IAS Prelims > General Studies > Universe and our Planet Earth



The helium starts converting into carbon and carbon into heavy metal like iron in the core. This results in a massive explosion in the which is known  as supernova. Chandrasekhar Limit : If the initial mass of the star is less than 1.4 times the mass of the sun, then it ends its life as a white dwarf star, which is also known as a Fossil star. White dwarf ultimately turns into a Black dwarf. The limit 1.4 of solar mass has come to be known a Chandrasekhar Limit.


Notes of Universe and our Planet Earth

  1. The Universe Big-Bang Theory:
    see in detail

  2. Galaxy
    see in detail

  3. Life Cycle of a Star
    see in detail

  4. Supernova
    see in detail

  5. Neutron Star
    see in detail