and respiration
II. increases the surface area of plasma membrane
III. are present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
Choose the correct option Show Answer

Q758) The cell organelle associated with intracellular digestion of macromolecules is Show Answer

Q759) According to cell doctrine, which of the following statements are incorrect?
I. The bodies of all living beings are made up of cells and their products
II. Cells are the basic units of structure in the body of living organisms
III. Cells are the basic units of function in living organisms that is, the activities of an organisms are the
sum total of the activities of its cells
IV. Genetic information is stored and expressed inside the cells
Choose the correct option Show Answer

Q760) Long flattened, usually unbranched units arranged in parallel stacks in endoplasmic reticulum are called Show Answer

Q761) Ribosomes are considered as the most primitive cell organelles.
Ribosomes occur in all eukaryotic organisms. Show Answer

Q762) Smaller cells are usually metabolically active cells
Smaller cell have higher nucleocytoplasmic ratio and higher surface volume ratio Show Answer

Q763) Prokaryotes have an one envelope system
There is not even a single membrane that surrounds the prokaryotic cell Show Answer

Q764) The number of mitochondria in a cell do not correspond to the function of the cell.
Mitochondria are common to both plant and animal cells. Show Answer

Q765) A cell membrane shows fluid behaviour.
A membrane is a mosaic or composite of diverse lipids and proteins Show Answer

Q766) A cell is a closed compartment
Plasma membrane of a cell is selectively permeable Show Answer

Q767) Cell is an open system
Cell receives a number of materials including energy containing nutrients from outside Show Answer

Q768) Eukaryotic cells have the ability to adopt a variety of shapes and carry out directed
There are three principle types of protein filaments-actin filament, microtubules and
intermediate filaments, which constitute the cytoskeleton. Show Answer

Q769) Every cell behaves as a compartment
Cells are partially covered over by a membrane Show Answer

Q770) Mitochondria and chloroplast are semi-autonomous organelles.
They are formed by division of pre-existing organelles as well as contain DNA but lack
protein synthesising machinery. Show Answer