Practice Test

Q1) The impurities associated with minerals are called Show Answer

Q2) Most of the metals which occur in native state Show Answer

Q3) The metallic core of lithosphere is called Show Answer

Q4) The process of extracting the metal from its ore is called Show Answer

Q5) During smelting, an additional substance is added which combines with impurities to form a fusible product which is known as Show Answer

Q6) Roasting results in the production of metal in the case of Show Answer

Q7) The method for the purification of impure metals which is based upon the phenomenon of electrolysis is called Show Answer

Q8) An example of halide ore is Show Answer

Q9) Carbon is used as a reducing agent in the extraction of Show Answer

Q10) Coke is used in metallurgical process chiefly as Show Answer

Q11) Zone refining has been employed for preparing ultra pure samples of Show Answer

Q12) Titanium can be obtained in a state of high purity by Show Answer

Q13) Which of the following is not found in Bihar in rich amounts? Show Answer

Q14) The sulphide ores are generally concentrated by Show Answer

Q15) The role of calcination in metallurgical operations is Show Answer

Q16) Cyanide process is used for obtaining Show Answer

Q17) Van Arkel method is used for refining Show Answer

Q18) The metal always found in free state is Show Answer

Q19) Of the following, the metal that cannot be obtained by electrolysis of the aqueous solution of their salts is Show Answer

Q20) Cupellation process is used in the metallurgy of Show Answer

Q21) A common metal which can be used for the extraction of metals from their oxides by reduction is Show Answer

Q22) The process in which lighter earthy particles are freed from the heavier particle by washing with water is called Show Answer

Q23) Which of the following metals cannot be extracted by carbon reduction process? Show Answer

Q24) In blast furnace, iron oxide is reduced by Show Answer

Q25) In metallurgical processes, the flux used for removing acidic impurities is Show Answer

Q26) Parkes process is used in the extraction of Show Answer

Q27) In electrorefining, the impure metal is made Show Answer

Q28) Van Arkel mathod of purification of metals involves converting the metal to a Show Answer

Q29) Ilmenite is a mineral of Show Answer

Q30) The most common contituent of steel is Show Answer

Q31) Purest form of iron is Show Answer

Q32) The oil used in the froth floatation method for the purification of ores is Show Answer

Q33) Slag is Show Answer

Q34) Roasting is generally done in case of Show Answer

Q35) Complex salt formation takes place in the extraction of Show Answer

Q36) Sapphire is a mineral of Show Answer

Q37) Rutile is an important ore of Show Answer

Q38) Which of the following does not form amalgam? Show Answer

Q39) An important ore of tin is Show Answer

Q40) The smelting of iron in a blast furnace involves all the steps except Show Answer

Q41) Heating iron pyrites in air to remove sulphur is called Show Answer

Q42) Which of the following is purified by zone refinig? Show Answer

Q43) In metallurgy, flux is a substance used to convert Show Answer

Q44) Which of the following metals is obtained by self reduction process? Show Answer

Q45) Spelter is Show Answer

Q46) Thomas slag is Show Answer

Q47) Which of the following is generally found in free state? Show Answer

Q48) In aluminothermic process aluinium acts as Show Answer

Q49) Smelting is the process of reduction of metal oxide by Show Answer

Q50) Which of the following ores cannot be cocentrated by froth floatation process? Show Answer

Q51) Specific gravity of slag is Show Answer

Q52) The most abundant metal in earth crust is Show Answer

Q53) Gold is usually found near the mineral Show Answer

Q54) Electrolytic reduction method is used for Show Answer

Q55) Liquation can be used for refining of Show Answer

Q56) Hoops process is used for the purification of Show Answer

Q57) Which of the following is not an ore of iron? Show Answer

Q58) Cassiterite is an ore of Show Answer

Q59) Which of the following is an ore of gold? Show Answer

Q60) Which of the following is not an ore of aluminium? Show Answer

Q61) Which of the following is an ore of two metals? Show Answer

Q62) Which of the following is not present in type metal? Show Answer

Q63) Rolled gold contains Show Answer

Q64) Which of the following alloys is used for making clock pendulums? Show Answer

Q65) Which of the following alloys contains one metal same as brass? Show Answer

Q66) Which of the following alloys does not contain copper? Show Answer

Q67) Which of the following metals is not present in rose metal? Show Answer

Q68) Which of the following contains both Ca and Mg? Show Answer

Q69) During cupellation process for purification of silver, the most common impurity removed is Show Answer

Q70) In German silver, the percentage of silver is approximately Show Answer

Q71) The metal essential for plant life is Show Answer

Q72) In electrorefining of copper, pure copper is obtained Show Answer

Q73) Blister copper is Show Answer

Q74) Pentalanbite is an ore of Show Answer

Q75) The approximate percentage of gold in rolled gold is Show Answer

Q76) Glauber's salt contains Show Answer

Q77) The ore of copper is Show Answer

Q78) Which of the following metals does not occur as oxide? Show Answer

Q79) Calcination is carried out in a Show Answer

Q80) Steel differs from pig iron and wrought iron because it contains Show Answer

Q81) A metal obtained by hydrometallurgy is Show Answer

Q82) The most abundant metal present in the human body is Show Answer

Q83) Magnesium is not present in Show Answer

Q84) Serpecks process is used for the extraction of Show Answer

Q85) Zinc is involved in the functioning of Show Answer

Q86) The mineral of magnesium is Show Answer

Q87) Which of the following relations is correct? Show Answer

Q88) Chlorophyll contains the metal Show Answer

Q89) Which of the following is not found in native state? Show Answer

Q90) In the metallurgy of iron, when limestone is added to blast furnace, the calcium ion ends up in Show Answer

Q91) German silver is an alloy of copper and Show Answer

Q92) Iron obtained from blast furnace is known as Show Answer

Q93) Mac Arthur Forrest process is used for the extraction of ______ ores. Show Answer

Q94) Which of the following metal is extracted by cyanide process? Show Answer

Q95) Invar is an alloy of Show Answer

Q96) Parkes process is used in the extraction of Show Answer

Q97) Cinnabar is an ore of Show Answer

Q98) The main ore of iron is its Show Answer

Q99) Copper is refined by Show Answer

Q100) Which of the following is an ore of iron? Show Answer

Q101) Galena is an ore of Show Answer

Q102) Malachite is an ore of Show Answer

Q103) The cyanide process is used for the extraction of Show Answer

Q104) Azurite is an ore of Show Answer

Q105) Kainit is an ore of Show Answer

Q106) Anglesite is an ore of Show Answer

Q107) An example of halide ores is Show Answer

Q108) Cupellation process is used in the metallurgy of Show Answer

Q109) Sulphide ore of zinc is concentrated by Show Answer

Q110) Which of the following is not an ore? Show Answer

Q111) Carbon reduction method is used in the extraction of Show Answer

Q112) The process of removal of impurities from a crude metal is called Show Answer

Q113) Which of the following metals is purified by poling? Show Answer

Q114) The oil commonly used in froth floatation process for purification of ores is Show Answer

Q115) Heating of pyrite in air to remove sulphur is known as Show Answer

Q116) Which of the following methods is based on distribution principle? Show Answer

Q117) Steel contains Show Answer

Q118) In the metallurgy of iron, limestone is added to blast furnace, the calcium ion ends up in Show Answer

Q119) Cassiterite is an ore of Show Answer

Q120) L.D. process is used for the manufacture of Show Answer

Q121) While extracting an element from its ore, the ore is ground and leached with dil. KCN solution to form the soluble product potassium argento cyanide. The element is Show Answer

Q122) High purity copper metal is obtained by Show Answer

Q123) In blast furnace, the highest temperature is in Show Answer

Q124) Silica is added to roasted copper ore during smelting in order to remove Show Answer

Q125) The method of zone refining of metals is based on the principle of Show Answer

Q126) Which of the following is not a basic flux? Show Answer

Q127) During roasting of zinc blende, it converts to Show Answer

Q128) An ore after levigation is found to contain basic impurities. The flux which can be used during smelting is Show Answer

Q129) Which of the following processes involves smelting process? Show Answer

Q130) The flux used in the extraction of iron from haematite in the blast furnace is Show Answer

Q131) The only vitamin with a metal atom in it is Show Answer

Q132) Horn silver is Show Answer

Q133) The main reducing agent in the extraction of iron by blast furnace is Show Answer

Q134) The metal ion present in haemoglobin and responsible for oxygen uptake is Show Answer

Q135) Aluminium is obtained by Show Answer

Q136) Copper pyrite, the chief ore of copper, is chemically Show Answer

Q137) Iron is extracted from magnetite by reduction with Show Answer

Q138) Which of the following is malachite ore? Show Answer

Q139) Rinman's green is a green pigment. Its formula is Show Answer

Q140) The roasting of HgS in air produces Show Answer

Q141) Which of the following metals will precipitate when a zinc rod is dipped in the solution of? Show Answer

Q142) Pyrargyrite is Show Answer

Q143) The most electropositive metals are isolated from their ores by Show Answer

Q144) The most abundant element in the earths crust (by weight) is Show Answer

Q145) Nickel is purified by thermal decomposition of its Show Answer

Q146) The metal always found in free state is Show Answer

Q147) Electromagnetic separation is used in the concentration of Show Answer

Q148) An ore of potassium is Show Answer

Q149) The substance which is added to ore in order to remove impurities during smelting is known as Show Answer

Q150) Corundum is an ore of Show Answer

Q151) High purity copper is obtained by Show Answer

Q152) Process of heating an ore in air to remove sulphur is Show Answer

Q153) The correct statement is Show Answer

Q154) Which of the following is not a mineral iron? Show Answer

Q155) Mond's process is used for Show Answer

Q156) Which of the following is a carbonate are? Show Answer

Q157) Which is not an ore of lead? Show Answer

Q158) Sulphide ores of metals are usually concentrated by froth flotation process. Which one of the following sulphide ores offers an exception and is concentrated by chemical leaching? Show Answer

Q159) Which of the following elements is present as the impurity to the maximum extent in the pig iron? Show Answer

Q160) Which of the following pairs of metals is purified by van Arkel method? Show Answer

Q161) In Hall's process, the main reagent is mixed with Show Answer

Q162) Which of the following statements, about the advantage of roasting of sulphide ore before reduction is not true? Show Answer

Q163) Which of the following methods is used for obtaining aluminium metal? Show Answer

Q164) Which of the following pairs of elements forms about 75% of the total constituents of the earth? Show Answer

Q165) Which of the following is the sulphide ore of copper? Show Answer

Q166) Which of the following is not a basic flux? Show Answer

Q167) In alumino thermic process, Al acts as Show Answer

Q168) Froth floatation process is based on Show Answer

Q169) Autoreduction process is used for the extraction of Show Answer

Q170) The process used to concentrate an ore is called : Show Answer

Q171) Silicate crust of the earth is Show Answer

Q172) Thomas slag is Show Answer

Q173) The elements present in haemoglobin, sea weeds and chlorophyll are respectively Show Answer

Q174) The third most abundant element in the earth's crust is Show Answer

Q175) Which of the following represents a silicate ore? Show Answer

Q176) Which of the following is not a sulphide ore? Show Answer

Q177) In electro - refining the impure metal is made Show Answer

Q178) In which of the following pair, both the ores are not of same type? Show Answer

Q179) Cassiterite and Cerrusite are respectively: Show Answer

Q180) Which of the following is not an ore of magnesium? Show Answer

Q181) The ores that are concentrated by floatation method are Show Answer

Q182) Electrolytic reduction method is used in extraction of Show Answer

Q183) The purpose of smelting an ore is to Show Answer

Q184) Which of the following metal is obtained by leaching its ore with dilute cyanide solution? Show Answer

Q185) A common metal used for the extraction of metals from their oxides by reduction is Show Answer

Q186) A substance which reacts with gangue to form fusible material is called Show Answer

Q187) Which of the following metals cannot be extracted by carbon reduction process? Show Answer

Q188) Van Arkel method of purification of metals involves converting the metal to a Show Answer

Q189) The reason for floating of ore particles in concentration by froth floatation process is that Show Answer

Q190) Which of the following metal is obtained by leaching its ore with dilute cyanide solution? Show Answer

Q191) The process of converting hydrated alumina into anhydrous alumina is called Show Answer