IAS Prelims > General Studies > Physiograhpy and Drainage Pattern of India

Peninsular Drainage


Super-imposed drainage i.e. regional structures are older than the river valleys that cut through them. - Nature of flow is seasonal- during sw monsoons. - Geologically older. - Shorter courses. - Flow through hard granitic soils of peninsular India. - Shallow graded valleys with little erosion. - Shallow valleys, small waterfalls, deltas and estuaries. 

Difference Between West Flowing Rivers And East Flowing Rivers Of Peninsular India


Notes of Physiograhpy and Drainage Pattern of India

  1. Drainage system of India
    see in detail

  2. Western Ghats
    see in detail

  3. Difference Between Himalayan And Peninsular Rivers- Himalayan Drainage
    see in detail

  4. Peninsular Drainage
    see in detail

  5. West Flowing
    see in detail