IAS Prelims > General Studies > Soil,Natural Vegetation, Wildlife and Agriculture of India

Summer Monsoon Of India(Sw Monsoon)-


Monsoon is seasonal changes in atmospheric circulation and precipitation associated with the asymmetric heating of land and sea. The southwest monsoon brings rains towards the end of summer as the high pressure built in the Indian Ocean pushes the wind masses towards the low pressure formed on land. It’s the temperature variation between the sea and the landmass – Temperature Gradient.


Notes of Soil,Natural Vegetation, Wildlife and Agriculture of India

  1. Climate of India Tropical Monsoon Climate
    see in detail

  2. Summer Monsoon Of India(Sw Monsoon)-
    see in detail

  3. Action Of South West Monsoon In India
    see in detail

  4. Northeast Monsoon-
    see in detail

  5. Western Disturbances-
    see in detail