Practice Test

Q1) The phenomenon of X - rays was studied by Show Answer

Q2) The number of basic types of unit cells among the crystals is Show Answer

Q3) The number of atoms per unit cell in a body centred cubic arrangement is Show Answer

Q4) ABABABA...type of arrangement of different layers in close packed structure is called Show Answer

Q5) The number of atoms per unit cell in a simple cubic arrangement is Show Answer

Q6) Which of the following is not a crystal system? Show Answer

Q7) The smallest repeating pattern which when repeated again and again results in the crystal of substance is called Show Answer

Q8) The most unsymmetrical crystal system is : Show Answer

Q9) Which of the following type of cubic lattice has maximum number of atoms per unit cell? Show Answer

Q10) The coordination number in a ccp arrangement of atoms is Show Answer

Q11) The interparticle forces in solid hydrogen are : Show Answer

Q12) An example of an ionic crystalline solid is Show Answer

Q13) A pure crystalline substance on heating forms a turbid looking liquid at a constant temperature and then at a still higher constant temperature the turbidity completely disappears. This behaviour is characteristic of Show Answer

Q14) Which one has highest melting point? Show Answer

Q15) The number of octahedral sites for a lattice consisting of N - atoms is Show Answer

Q16) In rock salt structure, what percentage of the octahedral sites are occupied by cations? Show Answer

Q17) Which of the following is not the property of crystalline solids? Show Answer

Q18) Some polar crystals produce small electric current on heating. This phenomenon is called Show Answer

Q19) An example of ferroelctric is Show Answer

Q20) If the radius of an octahedral void is r and the radius of atom in close packing is R, then the relation between r and R is Show Answer

Q21) If the alignment of magnetic moments in a substance is in a compensatory way so as to give zero net magnetic moment, then the substance is said to be Show Answer

Q22) When atoms are placed at the corners of all 12 edges of a cube, the number of atoms present per unit cell is : Show Answer

Q23) Pyroxenes belong to Show Answer

Q24) Which of the following is an example of three dimensional silicates? Show Answer

Q25) Which of the following is not correct consequences of Schottky defects? Show Answer

Q26) Rock salt type structure is not adopted by Show Answer

Q27) The number of NaCl formula units in a unit cell of sodium chloride is Show Answer

Q28) The most unsymmetrical unit cell is Show Answer

Q29) Madelungs constant depends upon Show Answer

Q30) Asbestos is an example of Show Answer

Q31) Body centred cubic lattice has coordination number Show Answer

Q32) Metallic gold crystallizes in body centred cubic lattice. The coordination number of gold is Show Answer

Q33) Crystals can be described into ______ basic crystal habits Show Answer

Q34) Which of the following is having hexagonal close packed crystal structure? Show Answer

Q35) An example of a body centred cube is Show Answer

Q36) The inter-matallic compound LiAg crystallizes in cubic lattice in which both lithium and silver have coordination number - eight. The class lattice is Show Answer

Q37) A metallic element crystallizes into a lattice containing a sequence of layers of ABABAB ............ Any packing of spheres leaves out voids in the lattice. What percentage by volume of this lattice is empty space? Show Answer

Q38) The edge length of a cube is 520 pm. Its body diagonal would be Show Answer

Q39) Close packing is maximum in the crystal which is Show Answer

Q40) In the normal spinel structure, some of the tetrahedral holes in the close-packed structure are occupied by Show Answer

Q41) In a primitive cubic lattice, the percentage of void volume is Show Answer

Q42) CsCl has bcc arrangement and its unit cell length is 400 pm. The interionic distance in CsCl is Show Answer

Q43) Body diagonal of a cube is 866 pm. Its edge length would be Show Answer

Q44) In a cubic crystal anions are arranged in fcc arrangement and the cations occupy all the octahedral voids and half the tetrahederal voids. The ratio of the cations and anions in the crystal is Show Answer

Q45) In a CsCl structure, the ratio of cations and anions is Show Answer

Q46) Which of the following does not belong to same type of crystal? Show Answer

Q47) Schottky defect in crystals is observed when Show Answer

Q48) When molten zinc is cooled to solid state, it assumes hcp structure. Then the number of nearest neighbours of zinc atoms will be Show Answer

Q49) In a hexagonal close packed (HCP) structure of spheres, the fraction of the volume occupied by the spheres is A. In a cubic close packed structure, the fraction is B. The relation for A and B is Show Answer

Q50) Which of the following is an example of covalent solid? Show Answer

Q51) Which of the is a molecular solid? Show Answer

Q52) In which of the following pairs, the cations occupy, same type of site Show Answer

Q53) In which of the following structures, the cation has maximum coordination number? Show Answer

Q54) The normal spinel structure is adopted by Show Answer

Q55) The example of ortho silicates is Show Answer

Q56) The arrangement of NaCl crystal may be described as Show Answer

Q57) Which of the following transition metal oxides is diamagnetic? Show Answer

Q58) In which of the following structures, there is maximum coordination number for the cation? Show Answer

Q59) An example of a ferromagnetic oxide is Show Answer

Q60) The basic unit in pyrosilicates is Show Answer

Q61) A solid is made up of two elements A and B. Atoms of B are in ccp arrangement, while atoms A occupy all the tetrahedral sites. The formula of the compound is Show Answer

Q62) Which of the following transition metal oxides is not an insulator? Show Answer

Q63) A compound formed by two elements X and Y crystallizes in the cubic structure where Y atoms are at the corners of a cube and X atoms are at alternate faces. The formula of the compound is Show Answer

Q64) In corundum, oxide ions are arranged in hcp arrangement and the aluminium ions occupy two-third of the octahedral holes. Its formula is: Show Answer

Q65) A compound formed by elements A and B has a cubic structure in which A atoms are at the corners of the cube and B atoms are at the face centers. The formula of the compound is Show Answer

Q66) One unit cell of NaCl contains Show Answer

Q67) Which of the following is ferrite? Show Answer

Q68) An example of antiferroelectric substance is Show Answer

Q69) A compound is formed by elements A and B. This crystallizes in the cubic structure where the A atoms are at the corners of the cube and B atoms are at the body centers. The simplest formula of the compound is Show Answer

Q70) An element (atomic mass = 100 g /mol) having bcc structure has unit cell edge 400 pm. The density of the element is: Show Answer

Q71) The anions (Y) form hexagonal close packing and atoms (X) occupy only 2/3 of the octahedral voids in it, then the general formula of the compound is Show Answer

Q72) Which of the following dimensions represent triclinic unit cell? Show Answer

Q73) An alloy of CU, Au and Ag is found to have Cu constituting the CCP lattice. If Ag atoms occupy edge centers and Au is present at body centers, the alloy has formula: Show Answer

Q74) Fraction of total volume occupied by atoms in a simple cubic cell is Show Answer

Q75) In a face centred arrangement of X and Y atoms, X atoms are at the corners of the unit cell, Y atoms are at the face centres, two atoms are missing from two corners of each unit cell, then the simplest formula of the compound is Show Answer

Q76) In a structure, A atoms have fcc arrangement, B atoms occupy all the tetrahedral sites and C atoms occupy half the octahedral sites. The formula of the compound is Show Answer

Q77) A compound formed by elements A and B crystallises in the cubic structure where A atoms are at the corners of the cube and B atoms are at the face centres. The formula of the compound is Show Answer

Q78) A compound formed by elements X and Y crystallises in a cubic structure in which atoms X are at the corners of the cube and atoms Y are at the face centres. The formula of the compound is Show Answer

Q79) In which of the following crystals alternate tetrahedral voids are occupied? Show Answer

Q80) Total volume of atoms present in face centred cubic unit cell of metal is (r is atomic radius) Show Answer

Q81) A compound formed by elements A and B crystallises in the cubic structure where A atoms are at the corners of the cube and B atoms are at the face centres. The formula of the compound is Show Answer

Q82) Metallic gold crystallises in the f.c.c. cubic lattice The length of the cubic unit cell is a = 4.070 A, what is the closed distance between gold atoms? Show Answer

Q83) Schottky defect defines imperfections in the lattice structure of a Show Answer

Q84) An element (atomic mass = 100 g/mol) having BCC structure has unit cell edge 400pm. The density of element is (No. of atoms in BCC, Z = 2) Show Answer

Q85) The major binding force of diamond, silicon and quartz is Show Answer

Q86) The number of tetrahedral voids in the unit cell of a face centred cubic lattice of similar atoms is Show Answer

Q87) In a face centred cubic lattice, a unit cell is shared equally by how many unit cells? Show Answer

Q88) A crystalline solid has a cubic structure in which tungsten (W) atoms are located at the cubic corners of the unit cell, oxygen atoms at the cube dges and sodium atom at the cube centre. The molecular formula of the compound is Show Answer

Q89) If Z is the number of atoms in the unit cell that represents the closest packing sequence........ ABC ABC ......The number of tetrahedral voids in th unit cell is equal to: Show Answer

Q90) The appearance of colour in solid alkali halides is generally due to Show Answer

Q91) Percentage of free space in a body centred cubic unit cell is Show Answer

Q92) If 'a' stands for the edge length of the cubic systems: simple cubic, body centred cubic and face centred cubic, then the ratio of radii of the spheres in these systems will be respectively. Show Answer

Q93) Which of the following statements is not correct? Show Answer

Q94) Copper crystallises in a face- centred cubic lattice with a unit cell length of 361 pm. What is the radius of copper atoms in pm? Show Answer

Q95) Lithium metal crystallises in a body centred cubic crystal. If the length of the side of the unit cell of lithium is 351 pm, the atomic radius of the lithium will be. Show Answer

Q96) Total number of voids in 0.5 mole of a compound forming hexagonal closed packed structure are Show Answer

Q97) Which of the following compounds shows both Frenkel and Schottky defects? Show Answer

Q98) the crystal with metal deficiency defect is Show Answer

Q99) AB crystallizes in a body centred cubic lattice with edge length 'a' equal to 387 pm. The distance between two oppositely charged ions in the lattice is Show Answer

Q100) In a molecular crystal, the forces holding together the atoms within a given molecule are Show Answer

Q101) The fraction of the volume occupied in primitive cubic unit cell is Show Answer

Q102) In the body centred cubic unit cell cubic of closest packed atoms the radius of atom (r) is related to the edge length (a) of unit cell as Show Answer

Q103) The number of atoms associated with face centred cubic, body centred cubic and simple cubic are respectively Show Answer

Q104) The anions (B) from hcp structure and cations (A) occupy only 2/3 octahedral holes in it, then the general formula of the compound is Show Answer

Q105) In which of the following the cation has higher coordination number than anion? Show Answer

Q106) The coordination number in ccp and hcp arrangement of metal atoms are respectively. Show Answer

Q107) A metal crystallizes in two cubic phases, fcc and bcc hose unit cell lengths are 3.5A and 3.0 A respectively. The ratio of density of fcc and bcc is Show Answer

Q108) If the ratio of coordination number P to that of Q be Y : Z, then the formula of the solid is Show Answer

Q109) The edge length of face centred cubic unit cell is 508 pm. If the radius of the cation is 110 pm, the radius of the anion is Show Answer

Q110) The coordination number of a metal crystallising in a hexagonal close packing structure is Show Answer

Q111) A metallic crystal crystallizes into a lattice containing a sequence of layers ABABAB .......Any packing of spheres leaves out voids in the lattice. What percentage by volume of this lattice is empty space? Show Answer

Q112) Xenon crystallizes in a face centred cubic lattice and the edge of the unit cell is 600pm, then the radius of xenon atom is Show Answer

Q113) The 8 : 8 type of packing is present in Show Answer

Q114) In a hexagonal primitive unit cell, the corner is shared by Show Answer

Q115) In a solid lattice, the cation and the anion have left a lattice site. The lattice defect is known as Show Answer

Q116) If three elements A, B and C crystallized in cubic solid lattice with A atoms at corners, B atoms at cube centres and C atoms at the edges, then the formula of the compound is Show Answer

Q117) The edge length of fcc unit cell is 512 pm. If the radius of the cation is 121 pm, the radius of anion is Show Answer

Q118) In a solid AB having NaCl structure, A atoms occupy the corners of th cubic unit cell. If all the face centred, then the resultant stoichiometry of the solid is Show Answer

Q119) A solid is made up of two elements P and Q. Q atom are in ccp arrangement while atoms P occupy half the tetrahedral sites. The formula of the compound. Show Answer