IAS Prelims > General Studies > Planning, Unemployment and Poverty in India

First Plan (1951 − 56)

It was based on Harrod-Domar Model. Community Development Program was launched in 1952. Emphasized on agriculture, price stability, power & transport.
It was more than a success, because of good harvests in the last two years.


Notes of Planning, Unemployment and Poverty in India

  1. Economic Planning in IndiaFive Year Plans in India and Planning Commission(1950)
    see in detail

  2. First Plan (1951 − 56)
    see in detail

  3. Second Plan (1956 − 61)
    see in detail

  4. Third Plan (1961 − 66)
    see in detail

  5. Three Annual Plans (1966 − 69)
    see in detail