IAS Prelims > General Studies > Foreign Trade and External Assistance



The broad aim of audit is to safeguard the financial interests of the tax payer and to assist the Parliament and the Legislatures of States and Union Territories.It is the function of the Comptroller and Auditor General to ensure that the various authorities set up by or under the Constitution, act in regard to all financial matters, in accordance with the Constitution and the laws of Parliament and appropriate legislatures and rules and orders issued thereunder.

In order to discharge the auditorial duties entrusted by the Constitution to him/ her, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) conducts various types of audit viz., Financial Audit, Regularity Audit, Receipts Audit, Commercial Audit, Audit of stores and stock, Performance Audit etc.In the performance of this task, the CAG is assisted by the accounting authorities in various ministries and by the Principal Accounts Officers functioning in various states.


Notes of Foreign Trade and External Assistance

  1. Objective
    see in detail

  2. Independence of Audit in India and Role of CAG
    see in detail

  3. Follow-up of Audit Reports
    see in detail

  4. Foreign Trade and Balance of Payments
    see in detail

  5. Current Account
    see in detail