How to plan your study during Exam..

There is no age limit for studying. A human being is always a student.

Sometime we study for our own experience or some time we gave exam to evaluate our knowledge.

Young or adults, all students give exam and learn step by step. But today students face lot of competition which leads to stress and peer pressure. But sometimes some students find their own way to remove stress and give healthy competition.

I will give you some tips here. For this, I will suggest 3 Ds for you.

  3. DRAFTING (Planning)
  1. First step is to decide your aim. Decide which exam you want to appear and why you want to appear.
  2. Then determine factors related to the exam. Check your syllabus. Check if your exam has questions from reference books or general knowledge.
  3. Find out the approximate month and day your exam will be conducted and how many days are left for your exam. Accordingly you can planning your study time
  4. Decide on what study material has to purchase. Buy the one that will give enough knowledge on exam and help you learn faster. If you ignore a particular topic because you did not understand it you will not understand any other topic dependent on this topic .This will in turn lead to stress and study will consume more time. Hence make sure that you understand all concepts very well .
  5. Pen down your own notes in your own words. Then solve MCQs, objectives, questions (short/long) and estimate your understanding and how much extra work you have to put on this topic. Find out what topic you did not understand or read again the answers to your unsolved questions.
  6. Important part is make a time table to plan your study. Include everything that you have to do in a day(lunch ,dinner,travel and other activities). You must follow the time table 81% don’t postpone your today’s study to tomorrow or day after tomorrow. Soon it will start accumulating and you cause tension during exam time
  7. And most very important is your HEALTH. “Healthy mind dwells in healthy body”. You must take care of your health. When you study and giving exam you must eat healthy food and nutritious food like salad , soup, leafy vegetable etc. Avoid outdoor food and sleep for minimum of 6 hour in day. When you are healthy and fresh at the time of exam you will be able to perform your best.

Today buzz words are 3G and 4G . Technology is improving day by day. Use it when you study. We get lot of knowledge with just one click . The world has become technologically advanced and coming closer. It is no more necessary to go to a coaching center to give practice test. Today you can do it on Internet using apps like PREXAM. You can take tests at your convenient time and when you are prepared.

This is how you should plan your studies and follow it. So you don’t get stressed give exam with a healthy mind and with a smile.

One thought on “How to plan your study during Exam..”

  1. Management of a Time table is a great Idea. I remember during my school time i use a time table which suits for me and help me to get more marks. Subscribed your blog.

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