Gone Forever

night ‘Time & Tide waits for none’  Time that is gone can never be brought back or stood.  Our daily activities are mainly of 4 types.  Crises – Important & urgent, Planning – important but not urgent & entertainment – not important & urgent.

Entertainment is important for mental relaxation but the time allotted to it should be limited.  Delegation is work that you can get it done from others.  Planning is needed to conduct things smoothly.  If there is no proper planning, task entrusted to you may not be completed on time & it turns into crises. When time falls short of this stage, the time we allocate to entertainment is utilized here.  If this continues for a longer time it can lead to mental disorder. Value of time cannot be determined.


Once a fisherman went to a river in a forest, for fishing.  After trying for several times he did not get anything.  It was turning dark & he decided to stay back.  After every few minutes he castled his net into the river.  After several try he felt something caught in his net.  It was heavy.  After pulling the net he found a bag full of stones.  He was annoyed.  To pass his time he started throwing the stones into the river one-by-one.  It was dawn. In the mild sunlight he realized that what he thought was mere stones were precious stones. The bag was half empty by now.  He would do nothing but only regret.  He could not get back what was lost.


Time is like these precious stones which we ourselves waste without knowing the value & when we realize its value very little of it is left with us.  We have limited time & much work to do ‘At last its not the years in life but life in years that count.’


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