IAS Prelims > General Studies > Physiograhpy and Drainage Pattern of India

Difference Between Himalayan And Peninsular Rivers- Himalayan Drainage


Antecedent drainage i.e. Himalayan rivers are older than lesser Himalayas and shiwaliks (older than the structures they cut across). - Nature of flow is perennial- fed by rain and melting glaciers. - Geologically young - Long courses - Flow through lose alluvial soils of northern plains - Form deep valley and gorges due to intensive erosion. - Generate large quantities of sediment. - Cause annual flooding. - Nature of river course is quiet changing, meandering , forming ox-bow lakes, high waterfalls, deeper basins and large catchment areas and form deltas. 


Notes of Physiograhpy and Drainage Pattern of India

  1. Drainage system of India
    see in detail

  2. Western Ghats
    see in detail

  3. Difference Between Himalayan And Peninsular Rivers- Himalayan Drainage
    see in detail

  4. Peninsular Drainage
    see in detail

  5. West Flowing
    see in detail