IAS Prelims > General Studies > Universe and our Planet Earth

The Universe Big-Bang Theory:

           15 billion years ago there was a big heavenly body, made up of heavy matters. Due to sudden explosion (Big Bang) of this heavenly body, normal matters came out of it. And many celestial bodies were created as a result of aggregation of these normal matters. Gradually their size increased due to continuous accumulation of normal matter around them. In this way, galaxies were created. Stars were formed due to re-explosion

of these galaxies. In course of time, the planets were also formed in the same process.


Notes of Universe and our Planet Earth

  1. The Universe Big-Bang Theory:
    see in detail

  2. Galaxy
    see in detail

  3. Life Cycle of a Star
    see in detail

  4. Supernova
    see in detail

  5. Neutron Star
    see in detail