Practice Test

Q1) Excretion refers to: Show Answer

Q2) Kidney of amniotes belongs to the following type: Show Answer

Q3) The glomerulus is responsible for: Show Answer

Q4) A fish excretes nitrogen in the form of: Show Answer

Q5) The kind of epithelial cells that form a lining of the neck of tubules is: Show Answer

Q6) What kind of epithelial cells form the lining of the body of renal tubules? Show Answer

Q7) Separation of amion acid into amino group and carboxylic group is called: Show Answer

Q8) Uriniferous tubules are concerned with the formation of: Show Answer

Q9) Uriniferous tubules are found: Show Answer

Q10) The maximum amount of urea is present in: Show Answer

Q11) Condition which result in failure of kidney is known as: Show Answer

Q12) The function of kidney is to: Show Answer

Q13) Materials from tubules enter cells against a gradient because of: Show Answer

Q14) Urine is formed by the process of: Show Answer

Q15) In the glomerular filtrate all the constituents of blood except proteins and cells are present. The process involved is: Show Answer

Q16) The pressure exerted by the glomerular afferent arteriole is: Show Answer

Q17) The difference between glomerular filtrate and blood plasma is of: Show Answer

Q18) The end products fat metabolism are excreted by: Show Answer

Q19) A person has taken a large amount of meal which contains high muscle protein. His urine will eliminate more amount of: Show Answer

Q20) Which one of the following increases glomerular pressure? Show Answer

Q21) The urinay bladder of frog performs the function of: Show Answer

Q22) When the kidney is no longer held in place securely the stage is called the: Show Answer

Q23) In which of the following the gut expels out excretory waste along with faeces? Show Answer

Q24) The glomerulus is a network of: Show Answer

Q25) In Bright disease (Nephritis): Show Answer

Q26) An advantage of excreting nitrogenous wastes in the form of uric acid is that: Show Answer

Q27) If excess water passes out from the tissues without being restored by the kidneys, the cells would: Show Answer

Q28) The main excretory structure in houseflies is the: Show Answer

Q29) Salmon have gills that are more permeable to water than to salts. Salmon hatch in fresh water streams, and then migrate to the ocean. Once they reach the ocean you would expect the rate of uptake of water into their body through the gills to: Show Answer

Q30) Urine leaves the kidney via: Show Answer

Q31) The loop if Henle is most highly developed in: Show Answer

Q32) Urea is formed by the combination of ammonia with and in: Show Answer

Q33) The cavity of the kidney which leads into ureter is called: Show Answer

Q34) In kidney the high capillary bed is found: Show Answer

Q35) Angiotensin stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce aldosterone which influences in the blood the level of: Show Answer

Q36) Reabsorption is controlled partly by ADH which is secreted by: Show Answer

Q37) Ammonia is the end product of: Show Answer

Q38) Ornithine cycle is concerned with the production of: Show Answer

Q39) Which one of the following substances is completely reabsorbed from the filtrate in the renal tubule under normal condition? Show Answer

Q40) In the functional kidney which of the following process does not occur? Show Answer

Q41) The elimination of the insoluble calcium phosphate takes palce by: Show Answer

Q42) The polypeptide which plays a key role in the renal pressure system is:: Show Answer

Q43) The chief nitrogenous waste material in the urine of frog is: Show Answer

Q44) The system which restores impaired renal circulation is known as: Show Answer

Q45) Human kidney is differntiated into: Show Answer

Q46) Opening into the tubules of the kidney of frog from the coelom are a number of ciliated funnel-like structures called: Show Answer

Q47) The high threshold substances are: Show Answer

Q48) The process because of which marine animals make adjustments in high salt concentration is: Show Answer

Q49) Carbon dioxide is an excretory product because it is formed during: Show Answer

Q50) The disease diabetes mellitus is diagnosed by the occurrence in urine of: Show Answer

Q51) In insects, the uric acid is temporarily stored in the: Show Answer

Q52) Important function of perspiration is to: Show Answer

Q53) Which of the following is not an excretory activity? Show Answer

Q54) Proximal and distal convoluted tubules are parts of a: Show Answer

Q55) A person feels a fullness senstion of urine if the volume of urine increases up to: Show Answer

Q56) Which of the following are is not directly connected with cell metabolism? Show Answer

Q57) The urination becomes voluntary when the urine reaches in the: Show Answer

Q58) Green glands are organs of excretion. They are seen in: Show Answer

Q59) The cells of proximal tubule develop several microvilli to form brush border. The number of microvilli per square micron in human being is: Show Answer

Q60) The glomerular membrane has permeability about: Show Answer

Q61) The water reabsorption takes place under the ADH is called the: Show Answer

Q62) In which group the toxic substance, the benzoic acid combines with glycine to form a less toxic substance the hippuric acid? Show Answer

Q63) Bowman's capsule functions as a: Show Answer

Q64) Whenever the amount of urine decreases the stage is called? Show Answer

Q65) If a person suffering from a disease called muscular dystrophy, he will eliminate in urine great amount of: Show Answer

Q66) Ammonia in some aquatic animals is eliminated by: Show Answer

Q67) In reptiles, the uric acid is stored in: Show Answer

Q68) Animals that show hypertonic urine with provision for water reabsorption in the kidney are: Show Answer

Q69) In aquatic organism the end product of nitrogen exchange is: Show Answer

Q70) In fever too much of sugur may increase. Its elimination in urine is in the form of: Show Answer

Q71) Excretion of bile pigments in urine indicates: Show Answer

Q72) pH of human urine is: Show Answer

Q73) Which of the following is not reabsorbed from the filtrated to the blood at proximal tubule? Show Answer

Q74) Deamination occurs during the: Show Answer

Q75) Malpighian body refers to: Show Answer

Q76) Diameter of afferent arteriole entering the Bowman's capsule is: Show Answer

Q77) The glomerular filtration rate in case of a normal person is: Show Answer

Q78) The average volume of fluid filtered from the plasma into Bowman's capsule is about: Show Answer

Q79) The desire to urinate may be suppressed by voluntary control of the external urethral sphincter until the total content is: Show Answer

Q80) A person who is starving, that is, not having food, water and beverage will have: Show Answer

Q81) Which of the following does not produce uric acid as the main excretory product? Show Answer

Q82) Which of the following is not a constituent of normal urine? Show Answer

Q83) All the functions are performed by the kidney except: Show Answer

Q84) Which of the following tissues form the lining of Bowman's capsule? Show Answer

Q85) Urine gets concentrated in: Show Answer

Q86) The blood leaving the kidney is significantly lower in: Show Answer

Q87) Filtration into the kidney tubule is accomplished by means of: Show Answer

Q88) Severe dehydration causes a decrease in osmotic potential in the blood. This causes a(n) (increase/decrease) in the amount of urine produced. This change in urine production is caused primarily by: Show Answer

Q89) Which of the following best explains reabsorption in the tubules of nephrons? Show Answer

Q90) Pick up the odd one? Show Answer

Q91) Final wastes from adenine and guanine (purines) is: Show Answer

Q92) Human kidneys are: Show Answer

Q93) Human kidneys are analogous to: Show Answer

Q94) Mammals excrete urine which is: Show Answer

Q95) Rise of blood pressure decreases the secretion of ADH resulting in the increased urine output. Fall in blood pressure will: Show Answer

Q96) Henle's loop is meant for absorption of: Show Answer

Q97) Many fresh water vertebrates excrete: Show Answer

Q98) ADH is also known as: Show Answer

Q99) Glomerular filtrate dose not contain: Show Answer

Q100) Presence of blood in urine due to lesion of kidney or urinay tract is called: Show Answer

Q101) Ammonia is chief nitrogenous waster in: Show Answer

Q102) Blood urea level is an index of function: Show Answer

Q103) Most of the terrestrial insects get rid of the bulk of their nitrogenous wastes as: Show Answer

Q104) The artificial kidney is based upon the mechanism of: Show Answer

Q105) Which of the following is diluting segment of uriniferous tubule? Show Answer

Q106) A marine bony fish must continuously: Show Answer

Q107) In the flame cell system of a planarian, materials are drained directly from the: Show Answer

Q108) The flame cell system function mostly to: Show Answer

Q109) The kidney regulates acid-base balance by each of the following mechanisms except: Show Answer

Q110) In insects, Malpighian tubules drain materials directly from the: Show Answer

Q111) A Malpighian tubule empties urine into the: Show Answer

Q112) A nephridium of an earthworm drains materials directly from the: Show Answer

Q113) Which of the following statements about the kidney is correct? Show Answer

Q114) The force that moves fluid from the blood through the walls of a capillary and Bowman's capsule of a nephron is: Show Answer

Q115) When the temperature of the surroundings is greater than the body temperature, heat loss is possible only through which of the following? Show Answer

Q116) Osmoregulation is control over the: Show Answer

Q117) For which of the following substances would you expect the renal clearance to be the lowest, under normal conditions? Show Answer

Q118) In which of these animals, antennal gland functions as excretory organ? Show Answer

Q119) A fresh water fish must continuously: Show Answer

Q120) In the kidney: Show Answer

Q121) The kidney not only remove the water products form the blood but also play a very important role in maintaining: Show Answer

Q122) Bowman's capsule is part of: Show Answer

Q123) In which stages of ornithine cycle the enzyme arginase is used: Show Answer

Q124) The kidney of adult frog is: Show Answer

Q125) Bowman's capsule and glomerulus forms: Show Answer

Q126) In human body urea is produced as an excretory product in the: Show Answer

Q127) In peritoneal dialysis, the dialysate is introduced into: Show Answer

Q128) What is impermeable for the ascending limb of loop of Henle? Show Answer

Q129) Why do we pass more urine in wet and cold season: Show Answer

Q130) The ornithine cycle removes two waste products from the blood in liver. These waste products are: Show Answer

Q131) Functionwise, just as there are nephridia in an earthworm, so are: Show Answer

Q132) Loop of Henle is meant for absorption of: Show Answer

Q133) In, the kidney of man glomerular number is: Show Answer

Q134) The excretion in Entamoeba histolytica takes place by: Show Answer

Q135) In the formation of urea, ammonia and carbon dioxide combine using three amino acids. These are: Show Answer

Q136) The functional kidney of frog tadpole is: Show Answer

Q137) Aquatic reptiles are: Show Answer

Q138) Blood which leaves liver and passes towards heart has higher concentration of: Show Answer

Q139) Characteristic of metanephric kidney is: Show Answer

Q140) In nephrons there is complete absorption of: Show Answer

Q141) In kidney, nephrostomes are functional in: Show Answer

Q142) Ammonia is converted into urea through a cycle called: Show Answer

Q143) Urine is always fluid except in: Show Answer

Q144) Urine is transported through: Show Answer

Q145) In Hydra, wastes of food digestion and nitrogenous wastes are removed from: Show Answer

Q146) Blood vessels leading into Bowman's capsule are called: Show Answer

Q147) In peritoneal dialysis, dialysate is passed into: Show Answer

Q148) Separation of amino acid and carboxylic groups is called: Show Answer

Q149) Presence of urea in the blood is referred to as: Show Answer

Q150) Reabsorption of water in the distal part of kidney tubules is controlled by: Show Answer

Q151) Cockroaches are: Show Answer

Q152) Volume of urine is regulated by: Show Answer

Q153) Liquid which collects in the cavity of Bowman's capsule is: Show Answer

Q154) Renin is secreted from: Show Answer

Q155) Ornithine cycle removes: Show Answer

Q156) Animals which excrete urea produced during metabolism of amino acids is: Show Answer

Q157) Which of following nephridia are not found in earthworm? Show Answer

Q158) Excretory waste of birds and reptiles are: Show Answer

Q159) When a fresh water protozoan possessing a contractile vacuole, is placed in a glass containing marine water, the vacuole will: Show Answer

Q160) Uricotelism is found in: Show Answer

Q161) Osmoregulation in Paramecium is a function of Show Answer

Q162) Formation of concentrated (hyperosmotic) urine in vertebrates generally depends on: Show Answer

Q163) Ciliated funnels found on the ventral side of kidney in frog are: Show Answer

Q164) The basic functional unit of the human kidney is: Show Answer

Q165) Blood leaving liver and moving to heart will have more concentration of: Show Answer

Q166) Which one of the following statements is correct with respect to salt water balance inside the body of living organisms? Show Answer

Q167) Which one of the following group of structure/organs have similar function? Show Answer

Q168) On the basis of Excretion tadople is: Show Answer

Q169) Which have minimum concentration of urea in blood? Show Answer

Q170) The net pressure gradient that causes the fluid to filter out of the glomeruli into the capsule is: Show Answer

Q171) A person is undergoing prolonged fasting. His urine will be found to contain abnormal quantities of: Show Answer

Q172) Juxtaglomerular cells of renal cortex synthesizes an enzyme called: Show Answer

Q173) The voluntary response to the distension of Urinary bladder is: Show Answer

Q174) Part of nephron impermeable to salt is: Show Answer

Q175) Which of the following is acting as an artificial kidney in haemodialysis? Show Answer

Q176) Earthworms are: Show Answer

Q177) Angiotensinogen is a protein produced and secreted by Show Answer

Q178) Shifting of ammonotelism to ureotelism is seen in: Show Answer

Q179) Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) is lined with Show Answer

Q180) JG cells, under low glomerular blood flow, release Show Answer

Q181) Consider of the following four statements (1-4) about certain desert animals such as kangaroo rat: Show Answer

Q182) Which one of the following is not a part of a renal pyramid? Show Answer

Q183) The regulation of sloute and water movement is termed: Show Answer

Q184) The total solute conentration is expressed as osmolarity or moles of solute per litre of solution. The unit of measurement of osmolarity is: Show Answer

Q185) Osmoconformers are the animals which: Show Answer

Q186) Osmoregulators are the animals that: Show Answer

Q187) Which of the following are osmoconformer animals? Show Answer

Q188) Marine bony fish have the body fluids: Show Answer

Q189) When water is not available the camels do not produce urine but store urea in the tissues. Water is available, they rehydrate themselves by drinking how much water in 10 minutes? Show Answer

Q190) Which of the following is correct? Show Answer

Q191) Which of the following is incorrect? Show Answer

Q192) In which of the following protonephridia act as excretory oxgan? Show Answer

Q193) The two kidneys in human body are locted one on each side against the dorsal inner surface of lower back at the level of Show Answer

Q194) Cortical nephron have their glomeruli: Show Answer

Q195) Which of the following statemets is/are true? Show Answer

Q196) Which one of the following correctly explains the function of a specific part of a human nephron? Show Answer

Q197) Which of the following is (are) incorrect? Show Answer

Q198) Glucose is mainly reabsorbed in: Show Answer

Q199) Which of the following is correct with reference to haemodialysis? Show Answer

Q200) Polyuria is a condition in which Show Answer

Q201) Glucose, Na, and amino acid are actively transported substances, because Show Answer

Q202) Which of the following is both osmoregulator as well as nitrogenous product? Show Answer

Q203) With respect to mode of excretion bony fishes are? Show Answer

Q204) Identify the true statements and choose the correct option accordingly
I. Blood vessel leading to the glomerulus is called efferent arteriole
II. Vasa-recta, peritubular capillaries and glomerulus, all have blood
III. Cortical nephrons have highly reduced vasa-recta
IV. Vasa-recta runs parallel to the Henle’s loop in the juaxta-medullary nephron Show Answer

Q205) The yellow colour of urine is due to the presence of Show Answer

Q206) Structural and functional unit of the kidney is Show Answer

Q207) The net filtration pressure in the glomerulus of the kidney is Show Answer

Q208) Loop of Henle is meant for the absorption of Show Answer

Q209) Functioning of kidney is efficiently regulated by Show Answer

Q210) Select the correct pathway for the passage of urine in humans Show Answer

Q211) The waste products produced in man which need excretion are? Show Answer

Q212) Excretion of nitrogenous waste product in semisolid from occurs in Show Answer

Q213) Juxta glomerular apparatus is modification in the Show Answer

Q214) A large quantity of fluid is filtered every day by the nephrons in the kidneys. Only about 1% of it is
excreted as urine. The remaining 99% of the filtrate Show Answer

Q215) Autoregulation of GFR (Glomerulus Filtration Rate) is takes place by Show Answer

Q216) Physiologically urea is produced by the action of an enzyme Show Answer

Q217) Malpighian body or renal corpuscle is/are Show Answer

Q218) Among ammonia, uric acid and urea, which one is the most soluble? Show Answer

Q219) The living steady state has a self-regulatory mechanism which is known as Show Answer

Q220) Urine is yellow in colour, due to Show Answer

Q221) Vasa recta is minute vessel of Peritubular capillaries network, which is Show Answer

Q222) If excess water passes out from tissues without being restored by kidneys, the cells would Show Answer

Q223) Part of the kidney through which the ureter, blood vessels and nerves enters into it is Show Answer

Q224) When does glomerular filtration occurs in Bowman’s capsule? Show Answer

Q225) Smell of urine is due to the Show Answer

Q226) The counter current mechanism operates in nephron Show Answer

Q227) The average quality of urea excreted in urine by man per day is Show Answer

Q228) Melanuria is caused by the abnormal catabolism of Show Answer

Q229) Which one of the following statements is correct with respect to kidney function regulation? Show Answer

Q230) Blood leaving liver and going towards heart is rich in Show Answer

Q231) Urea synthesis occurs in Show Answer

Q232) Green glands present in some arthropods help in Show Answer

Q233) Reabsorption of the filtrate in the renal tubules takes place by Show Answer

Q234) Aldosterone causes reabsorption of …A… from distal part of tubule. This leads to increase in …B…
Here A and B refers to Show Answer

Q235) In human, excretory system consists of
I. pair of kidneys II. one pair of ureters
III. urinary bladder III. Urethra
V. skin VI. Lungs
VII. liver Show Answer

Q236) The net pressure gradient that cause the fluid to filter out of the glomeruli in the capsule is Show Answer

Q237) In the glomerulus of the nephron, the afferent arteriole is Show Answer

Q238) NaCl is returned to interstitium by Show Answer

Q239) Choose the correct statements Show Answer

Q240) Choose the correct option with respect to the maximum urea level Show Answer

Q241) Main function of DCT of nephron is to maintain the Show Answer

Q242) Uric acid is the chief nitrogenous excretory component of Show Answer

Q243) A fall in the GFR rate activates the Show Answer

Q244) Name the condition when the concentration of ketone body increases in urine Show Answer

Q245) The excretory organ in crustaceans, like prawns is Show Answer

Q246) Which one of the following statements in regard to the excretion by the human kidneys is correct? Show Answer

Q247) Glucose and amino acids are reabsorbed in the Show Answer

Q248) What is the obligatory water reabsorption? Show Answer

Q249) Ammonia or urea are the waste products, which are derived from Show Answer

Q250) Transport of electrolytes through loop of Henle takes place by Show Answer

Q251) Choose the correct statement Show Answer

Q252) Which one is mismatched? Show Answer

Q253) In which of the following regions of a nephron, does maximum reabsorption of useful substances takes place? Show Answer

Q254) Urea cycle is also called Show Answer

Q255) Percentage of electrolytes and water reabsorbed by PCT is Show Answer

Q256) ADH is also called Show Answer

Q257) Gout is a condition in which Show Answer

Q258) During urine formation, which of the following processes create high osmotic pressure in the uriniferous
tubule? Show Answer

Q259) Order of toxicity among ammonia, urea and uric acid (from lower to higher) is Show Answer

Q260) Which substance is in higher concentration in blood than in glomerular filtrate? Show Answer

Q261) Average pH of human urine is Show Answer

Q262) A portion of uric acid is converted to urea and ammonia by intestinal Show Answer

Q263) Mammals have the ability to produce Show Answer

Q264) The process of excretion is the Show Answer

Q265) Which one of the following amino acids is not found in proteins? Show Answer

Q266) Inner to the hilum of the kidney, there is a broad funnel-shaped space called Show Answer

Q267) Vasopressin released from the neurohypophysis is mainly responsible for Show Answer

Q268) What will happen if the stretch receptors of the urinary bladder wall are totally removed? Show Answer

Q269) Glomerulus is a tuft of capillaries formed by …A… (A fine branch of renal artery). Blood from the
glomerulus is carried away by an …B…
Select the correct option for A and B to complete the given NCERT statement Show Answer

Q270) RAAS Show Answer

Q271) Nephritis is caused by Show Answer

Q272) Ammonia is converted into urea in Show Answer

Q273) Nitrogenous waste products are eliminated mainly as Show Answer

Q274) Acceossory excretory organs are
I. skin II. lungs
III. liver IV. sebaceous gland
Choose the correct option Show Answer

Q275) Erythropoietin is secreted from Show Answer

Q276) A fall in GFR activate …A… to release …B…, which converts angiotensinogen in blood to …C… and further to
Choose the correct option for A, B, C, D from given options Show Answer

Q277) The human kidney Show Answer

Q278) The excretory material of bony fish is Show Answer

Q279) The urine is Show Answer

Q280) I. ADH
II. Renin-angiotensin
IV. Counter – current mechanism which
Choose the option containing factors, which regulates the osmoregulation of body fluids? Show Answer

Q281) Counter current mechanism helps to maintain a concentration gradient. This gradient help in Show Answer

Q282) Choose the correct statement
I. Renal artery transport blood to kidney
II. Loop of Henle concentrate urine
III. Podocytes occur in inner wall of Bowman’s capsule
IV. Ultrafiltrate is blood plasma minus protein Show Answer

Q283) Which one is the component of ornithine cycle? Show Answer

Q284) Collecting duct of nephron extends kidney from cortex to Show Answer

Q285) Kidney stones are produced due to deposition of uric acid and Show Answer

Q286) Anuria is failure of Show Answer

Q287) Choose the correct order of urine formation in human Show Answer

Q288) Consider the following statements
I. Flame cells are excretory structures in flatworms.
II. Green glands are excretory organs in annelids.
III.Columns of Bertini are the conical projections of renal pelvis into renal medulla between the renal
pyramids Show Answer

Q289) Arrange the following parts of the nephron in a sequential manner and select the correct option
I. Glomerulus
II. Bowman’s capsule
III. Henle’s loop
IV. Proximal convoluted tubule
V. Collecting duct
VI. Distal convoluted tubule Show Answer

Q290) The outline of principal event of urination is given below in unorder manner
I. Stretch receptors on the wall of urinary bladder send signal to the CNS
II. The bladder fills with urine and becomes distended
III. Micturition
IV. CNS passes on motor messenger to initiate the contraction smooth muscles of bladder and
simultaneous relaxation of urethral sphincter
The correct order of steps for urination is Show Answer

Q291) Malpighian tubules are the excretory structures of Show Answer

Q292) The first step in the urine formation is the filtration of the blood, which is carried by the …A... and is called
…B… . On an average …C… . mL of blood is filtered by kidneys per minute, which constitutes …D… of the
blood pumped out by each ventricle of the heart in a minute.
Choose the correct options for the blanks A to D to complete the given NCERT statement Show Answer

Q293) Choose the correct ones
I. Vasa recta is lacking in cortical nephrons
II. Maximum number of nephrons in kidney are juxta-medullary type
III. DCT of many nephorns open into collecting tubule
IV. During summer when body loses lot of water by evaporation, the release of ADH is suppressed
V. When someone drinks lot of water, ADH release is suppressed
VI. Exposure to cold temperature stimulates ADH release
VII. An increase in glomerular blood flow stimulates formation of angiotensin II
The correct option is Show Answer

Q294) All Bowman’s capsules of the kidney are found in Show Answer

Q295) Human kidneys can produce urine nearly Show Answer

Q296) ANF (Anti Natriuretic Factor) is released by Show Answer

Q297) Mammals excrete Show Answer

Q298) Medullary gradient is mainly developed due to Show Answer

Q299) An adult human excretes on an average Show Answer

Q300) Angiotensin-II activates the ….A…. and release ……B……
Choose the correct option for A and B to complete the given statement Show Answer

Q301) I. Ureter II. Renal pelvis, III. Calyx IV. Urinary bladder V. Urethra
Choose the correct sequence of urine route to outside Show Answer

Q302) Loop of Henle is associated with Show Answer

Q303) For brain cells the ammonia is very toxic because Show Answer

Q304) NaCl is transported by ascending limb of Henle’s loop, which is exchanged with Show Answer

Q305) Which one is related to urine concentration in mammals? Show Answer

Q306) Characteristic common in frog and human
I. Internal fertilisation
II. Nucleated RBC
III. Four chamber heart
IV. Ureotalic excretion
V. Lungs are organ of respiration
The correct option is Show Answer

Q307) A child has single kidney since birth. This variation is Show Answer

Q308) Haemodialysis helps in patient having Show Answer

Q309) JGA (Juxta Glomerular Apparatus), a sensitive region, which regulates the glomerular filtration rate is
present near the Show Answer

Q310) Choose the correct statements
I. Kidney transplantation is the ultimate method at the stage where drug or dialysis do not help
II. Close relatives are often used as kidney donors to minimise risk of rejection
III. Cylosporin-A is used as immunosuppressive agent in kidney transplant patient
IV. Heparin and antiheparin are used in haemodialysis
Choose the correct option Show Answer

Q311) What is glycosuria? Show Answer

Q312) An organism which don’t have loop of Henle will excrete Show Answer

Q313) Which among the following is the only osmoconformer vertebrate? Show Answer

Q314) Duct of Bellini opens on Show Answer

Q315) Ornithine cycle refers to the sequence of biochemical reactions taking place in the Show Answer

Q316) Facultative water reabsorption is Show Answer

Q317) Excretory product of spider is Show Answer

Q318) Henle’s loop of nephron plays a significant role in maintaining a high osmolarity in Show Answer

Q319) Micturition reflex is a neural mechanism to Show Answer

Q320) Identify the wrong statements about human excretory system and choose the correct option accordingly
I. Kidneys are reddish brown and bean-shaped structure
II. Kidneys are situated between the last thoracic and third lumber vertebra
III. Each kidney of an adult human measures 10-12 cm in length, 5-7 cm in width, 2-3 cm thickness, and
average weight 120-170 gram Show Answer

Q321) The region of the nephrons found in the renal medulla is Show Answer

Q322) Antennary glands of crustaceans are meant for Show Answer

Q323) Specific gravity of urine normally is Show Answer

Q324) During hemodialysis process
I. blood drained from a convenient artery and anticoagulant is added (heparin)
II. removal of nitrogenous waste from blood
III. blood is passed through a coiled porous cellophane membrane of tube bathing in dialysis fluid
IV. blood is mixed with antiheparin and passed into vein
Arrange the steps Show Answer

Q325) The renal fluid isotonic to the cortical fluid and blood is found in Show Answer

Q326) Which one of the following statements is false? Show Answer

Q327) Each nephron has two parts, which are Show Answer

Q328) Identify the correct statements
I. The outer layer of the kidney is called capsule
II. Cortex is divided into outer cortex and inner medulla
III. Medulla is divided into medullary pyramids
IV. The cortex extends in between the medullary pyramids which is called as columns of Bertini
Choose the correct option accordingly Show Answer

Q329) Out of the four parts given below, which parts play significant role in forming concentrated urine in
I. Loop of Henle
II. Glomerulus
III. Bowman’s capsule
IV. Vasa recta
The correct option is Show Answer

Q330) Aldosterone causes conditional reabsorption of ….. in the distal part of tubule Show Answer

Q331) Sweat produced by sweat glands is a watery fluid which contain Show Answer

Q332) GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) is the amount of filtrate formed by the kidney per Show Answer

Q333) Ammonia produced by metabolism is convered into the …A… in the …B… in ureotelic and released into the
blood, which is filtered and excreted out by …C…
Choose the appropriate options for A, B and C to complete the given NCERT statement Show Answer

Q334) How much percentage of the filtrate is reabsorbed in the renal tubules? Show Answer

Q335) Find the correct option regarding mechanism of urine formation in man. Show Answer

Q336) pH of urine (average pH) is Show Answer

Q337) If one liter of water is introduced in human blood, then Show Answer

Q338) Large amount of water is …A... from collecting duct to produce …B… urine. This segment allows passage of
small amounts of …C… into interstitium of medulla to keep up the osmolarity.
Here, A, B and C refers to Show Answer

Q339) Reabsorption of water in DCT and CT part of nephron is function of Show Answer

Q340) Choose the false statement Show Answer

Q341) In micturition Show Answer

Q342) Haemodialysis is associated with Show Answer

Q343) Glomerular filtrate is Show Answer

Q344) ANF mechanism checks on Show Answer

Q345) Urine formed by nephornes is ultimately carried to …A… where at stored fill a voluntary signal is given by
the …B… . This signal is initiated by …C… of urinary bladder as it gets filled with urine.
Choose the correct option for A, B and C to complete the given NCERT statement Show Answer

Q346) Renal portal system is Show Answer

Q347) Which of the following features activates the JG cells?
I. Fall in GBR II. Fall in GBF
III. Fall in GFR
Choose the correct option Show Answer

Q348) In majority, juxta-medullary nephrons are found in the kidney of Show Answer

Q349) Renal calculi is Show Answer

Q350) Our lungs releas Show Answer

Q351) Layers between the glomerular and Bowman’s capsule through which the filtration takes place are
I. endothelium of the glomerular blood vessel
II. middle lamella
III. basement membrane between the endothelium of glomerular blood vessels and epithelium of the
Bowman’s capsule
IV. epithelium of the Bowman’s capsule Show Answer

Q352) The conversion of dangerous nitrogenous waste into less toxic excretory matter is carried out in man in the Show Answer

Q353) Osmoreceptores in the body is activated by the changes in
I. blood volume
II. body fluid volume
III. ionic concentration
The option containing correct statements is Show Answer

Q354) Choose the mismatched part of nephron with their function Show Answer

Q355) On an average the amount of urea in gram excreted out per day is Show Answer

Q356) Uremia is accumulation of urea in Show Answer

Q357) Urine formation involves
I. glomerular filtration
II. tubular reabsorption
III. tubular secretion
Choose the correct option for the above statements Show Answer

Q358) The shape of vasa recta is Show Answer

Q359) Animal which excrete urea, produced during metabolism of amino acid, belongs to Show Answer

Q360) RASS secretes which of the following hormone? Show Answer

Q361) Choose the correct statement
I. Flame cell is a specialised excretory organ in flatworms
II. Bundles of flame cells are called protonephridia.
The correct option is Show Answer

Q362) Which term is used both for a part of kidney and a part of skeleton in the mammals? Show Answer

Q363) Excretion of bile pigments in the urine indicates Show Answer

Q364) Out of
III. Loop of Henle IV. Collecting duct
Which contributes most in maintaining pH of blood? Show Answer

Q365) A man takes large amount of proteins. He is likely to excrete a greater amount of Show Answer

Q366) Excretion means Show Answer

Q367) Renin is released by Show Answer

Q368) If Henle’s loop were absent from mammalian nephron, which of the following is to be expected? Show Answer

Q369) PCT is lined by Show Answer

Q370) Which of the following disorder is an outcome of irregularities in metabolism of the nitrogenous waste? Show Answer

Q371) Juxtaglomerular cells of renal cortex synthesize an enzyme called Show Answer

Q372) In majority of nephrons, the loop of Henley’s is found in the Show Answer

Q373) Osmoregulation is the function of Show Answer

Q374) An increase in the body fluid volume can switch off the …A… and …B… the ADH release. In this way
complete the …C…
Choose the correct option for A, B and C Show Answer

Q375) Which of the following is first formed nitrogenous waste of vertebrate? Show Answer

Q376) Urine is concentrated in which part of nephron Show Answer

Q377) The condition where urea accumulates in blood is Show Answer

Q378) A bird excretes nitrogenous waste materials in the form of Show Answer

Q379) In human, the waste products of nucleotide metabolism are excreted as Show Answer

Q380) Among ammonia, uric acid and urea; which one needs the least amount of water to excrete? Show Answer

Q381) I. Excess loss of water from body
II. Hypothalamus
III. Osmoreceptors
V. Neurohypophysis
VI. Water reabsorption DCT and CT
VII. Prevention of diuresis
Arrange the given processes in correct sequence for regulation in kidney Show Answer

Q382) Angiotensin-II being a powerful …A… increase the glomerular blood pressure and there by …B… .
Angiotensin-II also activates the adrenal cortex to release …C… .
Find the correct for A, B and C Show Answer

Q383) Urine is concentrated in Show Answer

Q384) Primary function of sweat in humans is Show Answer

Q385) Which of the following are secreted by liver?
I. Bilirubin
II. Biliverdin
III. Cholesterol
IV. Degraded steroid hormone
V. Vitamin
VI. Drug
Choose the correct option Show Answer

Q386) Functions of ADH
I. reabsorption of water from distal tubules
II. secretion of water from distal tubules
III. construction of blood vessels
IV. dilatation of blood vessels
V. increase the blood flow
VI. decrease the blood flow
Choose the correct combination of given functions from given option Show Answer

Q387) Which of the following is responsible for excretion of dilute urine? Show Answer

Q388) The size of filtration slits of glomerulus is Show Answer

Q389) Indication of diabetes mellitus is/are Show Answer

Q390) The vital morphological and physiological units of mammalian kidney are Show Answer

Q391) If you take large amount of protein then you will likely to excrete large amount of the Show Answer

Q392) Choose the correct option from given options in referenced to haemodialysis
I. Blood pumped back to suitable artery
II. Heparin is used after haemodialysis
III. Nitrogenous waste are removed by active transport
IV. The dialysis unit has coiled cello phone tube
V. Blood is pumped into dialysing unit from the artery
The correct option is Show Answer

Q393) Major nitrogenous waste product in ureotelic animals like rabbit and other mammals is Show Answer

Q394) Urea cycle was discovered in Show Answer

Q395) Glomerular area of adrenal cortex is responsible for Show Answer

Q396) Filtration in Malpighian body of the nephrons involves Show Answer

Q397) Podocytes are the cells present in Show Answer

Q398) The characteristic that is shared by urea, uric acid and ammonia is/are
I. They are nitrogenous wastes.
II.They all need very large amount of water for excretion.
III.They are all equally toxic.
IV. They are equally in the kidneys. Show Answer

Q399) Uricotelic mode of passing out nitrogenous wastes is found in Show Answer

Q400) Main function of glomerulus is Show Answer

Q401) The expulsion of urine from the urinary bladder is called Show Answer

Q402) Which one is not correct? Show Answer

Q403) ADH is secreted by Show Answer

Q404) The function of Henle’s loop is Show Answer

Q405) Select the right option Show Answer

Q406) Glomerulus is formed by Show Answer

Q407) In uremia condition the urea can be removed by a process called Show Answer

Q408) Which is not correct with respect to human kidney? Show Answer

Q409) Composition of urine
I. Water …A%
II. Urea …B%
III. Uric acid …C%
IV. Salt …D%
Choose the right options for A, B, C and D from given options Show Answer

Q410) What happens in micturition? Show Answer

Q411) GFR is a healthy individual is Show Answer

Q412) Longest loop of Henle is found in Show Answer

Q413) Most of the secretory product of liver ultimately pass out along with Show Answer

Q414) Guano is Show Answer

Q415) An increase in blood flow to atria of heart can cause release of …A… causes …B… and there by decrease the
blood pressure. ANF mechanism therefore acts as checks on …C…
Here, A – C refers to Show Answer

Q416) Which of the following statements is/are true?
I. Urine is hypertonic in distal convoluted tubule.
II. When the urine passes into the collecting tubule, it becomes hypotonic.
III. Urine is isotonic in proximal convoluted tubule.
IV. Urine becomes more and more hypotonic as it passes through the Henle’s loop. Show Answer

Q417) The human kidney has about Show Answer

Q418) In ornithine cycle, which of the following wastes are removed from the blood? Show Answer

Q419) Which one of the following groups of structures/organs have similar function? Show Answer

Q420) Reabsorption of glucose occurs in ….. of the nephron Show Answer

Q421) Read the statements given below
I. Reabsorption in this region in minimum
II. This region plays a significant role in the maintenance of high osmolarity of intestinal fluid
III. Its descending limb is permeable to water but almost impermeable to electrolytes
IV. Its ascending limb is impermeable to water but allows transport of electrolyte actively or passively
V. In descending limb filtrate is hypertonic, while in ascending limb filtrate is hypotonic
The above characteristics are associated with Show Answer

Q422) In 24 hours, total glomerular filtrate formed in the human kidney is Show Answer

Q423) Bowman’s capsule is found in Show Answer

Q424) Glucose is mainly absorbed in Show Answer

Q425) PCT helps in the maintenance of pH in the body fluid by Show Answer

Q426) Blackening of urine, when exposed to air is a metabolic disorder in human beings. This is due to Show Answer

Q427) Many freshwater animals cannot live for long in sea water and vice versa mainly because of the Show Answer

Q428) The medullary gradient tis mainly caused by Show Answer

Q429) The process of release of urine is called Show Answer

Q430) The ascending and descending limb of Henle’s loop is a respectively lined by Show Answer

Q431) Malpighian tubules are Show Answer

Q432) In juxta-medullary nephrons, Show Answer

Q433) Choose the correct option from given statement
I. Glomerular filtrationrate is 125 mL/min
II. Ultrafiltration is opposed by colloidal osmotic pressure of plasma
III. Tubular secretion takes place in loop in Henle
IV. Tubular secretion takes place in glomerulus
V. Aldosterone induces greater sodium reabsorption
The correct option is Show Answer

Q434) Almost all the aquatic animals excrete ammonia as the nitrogenous waste product. Which of the following
statements is not in agreement with this situation? Show Answer

Q435) Which one is the excretory organ in the following? Show Answer

Q436) In cortical nephrons, Show Answer

Q437) Other than kidney which of the following organs help in elimination of excretory wastes?
I. Lungs
II. Liver
III. Skin
IV. Spleen
Choose the correct option containing all correct organs Show Answer

Q438) The stage of ornithine cycle at which arginase enzyme is used? Show Answer

Q439) The structural unit of human kidney is Show Answer

Q440) Chick excrete their secretion in the form of Show Answer

Q441) Which of the following organs synthesises urea? Show Answer

Q442) Primary or main excretory organ in humans is Show Answer

Q443) Glomerular filtrate rate per day is Show Answer

Q444) The rupture of urinary bladder is prevented by Show Answer

Q445) Glomerulonephritis is Show Answer

Q446) Glomerular filtration occurs in Bowman’s capsule when
Hydrostatic pressure of Net filtrate pressure blood in glomerulus is Show Answer

Q447) Choose the correct option containing compounds of ornithine cycle from the options given below Show Answer

Q448) Sodium reabsorption from the distal tubule will be increased if there is an increase in Show Answer

Q449) The principle nitrogenous excretory compound in humans is synthesized Show Answer

Q450) Largest gland of our body is Show Answer

Q451) A person who is on a long hunger strike and is surviving only on water, will have? Show Answer

Q452) A terrestrial animal must be able to Show Answer

Q453) Human urine as compared to human blood is Show Answer

Q454) Wolffian body is also known as Show Answer

Q455) Which one of the following body functions is not performed by kidneys? Show Answer

Q456) Ultrafiltrate generated by the glomerulus is having all the constituent of the blood plasma except Show Answer

Q457) Which of the following is not an excretory organ? Show Answer

Q458) Podocytes are present on the Show Answer

Q459) The functioning of the kidneys is efficiently monitored and regulated by the hormonal feedback
mechanism involving Show Answer

Q460) In which part of nephron, reabsorption is minimum from filtrate? Show Answer

Q461) Which of the following structures are situated in the cortical region of the kidney?
I. Malpighian corpuscle
II. PCT (Proximal Convoluted Tubules)
III. DCT (Distal Convoluted Tubules)
IV. Loop of Henle
V. Collecting duct Show Answer

Q462) Normal level of urea in blood plasma is Show Answer

Q463) Statement 1: Nitrogenous waste from arterial blood is removed, when blood passes through dialyzer
Statement 2: Arterial blood of patient and dialyzing liquid are made to flow on two sides of permeable
membrane. Show Answer